07215nam0 22011171i 450 UON0000420520231205101903.46320020107d1984 |0itac50 baengIN|||| 1||||Indological and Buddhist StudiesVolume in Honour of Professor J.W. De Jong on his Sixtieth BirthdayL.A. Hercus, F.B.J. Kuiper ... [et al.]2nd editionDehliSri Satguru Publications1984692 p.25 cmpp. 337-352UON00004225pp. 441-456UON00004231pp. 271-286UON00004223pp. 491-498UON00004233pp. 353-376UON00004226pp. 393-414UON00004228pp. 687-692UON00004242pp. 415-426UON00004229pp. 149-160UON00004216pp. 235-242UON00004220pp. 377-392UON00004227pp. 61-68UON00004209pp. 569-594UON00004238pp. 1-10UON00004206PP. 137-148UON00004215pag. 457-490UON00004232pp. 69-94UON00004212pp. 161-186UON00004217pp. 427-440UON00004230pp. 253-270UON00004222pp. 31-60UON00004208pp. 187-210UON00004218pp. 531-544UON00004236pp. 643-686UON00004241pp. 211-234UON00004219pp. 11-30UON00004207pp. 499-504UON00004234pp. 545-568UON00004237pp. 617-642UON00004240pp. 287-336UON00004224pp. 505-530UON00004235pp. 243-252UON00004221pp. 595-616UON00004239pp. 95-120UON00004213pp.121-136UON00004214001UON000042252001 Adhimukti in the SaddharmapundarikasutraYenshu Kurimiyapp. 337-352001UON000042312001 Asoka or Mara? On the interpretation of some Sanci ReliefsDieter Schlingloffpp. 441-456001UON000042232001 Buddhistische Argumentation gegen einen persönlichen Gottesbegriff in tibetisch en Bodhicaryavatara-KommentarenRudolf Kaschewskypp. 271-286001UON000042332001 ˆThe ‰Calcutta-Bairat Edict of AsokaU. Schneiderpp. 491-498001UON000042262001 ˆLe ‰commentaire de Mi pham sur le JnanasarasamuccayaKatsumi Mimakipp. 353-376001UON000042282001 ˆLa ‰daskina dans le Rgveda et le transfert de mérite dans le bouddhismeBoris Oguibeninepp. 393-414001UON000042422001 Dating the Death of NaropaTurrell V. Wyliepp. 687-692001UON000042292001 Des éléments supplémentaires aux Appendices de M.J. de Jong, concernant le text e sanskrite du Dharma-samuccaya (éd. Lin Li-Kouang). Deuxieme Partie, Chapitre V IYutaka Ojiharapp. 415-426001UON000042162001 ˆThe ‰doctrinal characteristics of karman in early BuddhismKotatsu Fujitapp. 149-160001UON000042202001 ˆThe ‰Dream Simile in Vijnanavada treatisesMasaaki Hattoripp. 235-242001UON000042272001 ˆThe ‰Four Nobles Truths: a problem of Pali SyntaxK. R. Normanpp. 377-392001UON000042092001 ˆThe ‰importance of Asoka's so-called Schism EdictHeinz Bechertpp. 61-68001UON000042382001 Index der Personnamen zu Klon-rdol bla-ma's Verzeichnis von Schriften der Gelbm ützensekteManfred Taubepp. 569-594001UON000042062001 Interpreting Vakyapadiya 2.486 historicallyAshok Aklujkarpp. 1-10001UON000042152001 Khotanese NuvataR.E. EmmerickPP. 137-148001UON000042322001 ˆDie ‰letzten Seiten der SravakabhumiLambert Schmithausenpag. 457-490001UON000042122001 Notes sur les variants grammaticales dans la tradition du Dasaveyaliya-suttaColette Caillatpp. 69-94001UON000042172001 On a numerical problem in Nagarjuna's RatnavaliMichael Hahnpp. 161-186001UON000042302001 On a recently discovered MS of Cinggis-qayan's precepts to his younger-brothers and sonsI. Rachewiltzpp. 427-440001UON000042222001 On the meanings of the words Bodhisattva and Mahasattva in Prajnaparamita liter atureYuichi Kajiyamapp. 253-270001UON000042082001 ˆUn ‰personnage bien mysterieux: l'èpouse de BuddhaAndré Bareaupp. 31-60001UON000042182001 Quotations found in the Ratnatika of BhasarvajnaMinoru Harapp. 187-210001UON000042362001 Reflections on the grammatical tradition in TibetNils Simonssonpp. 531-544001UON000042412001 Remarks on the definitions of 'Yoga' in the VaisesikasutraA. Wezlerpp. 643-686001UON000042192001 Sanskrit fragments of a Lokottaravadin TraditionPaul M. Harrisonpp. 211-234001UON000042072001 ˆThe ‰Sogdian and Uighur-Turkish Christian Literature in Central Asia before the real rise of Islama surveyJee P. Asmussenpp. 11-30001UON000042342001 Somadeva on artIgor D. Serebryakovpp. 499-504001UON000042372001 Sources of the Lakhavatara and its position in Mahayana BuddhismJikido Takas akipp. 545-568001UON000042402001 ˆA ‰study of the Vedantic and Buddhist Theory of nama-rupaAlex Waymanpp. 617-642001UON000042242001 Text-critical notes on the GopalakelicandrikaF.B.J. Kuiperpp. 287-336001UON000042352001 Towards a chronology of the Madhyamaka schoolD. Seyfort Rueggpp. 505-530001UON000042212001 Upali's verses in the Majjhimanikaya and the MadhyamagamaOskar V. Hinuberpp. 243-252001UON000042392001 "Vajrayosidbhagesu vijahara". Historical Survey from the Beginnings to the Culm ination of the Tantric BuddhismShinichi Tsudapp. 595-616001UON000042132001 ˆLa ‰"Visite aux laboreurs" et la "Meditation sous l'arbre jambu" dans les biograf ies sanskrities et chinoises du BuddhaH. Durtpp. 95-120001UON000042142001 Zur Beurteilung der Textqualitat der Kanjurhandschrift aus dem Palast in Tog/La dakhHelmut Eimerpp.121-136RELIGIONI INDIANEUONC000645FISI GEN D VIISUBCONT. INDIANO - STUDI IN ONORE - RELIGIONE E FILOSOFIAAHERCUSL.A.UONV003622JONGJ. W. : deUONV003786KUIPERFranciscus Bernardus JacobusUONV003623ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00004205SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI SI GEN D VII 008 SI SA 71590 5 008 Indological and Buddhist Studies1175087UNIOR