27600nas# 22027491i 450 UON0000386720231205101901.6840306-8374print1477-1500e-journalPP0007159520020107a1970 |0itac50 baengGB|||| X 1||||aT|||||||||Asian affairsjournal of the Royal Society for Asian AffairsVol. 57 (1970), n.s. vol. 1- LondonRoyal Society for Asian Affairs1970- v.25 cmQuadrimestrale, dal 2013 trimestrale. - Il compl. del tit. varia. - Da feb. 1970 a ott. 1976: n.s., v. 1-7; 1977-2001: "vecchia serie"( vv. 64-88 e vv. 8-32); dal 2002: v. 33- . - L'editore varia in: Taylor & Francis. - Anche online.pp. 33-45 (2003)UON00247185pp. 271-285 (2003)UON00247358pp. 297-309 (2003)UON00247361pp. 227-242 (2003)UON00247355pp. 260-270 (2003)UON00247357pp. 286-296 (2003)UON00247359pp. 243-259 (2003)UON00247356pp. 123-136 (2003)UON00247197pp. 91-108 (2003)UON00247194pp. 143-147 (2003)UON00247199pp. 109-122 (2003)UON00247196pp. 148-154 (2003)UON00247202pp. 137-142 (2003)UON00247198pp. 3-11 (2003)UON00247181pp. 54-57 (2003)UON00247191pp. 13-26 (2003)UON00247183pp. 58-64 (2003)UON00247192pp. 46-53 (2003)UON00247189pp. 27-32 (2003)UON00247184pp. 25-27 (2002)UON00247054pp. 45-46 (2002)UON00247057pp. 346-358 (2002)UON00247176pp. 307-320 (2002)UON00247170pp. 333-345 (2002)UON00247173pp. 321-332 (2002)UON00247172pp. 216-227 (2002)UON00247138pp. 238-241 (2002)UON00247141pp. 179-194 (2002)UON00247135pp. 206-215 (2002)UON00247137pp. 195-205 (2002)UON00247136pp. 232-237 (2002)UON00247140pp. 228-231 (2002)UON00247139pp. 244-246 (2002)UON00247143pp. 247-248 (2002)UON00247144pp. 242-243 (2002)UON00247142pp. 68-71 (2002)UON00247090pp. 64-67 (2002)UON00247087pp. 28-44 (2002)UON00247055pp. 82-86 (2002)UON00247104pp. 49-50 (2002)UON00247081pp. 47-48 (2002)UON00247080pp. 76-81 (2002)UON00247102pp. 59-63 (2002)UON00247085pp. 3-17 (2002)UON00247052pp. 91-97 (2002)UON00247106pp. 51-56 (2002)UON00247082pp. 72-75 (2002)UON00247093pp. 102-114 (2002)UON00247112pp. 18-24 (2002)UON00247053pp. 98-101 (2002)UON00247108pp. 87-90 (2002)UON00247105pp. 153-156 (2001)UON00247009pp. 279-286 (2001)UON00247047pp. 287-294 (2001)UON00247048pp. 300-306 (2001)UON00247050pp. 295-299 (2001)UON00247049pp. 259-267 (2001)UON00247042pp. 268-278 (2001)UON00247043pp. 131-141 (2001)UON00246992pp. 142-152 (2001)UON00246993pp. 189-194 (2001)UON00247014pp. 174-188 (2001)UON00247012pp. 157-173 (2001)UON00247011pp. 43-47 (2001)UON00246982pp. 48-50 (2001)UON00246984pp. 55-59 (2001)UON00246986pp. 30-42 (2001)UON00246980pp. 3-19 (2001)UON00246977pp. 20-29 (2001)UON00246979pp. 51-54 (2001)UON00246985pp. 3-13 (2000)UON00246935pp. 303-312 (2000)UON00246963pp. 314-323 (2000)UON00246964pp. 273-284 (2000)UON00246955pp. 295-302 (2000)UON00246958pp. 259-262 (2000)UON00246952pp. 263-272 (2000)UON00246953pp. 285-294 (2000)UON00246956pp. 170-180 (2000)UON00246948pp. 160-169 (2000)UON00246946pp. 149-159 (2000)UON00246944pp. 189-197 (2000)UON00246951pp. 138-148 (2000)UON00246943pp. 131-137 (2000)UON00246942pp. 181-188 (2000)UON00246949pp. 26-36 (2000)UON00246937pp. 37-40 (2000)UON00246938pp. 14-25 (2000)UON00246936pp. 41-49 (2000)UON00246939pp. 49-56 (2000)UON00246940E 182,87 (PRINT) + 174,16 (INTERNET)IT-UONSI A Per756/2012 (43)Vol. 51, nn. 1-4 + suppl. al n. 1IT-UONSI A Per756/2020 (51)Dal v. 57 compare una nuova num. della serie, per cui vol. 57 é vol. 1IT-UONSI A Per756/1970 (57)Fatt. del 8.3.00IT-UONSI A Per756/2000 (87)Dal vol. 33 (2002) scomare la numerazione della vecchia serieIT-UONSI A Per756/2002 (33)v. 42 (2011) PRINT + INTERNETIT-UONSI A Per756/2011 (42)001UON000038662001 Journal of the Royal Central Asian SocietyRoyal Central Asian Society207 Vol. 18, pt. 3 (July 1931)-vol. 56, pt. 3 (Oct. 1969)210 VaduzKraus Reprint1963-1979215 25 v.25 cm300 Trimestrale; dal 1966 quadrimestrale. - Ripr. facs. dell'ed.: London, 1931-1969. - Online: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~db=all~content=t785027059001UON002471852001 Frank Ludlow and the English school in Tibet, 1923-26Michael Rankv.34, n.1 pp. 33-45 (2003)001UON002473582001 Azerbaijan and its foreign policy dilemmaNazrin Mehdiyevav. 34, n.3 pp. 271-285 (2003)001UON002473612001 John Parker Boydthe yankee MughalRonald Rosnerv. 34, n.3 pp. 297-309 (2003)001UON002473552001 Malaysiathe making of a grand designAnthony Stockwellv. 34, n.3 pp. 227-242 (2003)001UON002473572001 Oil, arms procurement and security in the Persian GulfAnoushireavan Ehteshamiv. 34, n.3 pp. 260-270 (2003)001UON002473592001 State building in North Koreafrom a "self-reliant" to a "military first" stateSoyoung Knowv. 34, n.3 pp. 286-296 (2003)001UON002473562001 Stilwell in the stocksthe chinese nationalists and the allied powers in the second World WarHans Van de Venv. 34, n.3 pp. 243-259 (2003)001UON002471972001 ˆThe ‰2002 Society tour to inner Mongolia and North East China (Manchuria)James Morrin and Alan Gordonv. 34, n.2 pp. 123-136 (2003)001UON002471942001 ˆThe ‰Origins and development of the Jihadist movementfrom anti-communism to terrorismGilles Kepeltranslated by Peter Clarkv. 34, n.2 pp. 91-108 (2003)001UON002471992001 Saudi ArabiaThe "Arab Street", the media and popular agitation since September 11Mai Yamaniv. 34, n.2 pp. 143-147 (2003)001UON002471962001 ˆA ‰Strategy for reducing poverty in KazakhstanMichael Fergusv. 34, n.2 pp. 109-122 (2003)001UON002472022001 Thailand todayMervyn Mattewsv. 34, n.2 pp. 148-154 (2003)001UON002471982001 ˆThe ‰United Arab Emirateseconomic vibrancy and US interestsJ.E. Petersonv. 34, n.2 pp. 137-142 (2003)001UON002471812001 Beyond the willow palisadeManchuria and the history of China's inner Asian frontierDavid Sneathv. 34, n.1 pp. 3-11 (2003)001UON002471912001 Ecacuation of Smyrna (Izmir) Turkey, 1922I.N. Duncan Wallacev. 34, n.1 pp. 54-57 (2003)001UON002471832001 How is India doing? a score cardPrahlad Basuv. 34, n.1 pp. 13-26 (2003)001UON002471922001 Identity politics in Central AsiaMichael Denisonv. 34, n.1 pp. 58-64 (2003)001UON002471892001 Partners in realismBritain and Brunei amid recent turbulenceRoger Kershawv. 34, n.1 pp. 46-53 (2003)001UON002471842001 State and civil society in JapanIan Nearyv. 34, n.1 pp. 27-32 (2003)001UON002470542001 ˆThe ‰Foundation of the Central Asian SocietyIvor Lucasv. 33,n.1 pp. 25-27 (2002)001UON002470572001 ˆThe ‰Journal as seen from abroadSir David Akers-Jones, et al.v. 33,n.1 pp. 45-46 (2002)001UON002471762001 China's reformsa mixed legacy for a new generationIan Seckingtonv. 33, n.3 pp. 346-358 (2002)001UON002471702001 Islam and the westclash of civilisations?Francis Robinsonv. 33, n.3 pp. 307-320 (2002)001UON002471732001 Security in the Asia-PacificAustralia and New ZealandRoger Carrickv. 33, n.3 pp. 333-345 (2002)001UON002471722001 Sir Percy Sykes Kcie, CB, CMG (1867-1945)Antony Wynnv. 33, n.3 pp. 321-332 (2002)001UON002471382001 Bahrain's first steps towards reformJohn Petersonv. 33, n.2 pp. 216-227 (2002)001UON002471412001 Cecil Polhill-Turner and TibetVictor Funnellv. 33, n.2 pp. 238-241 (2002)001UON002471352001 Centenary tour to Tibet, 2001Nicholas Fennv. 33, n.2 pp. 179-194 (2002)001UON002471372001 Human responsability in the global environmentCrispin Tickellv. 33, n.2 pp. 206-215 (2002)001UON002471362001 Kashmir 1962-1986a footnote to historyJohn Rayv. 33, n.2 pp. 195-205 (2002)001UON002471402001 ˆThe ‰Korean peninsulaFifty years of uncertaintyJames Hoarev. 33, n.2 pp. 232-237 (2002)001UON002471392001 Last vestiges of Al-Qaeda?Magnus Ranstorpv. 33, n.2 pp. 228-231 (2002)001UON002471432001 Murder at Caxton Halla postscriptIvor Lucasv. 33, n.2 pp. 244-246 (2002)001UON002471442001 Sir Olaf Caroe and the North-west frontier DramaLetter to editor from Parshotam MehraParshotam Mehrav. 33, n.2 pp. 247-248 (2002)001UON002471422001 Storrs, Curzon and ThatcherIvor Lucasv. 33, n.2 pp. 242-243 (2002)001UON002470902001 Afghanistanwhat price unity?Martin Ewans210 Special sectionSeptember 11 - regional repercussionsv. 33, n.1 pp. 68-71 (2002)001UON002470872001 Afghanistan and the great gameWendy Palace210 Special sectionSeptember 11 - regional repercussionsv. 33, n.1 pp. 64-67 (2002)001UON002470552001 ˆA ‰Board's eye-viewGlimpses into the journal over 100 yearsIvor Lucasv. 33, n.1 pp. 28-44 (2002)001UON002471042001 Central Asian politics after the Talibannew risks, new opportunitiesMichael Denison210 Special sectionSeptember 11 - regional repercussionsv. 33, n.1 pp. 82-86 (2002)001UON002470812001 Editing the Journal in the computer ageSusan Paresv. 33, n.1 pp. 49-50 (2002)001UON002470802001 ˆAn ‰Editors viewa desk of many partsJohn Shipmanv. 33, n.1 pp. 47-48 (2002)001UON002471022001 Ethnic and inter-state complexity in the Central Asian "stans"Robin Poulton210 Special sectionSeptember 11 - regional repercussionsv. 33, n.1 pp. 76-81 (2002)001UON002470852001 ˆThe ‰Great game revisited?Peter Hoprirk210 Special sectionSeptember 11 - regional repercussionsv. 33, n.1 pp. 59-63 (2002)001UON002470522001 ˆThe ‰Gulf in the 20th centuryFrauke Heard-Beyv. 33, n.1 pp. 3-17 (2002)001UON002471062001 Kashmir in the terrorist shadowRobert Wirsing210 Special sectionSeptember 11 - regional repercussionsv. 33, n.1 pp. 91-97 (2002)001UON002470822001 Pakistanbenign dictatorship?Victoria Schofieldv. 33, n.1 pp. 51-56 (2002)001UON002470932001 Reactions in Post-Societ Central AsiaSally Cummings210 Special sectionsSeptember 11 - regional repercussionsv. 33, n.1 pp. 72-75 (2002)001UON002471122001 Saudi-American relations after September 11J.E. Peterson210 Special sectionSeptember 11 - regional repercussionsv. 33, n.1 pp. 102-114 (2002)001UON002470532001 ˆThe ‰Society centenary conferenceWilliam Petersv. 33, n.1 pp. 18-24 (2002)001UON002471082001 ˆThe ‰U.S. terrorism and the Middle EastRosemary Hollis210 Special section :September 11 - regional repercussionsv. 33, n.1 pp. 98-101 (2002)001UON002471052001 ˆA ‰View from Central AsiaNargis Kassenova210 Special sectionSeptember 11 - regional repercussionsv. 33, n.1 pp. 87-90 (2002)001UON002470092001 Malaysia's year of the snakeDatuk Paddy Bowiev. 32,n. 2 pp. 153-156 (2001)001UON002470472001 ˆA ‰"Complimentary mission" from nawab Nasir-ud-din Haider to king William IV /Malcolm Brownv. 32, n.3 pp. 279-286 (2001)001UON002470482001 Elusive truthsBritish media and the Thai MonarchyRoger Kershawv. 32, n.3 pp. 287-294 (2001)001UON002470502001 Health and development in LadakhRichard V. Leev. 32, n.3 pp. 300-306 (2001)001UON002470492001 ˆThe ‰Kalashnikov in Afghanistan, Tajikistan and the other "Stans"Robin Edward Poultonv. 32, n.3 pp. 295-299 (2001)001UON002470422001 Recidivist militarism in PakistanAhmad Faruquiv. 32, n.3 pp. 259-267 (2001)001UON002470432001 Tribesmen, politics, opium and development in Dir, PakistanSimon Gilletv. 32, n.3 pp. 268-278 (2001)001UON002469922001 ˆThe ‰Commonwealth, India and lost opportunities in South AsiaKrishnan Srinivasanv. 32, n.2 pp. 131-141 (2001)001UON002469932001 Happier bedfellows ? Russia and Central Asia under PutinSally N. Cummingsv. 32, n.2 pp. 142-152 (2001)001UON002470142001 Ireland, orientalism and South AsiaIftikhar H. Malikv. 32, n.2 pp. 189-194 (2001)001UON002470122001 ˆThe ‰Society's tour in Lebanon, Syria and JordanMichael Burtonv. 32, n.2 pp. 174-188 (2001)001UON002470112001 Westward from MongoliaNew research in the TaklamakanJohn Carswellv. 32, n.2 pp. 157-173 (2001)001UON002469822001 ˆThe ‰Brooke hospital for animalsRichard Searinghtv. 32, n.1 pp. 43-47 (2001)001UON002469842001 Edward Stallybrassthe final yearsC.R. Bawdenv. 32, n.1 pp. 48-50 (2001)001UON002469862001 Engaging ChinaKenneth Walkerv. 32, n.1 pp. 55-59 (2001)001UON002469802001 Four girls 4000 milesby horse and camel along the silk roadLucy Kelaartv. 32, n.1 pp. 30-42 (2001)001UON002469772001 Iraqpeople and placesTerence Clarkv. 32, n.1 pp. 3-19 (2001)001UON002469792001 ˆThe ‰Kozlov expedition of 1907-10 and the problem of KokonorWendy Palacev. 32, n.1 pp. 20-29 (2001)001UON002469852001 Politics and politicians in JapanJames Babbv. 32, n.1 pp. 51-54 (2001)001UON002469352001 Prestner John in Central AsiaJohnny Wyldv. 31,n.1 pp. 3-13 (2000)001UON002469632001 Captain Broughton, HMS Providence (and her tender) and his voyage to the Pacific 1794-8James E. Hoarev. 31, n.3 pp. 303-312 (2000)001UON002469642001 Challenges of historiographyinterpreting the decolonisation of BruneiRoger Kershawv. 31, n.3 pp. 314-323 (2000)001UON002469552001 Education in Chinapreparation for citizenshipRod Lawrencev. 31, n.3 pp. 273-284 (2000)001UON002469582001 ˆThe ‰Indian princessHelena BennettN. C. Friswellv. 31, n.3 pp. 295-302 (2000)001UON002469522001 Is rural Asia dying?William Deedesv. 31, n.3 pp. 259-262 (2000)001UON002469532001 Satellite television in Asiawinners and losersSteven Barracloughv. 31, n.3 pp. 263-272 (2000)001UON002469562001 Two steps forward, one step backthe BJP and the general and state assembly elections in India, 1999-2000Andrew Wyattv. 31, n.3 pp. 285-294 (2000)001UON002469482001 ˆThe ‰Baluchistan "White elefant"the Chappar rift and other strategic railways on the border of British IndiaNick Lerav. 31, n.2 pp. 170-180 (2000)001UON002469462001 ˆThe ‰Grameen bank of Bangladeshhistory, procedures, effects and challengesAbu N.M. Wahid and Maxell K. Hsuv. 31, n.2 pp. 160-169 (2000)001UON002469442001 ˆThe ‰Iraqi crisis in the new milleniumthe prospectsGawdat Bahgatv. 31, n.2 pp. 149-159 (2000)001UON002469512001 Major Norman Bray and Eastern unrest in the aftermath of World War IJohn Fisherv. 31, n.2 pp. 189-197 (2000)001UON002469432001 Strategy, self interest and sentimentreflections on relations between China and the WestGraham Hutchingsv. 31, n.2 pp. 138-148 (2000)001UON002469422001 Thailandcrisis or reform?Duncan McCargov. 31, n.2 pp. 131-137 (2000)001UON002469492001 ˆThe ‰Venture of the Central Asian trading company in Eastern Turkistan, 1874-5Bir Good Gillv. 31, n.2 pp. 181-188 (2000)001UON002469372001 ˆThe ‰Boxer risingDiana Prestonv. 31, n.1 pp. 26-36 (2000)001UON002469382001 Did Japan declare war?Dick Wilsonv. 31, n.1 pp. 37-40 (2000)001UON002469362001 ˆThe ‰Society's 1999 tour of IranTerence Clarkv. 31, n.1 pp. 14-25 (2000)001UON002469392001 ˆThe ‰Tibet policies of Britain and Russia, 1900-14Nikolai S. Kuleshovv. 31, n.1 pp. 41-49 (2000)001UON002469402001 Wildlife conservation in IranEsmail Kahromv. 31, n.1 pp. 49-56 (2000)ASIAEconomia e sviluppoPeriodiciUONC006618FIASIAPeriodiciUONC059152FIGBLondonUONL003044GBREGNO UNITO - PERIODICIAABBONAMENTIABBONAMENTI - PERIODICIATITOLI ELETTRONICITITOLI ELETTRONICI - PERIODICIARoyal Central Asian SocietyUONV003350Royal central Asian societyUONV253633650ITSOL20240220RICAhttps://www.tandfonline.com/toc/raaf20/currenthttps://www.tandfonline.com/toc/raaf20/currentSIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSI57(1970) N.S.1-> 87(2000) *C* ; N.S. 32(2001)-51(2020)- , - Lac. 2020 10(1979) » 14(1983)*C*A Per 756 S45 (Corridoio 5° Piano) fino 1958; poi biblioteca ; RIV B 338 ;UON00003867SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI 57(1970) N.S.1-> 87(2000) *C* ; N.S. 32(2001)-51(2020)- , - Lac. 2020SI A Per 756 2012 (43) SI 156 7 2012 (43) E 182,87 (PRINT) + 174,16 (INTERNET)SI A Per 756 2013 (44) SI 10940 7 2013 (44) SI A Per 756 2014 (45) SI 13122 7 2014 (45) SI A Per 756 2015 (46) SI 15738 7 2015 (46) SI A Per 756 2016 (47) SI 20766 7 2016 (47) SI A Per 756 2017 (48) SI 25594 7 2017 (48) SI A Per 756 2018 (49) SI 27514 7 2018 (49) SI A Per 756 2019 (50) SI 36758 7 2019 (50) SI A Per 756 2020 (51) SI 37453 7 2020 (51) Vol. 51, nn. 1-4 + suppl. al n. 1SI A Per 756 1979 (66) SI SA 11808 7 1979 (66) SI A Per 756 1970 (57) SI SA 14215 7 1970 (57) Dal v. 57 compare una nuova num. della serie, per cui vol. 57 é vol. 1SI A Per 756 1971 (58) SI SA 14216 7 1971 (58) SI A Per 756 1972 (59) SI SA 14217 7 1972 (59) SI A Per 756 1973 (60) SI SA 14218 7 1973 (60) SI A Per 756 1978 (65) SI SA 15316 7 1978 (65) SI A Per 756 1974 (61) SI SA 33143 7 1974 (61) SI A Per 756 1975 (62) SI SA 33144 7 1975 (62) SI A Per 756 1976 (63) SI SA 33145 7 1976 (63) SI A Per 756 1977 (64) SI SA 33146 7 1977 (64) SI A Per 756 1980 (67) SI SA 33147 7 1980 (67) SI A Per 756 1981 (68) SI SA 33148 7 1981 (68) SI A Per 756 1982 (69) SI SA 33149 7 1982 (69) SI A Per 756 1983 (70) SI SA 34929 7 1983 (70) SI A Per 756 1984 (71) SI SA 38043 7 1984 (71) SI SA 105630 7 2002 (33) Dal vol. 33 (2002) scomare la numerazione della vecchia serieSI A Per 756 1985 (72) SI SA 45456 7 1985 (72) SI A Per 756 1986 (73) SI SA 49212 7 1986 (73) SI A Per 756 1987 (74) SI SA 52463 7 1987 (74) SI A Per 756 1988 (75) SI SA 55686 7 1988 (75) SI A Per 756 1989 (76) SI SA 60569 7 1989 (76) SI A Per 756 1990 (77) SI SA 65878 7 1990 (77) SI A Per 756 1991 (78) SI SA 67610 7 1991 (78) SI A Per 756 1992 (79) SI SA 70277 7 1992 (79) SI A Per 756 1993 (80) SI SA 72618 7 1993 (80) SI A Per 756 1994 (81) SI SA 75788 7 1994 (81) SI A Per 756 1995 (82) SI SA 79508 7 1995 (82) SI A Per 756 1996 (83) SI SA 82749 7 1996 (83) SI A Per 756 1997 (84) SI SA 85823 7 1997 (84) SI A Per 756 2000 (87) SI SA 93210 7 2000 (87) Fatt. del 8.3.00SI A Per 756 2003 (34) SI SA 110067 7 2003 (34) SI SA 110869 7 2004 (35) SI SA 114090 7 2005 (36) SI SA 116601 7 2006 (37) SI SA 120426 7 2007 (38) SI SA 124505 7 2008 (39) SI SA 125801 7 2009 (40) SI A Per 756 2001 (88) SI SA 128719 7 2001 (88) SI A Per 756 2010 (41) SI SA 128720 7 2010 (41) SI A Per 756 2011 (42) SI SA 129317 7 2011 (42) v. 42 (2011) PRINT + INTERNETSIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI 10(1979) » 14(1983)*C*SI RIV B 338 SI SC 6623 5 SI RIV B 338 SI SC 8689 5 SI RIV B 338 SI SC 11091 5 SI RIV B 338 SI SC 11092 5 SI RIV B 338 SI SC 12949 5 SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI2012SA293 0J 20120111V. 43 (2012); PRINT + INTERNET; E 182,87 (PRINT) + 174,16 (INTERNET) SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI2013565 1J 20130916 SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI2014726 1J 20150105 SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI20151196 1J 20151123 SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI20161199 1J 20161004 SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI2017773 1J 20170830 SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI2018289 1J 20180907 SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI2019209 1J 20190508 SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI2020210 1J 20200901DDT n. 260 del 31/8/2021 Asian Affairs1320980UNIOR