03796nam0 22006491i 450 UON0000365320231205101900.67708-12-21337-820020107d1991 |0itac50 baengUS|||| 1||||Gender, Genre, and Power in South Asian Expressive TraditionsEdited by Arjun Appadurai, Frank J. Korom, and Margaret A. MillsPhiladelphiaUniversity of Pennsylvania1991xi,487 p.22 cmpp. 362-378UON00003666pp. 267-304UON00003663pp. 395-427UON00003668pp. 305-346UON00003664pp. 102-135UON00003658pp. 56-80UON00003656pp. 181-200UON00003660pp. 379-394UON00003667pp. 136-180UON00003659pp. 347-361UON00003665pp. 428-466UON00003669pp. 81-101UON00003657pp. 33-54UON00003655pp. 224-266UON00003662pp. 201-223UON00003661001UON000036542001 South Asia Seminar SeriesPublications of the American Folklore Society, New SeriesGeneral Editor Patrick Mullen001UON000036662001 Aesthetics, Performance, and the Enactement of Tradition in a Fiji Indian CommunityDonald Brenneispp. 362-378001UON000036632001 ˆThe ‰Cosmogonic Riddles of Lalan FakirCarol Salomonpp. 267-304001UON000036682001 ˆThe ‰folklore of Draupadi: Saris and HairAlf Hiltebeitelpp. 395-427001UON000036642001 Footpath Poets of PeshawarWilma L. Hestonpp. 305-346001UON000036582001 Gender and Illusion in a Rajasthani Yogic TraditionAnn Grodzins Goldpp. 102-135001UON000036562001 Gender and Verbal Performance Style in AfghanistanMargaret A. Millspp. 56-80001UON000036602001 Genre and Community in the Folklore System of ChhattisgarhJoyce Burkhalter F lueckigerpp. 181-200001UON000036672001 Hanging in the Balance: Rama in the Shadow Puppet Theater of KeralaStuart H. Blackburnpp. 379-394001UON000036592001 Kin SongsPeter J. Clauspp. 136-180001UON000036652001 ˆThe ‰Popularization and Transformation of the Light-Classical Urdu Ghazal-SongPeter Manuelpp. 347-361001UON000036692001 ˆThe ‰Powers of Parody in Nayaka-Period TanjavurVelcheru Narayana Rao and David Shulmanpp. 428-466001UON000036572001 ˆThe ‰Role of Suffering in Women's Performance of PaxtoBenedicte Grimapp. 81-101001UON000036552001 Toward a Counter-System: Women's TalesA.K. Ramanujanpp. 33-54001UON000036622001 Wandering LostA Landless Laborer's Sense of Place and SelfMargaret Trawic kpp. 224-266001UON000036612001 Why does Ram Swarup Sing? Song and Speech in the North Indian Epic DholaSusa n S. Wadleypp. 201-223FOLKLOREINDIAUONC001102FISI XIVSUBCONT. INDIANO - ANTROPOLOGIA, ETNOLOGIA, FOLKLORE, SPORTAAPPADURAIArjunUONV003186KOROMFrank J.UONV003187MILLSMargaret A.UONV003188ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00003653SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI SI XIV 123 N SI SA 71190 5 123 N Gender, Genre, and Power in South Asian Expressive Traditions1175133UNIOR