33797nas# 22036251i 450 UON0000362720231205101900.5750044-861320020107a1971 |0itac50 bamulFR|||| 1||||aF|||||||||Archipelétudes interdisciplinaires sur le monde insulindienNo. 1 (1971)- ParisSECMI1971- v.21 cmSemestrale. - Anche online.pp. 7-14 (2005)UON00270545pp.181-198(2002)UON00244008pp.231-254(2002)UON00244010pp. 101-105(2002)UON00244002pp.255-287 (2002)UON00244011pp.145-161(2002)UON00244004pp.337-356 (2002)UON00244018pp.81-99(2002)UON00244001pp.199-229(2002)UON00244009pp. 117-144(2002)UON00244003pp.289-321 (2002)UON00244015pp.163-180(2002)UON00244006pp.323-336 (2002)UON00244017163-208 (2001)UON00162042pp.65-70 (2001)UON00160779pp.143-161 (2001)UON00162039PP.39-42(2001)UON00161878pp. 71-90 (2001)UON001607823-6(2001)UON00161873pp.127-142 (2001)UON00161890pp.91-126 (2001)UON00160784pp.43-52 (2001)UON00161880pp.29-68(2001)UON00161290pp. 69-97(2001)UON00161294pp.10-13 (2201)UON00161115pp.99-113 (2001)UON00161296pp. 22-25 (2001)UON00161283pp.3-6 (2001)UON00161106pp.19-22 (2001)UON00161273pp.155-178 (2001)UON00161310pp.7-28 (2001)UON00161111pp.139-154(2001)UON00161304pp.26-28 (2001)UON00161287pp. 15-17 (2001)UON00161262pp.199-216(2000)UON00161852pp.45-64 (2000)UON00245478pp.267-300(2000)UON00161865pp.141-166UON00245489pp.87-124 (2000)UON00161714pp.65-86 (2000)UON00161708pp.167-198 (2000)UON00161848pp.125-140(2000)UON00161715235-265 (2000)UON00161862pp.3-24 (2000)UON00161698pp 217-234(2000)UON00161854pp.25-44 (2000)UON00161702pp.25-44 (2000)UON00161703pp.17-26 /2000)UON00160989pp.97-144 (2000)UON00161009pp.27-50 (2000)UON00160999pp. 19-22 (2000)UON00160995pp.145-170 (2000)UON00161031pp.201-220(2000)UON00161101pp. 51-96 (2000)UON00161006pp.23-24 (2000)UON00160998pp. 171-200 (2000)UON00161033pp. 261-280 (2005)UON00270556pp. 145-184 (2005)UON00270551pp. 67-138 (2005)UON00270549pp. 53-65 (2005)UON00270547pp. 139-143 (2005)UON00270550pp. 239-260 (2005)UON00270555pp. 209-237 (2005)UON00270553pp. 185-208 (2005)UON00270552pp. 281-308 (2005)UON00270557pp. 61-86 (2005)UON00268048pp. 39-60 (2005)UON00268047pp. 295-316 (2005)UON00268054pp. 87-126 (2005)UON00268049pp. 127-150 (2005)UON00268051pp. 151-258 (2005)UON00268052pp. 259-294 (2005)UON00268053pp. 5-38 (2005)UON00268045pp. 193-240 (2004)UON00268037pp. 13-20 (2004)UON00268033pp. 241-272 (2004)UON00268038pp. 273-287 (2004)UON00268039pp. 3-11 (2004)UON00268030pp. 315-341 (2004)UON00268042pp. 23-58 (2004)UON00268034pp. 159-192 (2004)UON00268036pp. 59-158 (2004)UON00268035pp. 289-313 (2004)UON00268041pp. 37-55 (2004)UON00268019pp. 77-127 (2004)UON00268023pp. 57-76 (2004)UON00268021pp. 3-10 (2004)UON00268015pp. 203-224 (2004)UON00268029pp. 173-202 (2004)UON00268028pp. 129-172 (2004)UON00268026pp. 11-15 (2004)UON00268017pp. 17-36 (2004)UON00268018pp. 161-199 (2003)UON00268013pp. 113-160 (2003)UON00268012pp. 47-61 (2003)UON00268007pp. 29-45 (2003)UON00268004pp. 63-90 (2003)UON00268009pp. 13-28 (2003)UON00268014pp. 91-112 (2003)UON00268010pp. 5-12 (2003)UON00268002pp. 109-122 (2003)UON00267979pp. 25-42 (2003)UON00267974pp. 123-143 (2003)UON00267980pp. 3-6 (2003)UON00267971pp. 89-107 (2003)UON00267977pp. 181-200 (2003)UON00267986pp. 17-24 (2003)UON00267973pp. 43-54 (2003)UON00267975pp. 163-179 (2003)UON00267984pp. 55-88 (2003)UON00267976pp. 7-15 (2003)UON00267972pp. 210-211 (2003)UON00267994pp. 145-161 (2003)UON00267982pp. 59-80(2002)UON00244000pp. 3-37(2002)UON00243998pp. 7-14 (2002)UON00160637pp. 109-152(2002)UON00160691pp.173-210(2002)UON00160635pp.15-16 (2002)UON00160646pp. 17-26 (2002)UON0016064779-108(2002)UON00160687pp.27-56 (2002)UON00160681pp.3-7 (2000)UON00243925pp.9-10 (2000)UON00243926pp. 15-52 (2005)UON00270546pp.39-58(2002)UON00243999pp. 211-230(2002)UON00160697pp.153-172(2002)UON00160692PP.57-78(2002)UON00160683pp.34-38 (2001)UON00160776pp.21-33(2001)UON00160762pp. 53-64 (2001)UON00160778pp.3-8(2000)UON00160700v. 83-84 (2012);IT-UONSI A Per1370/2012 (83/84)Fatt.6/99 7.1.99IT-UONSI A Per1370/1999Fatt. del 8.3.00IT-UONSI A Per1370/2000v. 61, 62IT-UONSI A Per1370/2001v. 79-80 (2010)IT-UONSI A Per1370/2010 (79/80)001UON002705452001 Note on the early history of the MaldivesNaseema Mohamedv.70 pp. 7-14 (2005)001UON002440082001 Aceh et les lectures de l'histoireClaude Guillotv.64 pp.181-198(2002)001UON002440102001 Balicrise en paradisJean Couteauv.64 pp.231-254(2002)001UON002440022001 ˆA ‰ Closer look at dakwah and politics in Indonesiathe partai KeadilanMathias Diederichv.64 pp. 101-105(2002)001UON002440112001 ˆle ‰Dilemme de la décentralisation en IndonésieAlexandre Dormeier-Freire & Jean-Luc Maurerv.64 pp.255-287 (2002)001UON002440042001 Du Temps des chameaux à celui du béton radioactifles nouveaux usages islamistes du passéRèmy Madinierv.64 pp.145-161(2002)001UON002440182001 Fictions télévisuelles et idéologies en IndonésieMonique Zaini-Lajoubertv.64 pp.337-356 (2002)001UON002440012001 From new order to national disintegrationthe religious factor between reality manipulation and rationalizationJohan HMeulemanv.64 pp.81-99(2002)001UON002440092001 ˆThe ‰Idea of Indonesia continues. the middle class ignores acehneseJames Siegelv.64 pp.199-229(2002)001UON002440032001 Indonesian traditionalist Islam'stroubled experience with democracy (1999-2001)Andrée Feillardv.64 pp. 117-144(2002)001UON002440152001 Radios indonésiennescomment survivre à l'Ordre Noveau?Jérome Samuelv.64 pp.289-321 (2002)001UON002440062001 Some Views of East Javanese SorceryJames Siegelv.64 pp.163-180(2002)001UON002440172001 Television, orality and performance.Indonesia's 1999 electionsJennifer Lindsayv.64 pp.323-336 (2002)001UON001620422001 ˆLes ‰Collections d'Insulinde du Musée de l'HommeInventaire sommaire d'un trésor méconnu (Ière partie)Christian Pelrasv.62 163-208 (2001)001UON001607792001 ˆLes ‰Deux portraits de Nicolas BaudinAnne Lombard-Jourdanv.62 pp.65-70 (2001)001UON001620392001 Differing responses to an Ahmadi translation and exegesisthe Holy Qur'an in Egypt and IndonesiaIchwan Moch Nurv.62 pp.143-161 (2001)001UON001618782001 Du noveau sur Balthazar, prince de TimorAnne Lombard-Jourdanv.62 PP.39-42(2001)001UON001607822001 Images de Timor en France (1812-1824)Pierre Labroussev.62 pp. 71-90 (2001)001UON001618732001 International Symposium:China and Southeast Asia: Historical Interactions /Roderich Ptakv.62 3-6(2001)001UON001618902001 Nayinar KuniyappanUn Tamoul, Syahbandar de Samudera-Pasai au dèbut du XVI°siècleJorge M. dos Santos Alvesv.62 pp.127-142 (2001)001UON001607842001 Raden Saleh, peintre de Mariam HaroutunianKèram Kévonianv.62 pp.91-126 (2001)001UON001618802001 ˆA ‰Short Note on a Few Uncertain Linksin the Han LineageHan Bing Siongv.62 pp.43-52 (2001)001UON001612902001 Aceh's Contribution to Standards of MalaynessLeonard Y.Andayav.61 pp.29-68(2001)001UON001612942001 ˆA ‰''Chinese'' Mousedeer Goes to ParisIan Proudfootv.61 pp. 69-97(2001)001UON001611152001 Conflcts and Violence in IndonesiaMary Sommers Heidhuesv.61 pp.10-13 (2201)001UON001612962001 ˆLa ‰Dernière hikayat malaiseLioubov Goriaevav.61 pp.99-113 (2001)001UON001612832001 Hainan: Brucke zwischen SudChina und Sudostasien? Hainanrelais entre la Chine du Sud et l'Asie du sud-east?Roderich Ptak & Claudine Salmonv.61 pp. 22-25 (2001)001UON001611062001 Ilen Surianegara (1924-2000)Marcel Bonneff210 in memoriamv.61 pp.3-6 (2001)001UON001612732001 Indonesia and the Confluence of Major Cultures Seminar on Chinese IndonesiansPeople and CulturesMary Somers Heidhuesv.61 pp.19-22 (2001)001UON001613102001 Indonésie 2000le statu quoFrançais Raillonv.61 pp.155-178 (2001)001UON001611112001 Seminar held by the Paguyuban Social Marga TionghoaMyra Sidharta and Lenny Liov.61 pp.7-28 (2001)001UON001613042001 Variation in Bugis ManuscriptsC.C.Macknight & I.A. Caldwellv.61 pp.139-154(2001)001UON001612872001 Violence in IndonesiaIts historical roots and its contemporary manifestations /James Siegelv.61 pp.26-28 (2001)001UON001612622001 XIV Congrés del'Association Française pour l'Etude du Monde Arabe et MusulmanFrançoise Raillonv.61 pp. 15-17 (2001)001UON001618522001 A Propos de la classification de Paul GuilleminetJarres à Bornèo et sur les Hauts-Plateaux indochinoisMarie-France Dupoizatv.60 pp.199-216(2000)001UON002454782001 Bali et l'Islam2.Coexistence et perspectives contemporainesJean Couteauv.60 pp.45-64 (2000)001UON001618652001 ˆLe ‰Chagrin d'un Belgele Journal de campagne du comte Edouard Errembault de Dudzeele durant la guerre de JavaHenri Chambert-Loirv.60 pp.267-300(2000)001UON002454892001 <<Champion>> issu du Kratonl'Histoire de Nadara HarimurtiJean-Marc de Gravev.60 pp.141-166001UON001617142001 ˆThe ‰Hainanese of BaliA Little Known CommunityClaudine Salmon & Myra Sidhartav.60 pp.87-124 (2000)001UON001617082001 ˆLa ‰Mesure de l'espace domestique balinaisNathalie Lancretv.60 pp.65-86 (2000)001UON001618482001 ˆl'‰Or de TimorAnne Lombard-Jourdanv.60 pp.167-198 (2000)001UON001617152001 Panglotjitaning basa jawi (1952)Ou le javanais sacrifié dans l'Indonésie indépendante Jérome Samuelv.60 pp.125-140(2000)001UON001618622001 ˆLes ‰Races de l'Archipel ou le scientisme in partibus (France,XIX siècle)Labrousse Pierrev.60 235-265 (2000)001UON001616982001 ˆLa ‰Stéle funéraire de Hamzah Fansuri Claude Guillot & Ludvik Kalusv.60 pp.3-24 (2000)001UON001618542001 Transformations récentes du monde rural malaisienles enjeux et les dèfisRodolphe De Koninck & Stéphane Bernardv.60 pp 217-234(2000)001UON001617022001 Yang Tersurat dan yang tersiratHistoricity and Historical TruthErnst Ulrich Kratzv.60 pp.25-44 (2000)001UON001617032001 Yang tesurat dan yang teriratHistoricity and Historical truthErnst Ulrich Kratzv.60 pp.25-44 (2000)001UON001609892001 11 th European colloquium on Indonesian and Malay StudiesMonique Zaini-Lajoubertv.59 pp.17-26 /2000)001UON001610092001 ˆthe‰Barikan Banner of GegesikRitual and History in a Village Painting from Colonial JavaM.I. Cohen, T.E. Behrend & T.L.Cooperv.59 pp.97-144 (2000)001UON001609992001 ˆA ‰Head for the Dead: Sacred violence in Tana TorajaDimitri Tsintjilonisv.59 pp.27-50 (2000)001UON001609952001 Hinduism in modern IndonesiaPicard Michelv.59 pp. 19-22 (2000)001UON001610312001 ˆL'‰Ile de Batam à l'ombre de SingapourInvestissement singapourien et dépendance de BatamOslan Nurv.59 pp.145-170 (2000)001UON001611012001 Indonésie 99désintégrationRaillon Françoisv.59 pp.201-220(2000)001UON001610062001 Personal Status and Ritualized Exchange in Majapahit JavaKenneth R. Hallv.59 pp. 51-96 (2000)001UON001609982001 ˆLa ‰Plus ancienne inscription islamique du monde malais?Ludvik Kalusv.59 pp.23-24 (2000)001UON001610332001 ˆthe ‰Politics of Indonesian FootballFreek Colombijnv.59 pp. 171-200 (2000)001UON002705562001 Camels, seals and the early tin coinage of BruneiAnnabel Teh Gallopv. 70 pp. 261-280 (2005)001UON002705512001 ˆAn ‰Early traveler's compendiumCaspar Schmalkalden's images of AsiaMary Somers Heidhuesv. 70 pp. 145-184 (2005)001UON002705492001 ˆL'‰Halieutique Maldivienne, une ethno-culture millenaireFrançois Doumengev. 70 pp. 67-138 (2005)001UON002705472001 Kalu Muhammad Hilali, Sultan of the Maldives (1491-1528)Jorge M. dos Santos Alvesv. 70 pp. 53-65 (2005)001UON002705502001 ˆLe ‰Reve des jeunes filles portugaises du milieu du XIXe siecledevenir <reine des Maldives>Jorge M. dos Santos Alvesv. 70 pp. 139-143 (2005)001UON002705552001 ˆLa ‰Séricolture à Sumatra nord. De l'histoire à la légende de JobClaudine Salmonv. 70 pp. 239-260 (2005)001UON002705532001 Southeast Asia as seen from Mughal IndiaTahir Muhammad's "Immaculate Garden" (ca. 1600)Muzaffar Alam & Sanjay Subrahmanyamv. 70 pp. 209-237 (2005)001UON002705522001 Sufi scents across the Indian OceanYemeni hagiography and the earliest history of Southeast Asian IslamR. Michael Feener & Michael F. Laffanv. 70 pp. 185-208 (2005)001UON002705572001 Upas, september and the bugis at the cape of Good hope. The context os a slave's letterSirtjo Koolhof & Robert Rossv. 70 pp. 281-308 (2005)001UON002680482001 Chinese influence on early modern Indonesian art?Hou Quaa Chinese painter in 19th century JavaWerner Krausv. 69 pp. 61-86 (2005)001UON002680472001 Frontispiece architecture in Ngayogyakartanotes on structure and sourcesTim Behrendv. 69 pp. 39-60 (2005)001UON002680542001 Indonésie 2004le chevalier cahé et la fin d'un mondeFrançois Raillonv. 69 pp. 295-316 (2005)001UON002680492001 Naissances et renaissance de la peinture sous verre à JavaJérome Samuelv. 69 pp. 87-126 (2005)001UON002680512001 Raden Istigno Kartodidjojo (1921-1999)à la recherche d'un sublime (adiluhung) javanaisPierre Labroussev. 69 pp. 127-150 (2005)001UON002680522001 Raden Saleh et les Hollandaisartiste protégé ou otage politique?Marie-Odette Scallietv. 69 pp. 151-258 (2005)001UON002680532001 Raden Saleìh interpretation of the Arrest of Diponegoroan example of Indonesian "proto-nationalist" modernismWerner Krausv. 69 pp. 259-294 (2005)001UON002680452001 Traditional and popular painting in modern JavaMatthew Isaac Cohenv. 69 pp. 5-38 (2005)001UON002680372001 ˆAn ‰Acehnese style of manuscript illuminationAnnabel Teh Gallopv. 68 pp. 193-240 (2004)001UON002680332001 ˆUne ‰Epopée bugis dans la lumiére d'un regard internationalà propos de la mise en spectacle de I La Galigo par Robert Wilson et Rhoda GrauerGilbert Hamonicv. 68 pp. 13-20 (2004)001UON002680382001 Gouw Peng Liang's novella, Lo Fen Koeipatrons and womenan account of the Peranakan Chinese community of Java in the late 19th centuryPeter Worsleyv. 68 pp. 241-272 (2004)001UON002680392001 ˆThe ‰Han family from the residency of Besuki (East Java) as reflected in a novella by Tjoa Boe Sing (1910)Claudine Salmonv. 68 pp. 273-287 (2004)001UON002680302001 In memoriamBoris Borisovitch Parnickel (8.11.1934-13.03.2004)A.K. Oglobinv. 68 pp. 3-11 (2004)001UON002680422001 Paramadina and its approach to culture and communicationan engagement in civil societyAndi Faisal Baktiv. 68 pp. 315-341 (2004)001UON002680342001 ˆLes ‰Persans à l'extrémité orientale de la route maritime (II A.E.-XVII siècle)Claudine Salmonv. 68 pp. 23-58 (2004)001UON002680362001 ˆLa ‰Perse et le monde malais. Echanges commerciaux et intellectuelsClaude Guillotv. 68 pp. 159-192 (2004)001UON002680352001 ˆLa ‰présence iranienne autour de l'Océan Indien au XVI siècle d'après les sources portugaises de l'époqueLuis Filipe Thomazv. 68 pp. 59-158 (2004)001UON002680412001 Woman on the roadIda Pfeiffer in the IndiesMary Somers Heidhuesv. 68 pp. 289-313 (2004)001UON002680192001 ˆA ‰14th century Malay manuscript from KerinciUli Kozokv. 67 pp. 37-55 (2004)001UON002680232001 ˆA ‰book and a chapter in the history of Malaybrouwerius' Genesis (1697) and Ambonese MalayJames T. Collinsv. 67 pp. 77-127 (2004)001UON002680212001 ˆLes ‰dessins industrils philippins d'Antonio D. Malantieune commande de la mission de Langrené en Chine (1843-1846)Claudine Salmonv. 67 pp. 57-76 (2004)001UON002680152001 ˆLe ‰Huitième congrès de la langue indonésienne(Jakarta, 14-17 octobre 2003)Monique Zaini-Lajoubertv. 67 pp. 3-10 (2004)001UON002680292001 Indonésie 2003l'obsession sécuritaireFrançois Raillonv. 67 pp. 203-224 (2004)001UON002680282001 Markets of faithJakartan Da'wa and islamic gentrificationMona Abazav. 67 pp. 173-202 (2004)001UON002680262001 ˆLes ‰Otobiografi indonésiennes à travers leurs illustrationsEtienne Naveauv. 67 pp. 129-172 (2004)001UON002680172001 ˆLes ‰plus anciennes céramiques chinoises du site de TrowulanMarie-France Dupoizat & Naniek Harkantiningsihv. 67 pp. 11-15 (2004)001UON002680182001 Réinterprétation des plus anciennes stéles funéraires islamiques nousantariennesII. La stéle de Leran (Java) datée de 475/1082 et les stèles associéesLudvik Kalus & Claude Guillotv. 67 pp. 17-36 (2004)001UON002680132001 ˆA ‰Japanese soldier's ethnography of Molu island (Tanimbar)Ken Sasaki's' accoint (1944-1945)Introduction by Peter T. Suzukitranslation by Reiko Watanabe Reigerv. 66 pp. 161-199 (2003)001UON002680122001 ˆLes ‰Jarres de Bornéo d'après un texte Malais de 1839Henri Chambert-Loir & Marie-France Dupoizatv. 66 pp. 113-160 (2003)001UON002680072001 Mojopahit et la couleurle cas des carreaux de revetement muralMarie-France Dupoizatv. 66 pp. 47-61 (2003)001UON002680042001 ˆUn ‰nouvel essai de classification des batu Aceh de la Péninsule MalaiseDaniel Perret & Kamarudin Ab. Razakv. 66 pp. 29-45 (2003)001UON002680092001 Réinterpretation de plus anciennes stéles funéraires islamiques nousantariennesI. Les deux inscriptions du "Champa"Ludvik Kalusv. 66 pp. 63-90 (2003)001UON002680142001 ˆLes ‰Techniques de construction a Java du VIII au XIV siècleJacques Dumarçayv. 66 pp. 13-28 (2003)001UON002680102001 ˆA ‰Tentative interpretation of the chinese inscription (1231) engraved on a bronze gong recovered in Maura Jambi (Central Sumatra)Claudin Salmonv. 66 pp. 91-112 (2003)001UON002680022001 When Kiais came to Cairo(29 July-1 August 2003)Michael F. Laffanv. 66 pp. 5-12 (2003)001UON002679792001 Between Batavia and Mecca, images of Agoes Salim from the Leiden University LibraryMichael F. Laffanv. 65 pp. 109-122 (2003)001UON002679742001 ˆL'‰énigmatique inscription musulmane du maqam de Kediri (X s. H/XVI s. E.C.)Claude Guillot & Ludvik Kalusv. 65 pp. 25-42 (2003)001UON002679802001 ˆThe ‰esthetics of Sufferingtwo Karo Batak Lanìments from the collection of Harley Harris BartlettUli Kozokv. 65 pp. 123-143 (2003)001UON002679712001 ˆLa ‰Galigo international seminar and festival(Barru, South Sulawesi, 15-18 March 2002)C. C. Macknightv. 65 pp. 3-6 (2003)001UON002679772001 Hydrography, technology, coercionmapping the sea in southeast asian imperialism, 1850-1900Eric Tagliacozzov. 65 pp. 89-107 (2003)001UON002679862001 Indonésie 2002schizophrénieFrançois Raillonv. 65 pp. 181-200 (2003)001UON002679732001 ˆUn ‰lac autour du Borobudur?Jacques Dumarçayv. 65 pp. 17-24 (2003)001UON002679752001 ˆLes ‰lois et la politique de l'avortement en Indonésieun dilemme pour les femmes?Wening Udasmorov. 65 pp. 43-54 (2003)001UON002679842001 ˆLa ‰musique en silencedes instruments javanais en France avant 1889Jean-Pierre Chazalv. 65 pp. 163-179 (2003)001UON002679762001 Portuguese, Spanish and dutch plans to construct a fort in the straits of Singapore, ca. 1584-1625Peter Borschbertv. 65 pp. 55-88 (2003)001UON002679722001 Séminaire "Indonesia's cultural diversity in time of global change"(Bruxelles, 16 décembre 2002)Daniel Vermondenv. 65 pp. 7-15 (2003)001UON002679942001 Transcending bordersarabs, politics, trade and Islam in southeast AsiaHuub De Jonge & Nico Kapteinrec. di Michael F. Laffanv. 65 pp. 210-211 (2003)001UON002679822001 Two paintings attributable to I Ketut Gedé, 19th century master painter of North BaliThomas L. Cooperv. 65 pp. 145-161 (2003)001UON002440002001 De la reformasi à la restauration?Quand le passé sert à relire le présentFrançois RaillonV.64 pp. 59-80(2002)001UON002439982001 Semar révéléla crise indonésienne et l'imaginaire politique javanaisMarcel BonneffV.64 pp. 3-37(2002)001UON001606372001 ˆLe ‰Candi BadutJacques DumarçayV.63 pp. 7-14 (2002)001UON001606912001 Grand succès pour les exotiquesretour sur les spectacles jaavanais de l'exposition universelle de Paris en 1889Jean-Pierre ChazalV.63 pp. 109-152(2002)001UON001606352001 ˆLes ‰Malais du Cap existent-ils?Eric GermainV.63 pp.173-210(2002)001UON001606462001 Note sur une statue de Ganesa Trouvée à Sumatra-NordLucas Partanda KoestoroV.63 pp.15-16 (2002)001UON001606472001 ˆle ‰Site de Leran à Gresik ,Java-EastEtude archélogique prèliminaireNaniek HarkantiningsihV.63 pp. 17-26 (2002)001UON001606872001 ˆ0‰Watchful Eye"the Meccan Plot of 1881 and Changing Dutch Perceptions of Islam in IndonesiaMichael F. LaffanV.63 79-108(2002)001UON001606812001 ˆLa ‰Jèrusalem javanaise et sa mosquèe al-AqsaTexte de fondation de la mosquèe de Kudus datè 956/1549 /Ludvik Kalus & Claude GuillotV.62 pp.27-56 (2002)001UON002439252001 In memoriamYusuf Bilyarta Mangunwijaya (1929-1999)H. Chambert-LoirV.59 pp.3-7 (2000)001UON002439262001 In memoriamCornelis Dirk Grijns (1924-1999)P. LabrousseV.59 pp.9-10 (2000)001UON002705462001 Inscriptions islamiques en arabe de l'archipel des MaldivesLudvik Kalus & Claude GuillotV. 70 pp. 15-52 (2005)001UON002439992001 ˆla ‰ Traversée des années 90 par calembours (plesetan)Pierre LabrousseV. 64 pp.39-58(2002)001UON001606972001 Indonésie 2001La fille de SoekarnoFraçois RaillonV. 63 pp. 211-230(2002)001UON001606922001 Scandals, Homicide in Batavia and Indo IdentityLiterary Representations of Indies SocietyTineke HelliwigV. 63 pp.153-172(2002)001UON001606832001 Srivijaya, la Chine et les marchands chinois (X-XII s.)Quelques rèflexion sur la sociètè de l'empire sumatranaisClaudine Salmon63 PP.57-78(2002)001UON001607762001 En réponse à Vladimir I. BraginskyC.Guillot & L.Kalus62 pp.34-38 (2001)001UON001607622001 On he Copy of Hamzah Fansuei's Epitaph Published by C.Guillot & L.KalusVladimir I.Braginsky62 pp.21-33(2001)001UON001607782001 Some More Comments on "Uncertain Links" in the Han LineageClaudine Salmon62 pp. 53-64 (2001)001UON001607002001 Yusuf Bilyarta MangunwijayaH. 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