09764nas# 22012251i 450 UON0000348720231205101859.9590031-03281743-1301e-journal20020107a1937 |0itac50 baengGB|||| X 1||||aQ|||||||||Palestine exploration quarterlyA. 69 (1937)- LondonDawson & Sons1969-v.25 cmTrimestrale; semestrale dal 1942; quadrimestrale dal 2007 vol. 139. - Ripr. facs. dell'ed.: London, 1937- . - Versione Internet.pp.157-168UON00163140pp.113-122UON00163112pp.131-156UON00163115pp.124-130UON00163113pp.35-50UON00163548pp.20-34UON00163440pp.94-112UON00163099pp.149-175UON00164990pp.115-143UON00164985pp.144-148UON00164987pp.102-114UON00164982pp.65-67UON00164939pp.20-23UON00164782pp.24-35UON00164790pp 36-50UON00164937pp.162-165UON00163843pp.146-161UON00164685PP.106-120UON00164635pp.154-161UON00164777pp.99-105UON00164630pp.94-144UON00164262pp.8-19UON00163439pp.2-27UON00163271pp.28-36UON00163283pp.68-89UON00164941pp.51-62UON00163731pp.169-181UON00163147pp.64-67UON00163758pp.68UON00163761pp.121-144UON00163822pp.3-7UON00163437ONLINE GRATUITOIT-UONSI A Per1129/2012 (144)Fatt. 6554 21.12.99IT-UONSI A Per1129/1997Fatt. 6555 21.12.99IT-UONSI A Per1129/1998Fatt. 6556 21.12.99IT-UONSI A Per1129/1999Fatt. del 8.3.00IT-UONSI A Per1129/2000v. 133IT-UONSI A Per1129/2001V. 142 (2010); ONLINE GRATUITOIT-UONSI A Per1129/2010 (142)ONLINE GRATUITOIT-UONSI A Per1129/2011 (143)001UON000035422001 Palestine Exploration Fundquarterly statement207 Jan./Mar 1869-Oct. 1936210 LondonPublished at the Fund's Office1869- 215 v.22 cm300 Trimestrale: la periodicità varia. - Ripr. facs. dell'ed.: London, 1869/70-1936.001UON001631402001 Survey of overlooked potential iron i sites in North-Central PalestineRobert D.Millerv132(2000) pp.157-168001UON001631122001 Conrad Schick(1822-1901) the Palestine exploration fund and an 'Archaic Hebrew' inscription from JerusalemShimon Gibsonv.32(2000) pp.113-122001UON001631152001 Crusader sculture and the so-called 'Remplar Workshop': A Reassessment of two carved panels from the dome of the rock in the haram al-Sharif Museum in JerusalemLucy-Anne Huntv.32(2000) pp.131-156001UON001631132001 Masons' Marks' and other archaeological signsPhilip C. Hammondv.32(2000) pp.124-130001UON001635482001 Faces in the Rock at Petra and Medain SalshJ.S.McKenzie, A.T.Reyes,and A.Schmidt-Colinetv.30(98/99 pp.35-50001UON001634402001 Preliminary results of excavations at Tell-el-Handaquq SouthMeredith S.Chessonv.30(98/99 pp.20-34001UON001630992001 Saving mount Carmel Caves: a cautionary tale for archaeoloy in our timesJane Gallander and Ofer Bar-Yosefv.132(2000 pp.94-112001UON001649902001 Archaeo-metallurgical Researches in the Southern Arabah 1959-1990 Part 2: Egyptian New Kingdom (ramesside) to Early IslamBeno Rothenbergv.131(1999 pp.149-175001UON001649852001 British Archaeological Institutions in mandatory Palestine, 1917-1948Shimon Gibsonv.131(1999 pp.115-143001UON001649872001 ˆthe‰Bull Site and the "Einun Pottery" ReconsideredAmihai Mazarv.131(1999 pp.144-148001UON001649822001 Edomites and IdumaeansJohn R.Bartlettv.131(1999 pp.102-114001UON001649392001 ˆthe‰Fire Signals of Lachish RevisitedNadav Na'amanv.131(1999 pp.65-67001UON001647822001 How Many Months Are Mentioned in the Gezer Calendar?J.A.Emertonv.131(1999 pp.20-23001UON001647902001 ˆA ‰New Punic Iscription From Zejtun(Malta) and the Goddess Anat-AstarteAnthony J.Frendov.131(1999 pp.24-35001UON001649372001 Saflulim a late Natufian Base Camp in the Central Negev Highlands, IsraelA. Nigel Goring-Morris, U. Baruch, and D.E. Bar Yosef.v.131(1999 pp 36-50001UON001638432001 Ancient Israel-an Invention?: Review ArticleAnthony J.Frendov.130(1998 pp.162-165001UON001646852001 ˆA ‰Collection of Natufian Bone Artefacts from Old Excavations at Kebaraand El-WadJames l.,Anna Belfer-Choen,and Iman.Sacav.130(1998 pp.146-161001UON001646352001 Iconographic Elements of nilotic scenes on Byzantine Mosaic Pavements in IsraelRachel Hachliliv.130(1998 PP.106-120001UON001647772001 New Insigts From old Wine PressesCarey Walsh and Jeffrey R Zornv.130(1998 pp.154-161001UON001646302001 Some Notes on the Work of the suvey of the Survey of western Palestine in Western GalileeRafael Frankelv.130(1998 pp.99-105001UON001642622001 Two Notes on Northern Samariathe Einum Pottery and the Date of the Bull SiteIsrael Finkelsteinv.130(1998 pp.94-144001UON001634392001 Aelia Capitolina and the location of the camp of the Tenth LegionDoron BarV.30(98/99 pp.8-19001UON001632712001 Ethnic Complexity in Northern Israel during iron age IIAvraham FaustV.132(2000 pp.2-27001UON001632832001 Relocating the Past: Missing inscriptions from Qasr el-Hallabat and the airphotographs of sir Aurel Stein for TransjordanDavid KennedyV.132(2000 pp.28-36001UON001649412001 Archaeo-Metallurgical Researches in the Southern Arabah 1959-1990 Part 1:Late Pottery Neolithic to Earley Bronze IVBV.131(1999 pp.68-89001UON001637312001 Two recent studies of the archaeology of Jerusalem :reviewarticleDan Bahat30(98/99) pp.51-62001UON001631472001 Bethlehem: A Site AssessmentKay Prag132(2000) pp.169-181001UON001637582001 Illness and Healingreview articleClaudine M.Dauphin130(98/99) pp.64-67001UON001637612001 ReviewsTony Axe130(98/99 pp.68001UON001638222001 Preliminary Report on the First Season of Excavations of the Italian-Palestinian Expedition at Tell Es-Sultan/Jericho, May 1997Nicolò Marchetti, Lorenzo Nigro, and Issa Sariè130(1998/9 pp.121-144001UON001634372001 ˆThe ‰production of salt and sulphur from the Dead Sea region in the Tenth centurry according to at-TamimiZohar Amar130(1998/9 pp.3-7UON00374672PEQGBLondonUONL003044GBREGNO UNITO - PERIODICIAABBONAMENTIABBONAMENTI - PERIODICIADISDETTIABBONAMENTI DISDETTI - PERIODICIATITOLI ELETTRONICITITOLI ELETTRONICI - PERIODICIADawson & sons LtdUONV249392650ITSOL20240220RICAhttp://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/maney/peqhttp://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/maney/peqSIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSI1937-Per 1129 ;UON00003487SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI 1937-SI A Per 1129 2012 (144) SI 157 7 2012 (144) ONLINE GRATUITOSI A Per 1129 1989 SI SA 63681 7 1989 SI SA 102498 7 2001 v. 133SI SA 106501 7 2002 (134) SI A Per 1129 1997 SI SA 91861 7 1997 Fatt. 6554 21.12.99SI A Per 1129 1998 SI SA 91862 7 1998 Fatt. 6555 21.12.99SI A Per 1129 1999 SI SA 91863 7 1999 Fatt. 6556 21.12.99SI A Per 1129 2000 SI SA 93208 7 2000 Fatt. del 8.3.00SI A Per 1129 2003 (135) SI SA 109395 7 2003 (135) SI SA 113714 7 2005 (137) SI SA 114230 7 2004 (136) SI SA 120497 7 2007 (139) SI SA 124532 7 2008 (140) SI SA 125605 7 2009 (141) SI A Per 1129 2010 (142) SI SA 127019 7 2010 (142) V. 142 (2010); ONLINE GRATUITOSI A Per 1129 2011 (143) SI SA 129466 7 2011 (143) ONLINE GRATUITOSIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI2012SA189 0J 20120111V. 144 (2012); ONLINE GRATUITO Palestine exploration quarterly99989UNIOR