04770nam0 22007451i 450 UON0000283820231205101856.93896-305-3808-320020107d1984 |0itac50 bamulHU|||| 1||||From Hecataeus to Al-HuwarizmiBactrian, Pahlavi, Sogdian, Persian, Syriac, A rabic, Chinese, Greek and Latin sources for the history of Pre-Islamic Central A siaJ. HarmattaBudapestAkadémiai Kiado1984352 p.24 cmpp. 9-24UON00004335pp. 273-280UON00004353pp. 281-288UON00004355pp. 219-248UON00004348pp. 179-184UON00004343pp. 147-178UON00004342pp. 95-136UON00004340pp. 185-190UON00004344pp. 25-84UON00004338pp. 1-8UON00004331pp. 259-268UON00004350pp. 289-316UON00004358pp. 317-352UON00004361pp. 205-212UON00004346pp. 137-146UON00004341pp. 191-204UON00004345pp. 249-258UON00004349pp. 269-272UON00004351pp. 85-94UON00004339pp. 213-218UON00004347001UON000043282001 Collection of the Sources for the History of Pre-Islamic Central Asia. Series Iedited by J. Harmattaet al.]3001UON000043352001 ˆDie ‰Altesten Nachrichten der griechischen und lateinischen Quellen uber die Rout en der Seidenstrasse nach Zentral und OstasienH. W. Haussigpp. 9-24001UON000043532001 ˆThe ‰Bactrian fragment in manichean scriptI. Gershewitchpp. 273-280001UON000043552001 Beauty as the living soul in Iranian ManicheismI. Gershewitchpp. 281-288001UON000043482001 ˆLa ‰chute de l'Empire Hephthalite dans les sources byzantines et perses et le pro blèmes des AvarM. Grignaschipp. 219-248001UON000043432001 ˆThe ‰Colophon of the NOKONZOK InscriptionI. Gershevitchpp. 179-184001UON000043422001 ˆThe ‰first Hoard of Tetradrachmas of the Kusana 'Heraios'E. A. Davidovichpp. 147-178001UON000043402001 Kara Tepe in Old Termez. A Buddhist Religious Centre of the Kushan Period of th e Bank of the OxusB. Staviskiypp. 95-136001UON000043442001 Kidara und Kidarite Huns in KasmirJ. Harmattapp. 185-190001UON000043382001 Monuments of Art from the Sanctuary of Oxus (Northern Bactria)B. A. Litvinsk iy - I. R. Pichikyanpp. 25-84001UON000043312001 On Kaspapyros and the so-called 'Shore of the Scythians'P. Daffinàpp. 1-8001UON000043502001 ˆThe ‰Pahlavi Treaties Avdeh u sahikeh i Sakistan or "Wonders and Magnificence of SistanBo Utaspp. 259-268001UON000043582001 Probleme der Interpretation manichäisch-soghdischer BriefeW. Sundermannpp. 289-316001UON000043612001 Ptolemaic elements and geographical actuality in al-Huwarizmi's description of Central AsiaM. Marothpp. 317-352001UON000043462001 Question of interpretation in the inscription of the Sasanian ScalaA. D. H. Bivarpp. 205-212001UON000043412001 ˆLe ‰sources de l'epoque hellénistique et parthe d'Iran. Difficultés de leur inter prétation et problémes de leur évaluationJ. Wolskipp. 137-146001UON000043452001 Titres et fonctions religieuses sasanides d'après les sources siryaques hagiogr afiquesPh. Gignouxpp. 191-204001UON000043492001 Western Turks in Northern China in the middle of the 7th centuryI. Ecsedypp. 249-258001UON000043512001 ˆDie ‰Xalag in den Arabischen QuellenM. Marothpp. 269-272001UON000043392001 Zentralasiatische Elemente in dem AlexanderromanI. Borzsàkpp. 85-94001UON000043472001 Zur Geschichte der HephthalitenK. Czeglédypp. 213-218ASIA CENTRALESTORIAPERIODO PREISLAMICOUONC000250FIAC IV AASIA CENTRALE - STORIA - PERIODO PREISLAMICOAHARMATTAJanosUONV005126ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00002838SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI AC IV A 079 N SI SA 70675 5 079 N From Hecataeus to Al-Huwarizmi1174671UNIOR