39363nas# 22038651i 450 UON0000226020231205101854.4420020-74381471-6380e-journalPP 7751620020107a1970 |0itac50 baengGB|||| X 1||||aQ|||||||||International Journal of Middle East StudiesVol. 1, no. 1 (1970)- LondonCambridge University Press1970- v.24 cmTrimestrale. - Anche online.pp. 241-261 (2005)UON00266250pp. 3-18 (2005)UON00266239pp. 137-166 (2005)UON00266245pp. 561-589 (2004)UON00266227pp. 657-673 (2004)UON00266231pp. 591-612 (2004)UON00266228pp. 451-468 (2004)UON00266216pp. 183-205 (2004)UON00266235pp. 207-230 (2004)UON00266236pp. 1-19 (2004)UON00266200pp. 639-655 (2004)UON00266230pp. 387-407 (2004)UON00266213pp. 345-366 (2004)UON00266211pp. 429-450 (2004)UON00266215pp. 71-87 (2004)UON00266204pp. 601-617 (2002)UON00246334pp. 461-483 (2005)UON00269749pp. 535-565 (2005)UON00269753pp. 567-586 (2005)UON00269754pp. 485-507 (2005)UON00269751pp. 509-534 (2005)UON00269752pp. 373-395 (2005)UON00266255pp. 167-188 (2005)UON00266246pp. 167-188 (2005)UON00266247pp. 83-107 (2005)UON00266244pp. 587-612 (2005)UON00269755pp. 351-372 (2005)UON00266254pp. 303-325 (2005)UON00266252pp. 327-349 (2005)UON00266253pp. 397-420 (2005)UON00266256pp. 189-211 (2005)UON00266248pp. 213-240 (2005)UON00266249pp. 59-81 (2005)UON00266243pp. 39-58 (2005)UON00266241pp. 19-38 (2005)UON00266240pp. 613-638 (2004)UON00266229pp. 537-559 (2004)UON00266217pp. 367-385 (2004)UON00266212pp. 231-252 (2004)UON00266237pp. 159-181 (2004)UON00266233pp. 21-47 (2004)UON00266201pp.89-102 (2004)UON00266205pp. 49-70 (2004)UON00266203pp. 409-428 (2004)UON00266214pp. 253-275 (2004)UON00266238pp. 103-119 (2004)UON00266206pp. 547-572 (2003)UON00266208pp. 599-631 (2003)UON00266210pp. 521-545 (2003)UON00266207pp. 573-598 (2003)UON00266209pp. 371-391 (2003)UON00246418pp. 439-460 (2003)UON00246422pp. 393-416 (2003)UON00246419pp. 485-492 (2003)UON00246425pp. 417-437 (2003)UON00246421pp. 461-484 (2003)UON00246423pp. 257-286 (2003)UON00246356pp. 287-305 (2003)UON00246357pp. 215-236 (2003)UON00246354pp. 103-132 (2003)UON00246352pp. 1-22 (2003)UON00246348pp. 51-75 (2003)UON00246350pp. 23-49 (2003)UON00246349pp. 307-328 (2003)UON00246358pp. 237-256 (2003)UON00246355pp. 329-340 (2003)UON00246359pp. 77-101 (2003)UON00246351pp. 133-139 (2003)UON00246353pp. 691-718 (2002)UON00246341pp. 465-494 (20029UON00246328pp. 441-463 (2002)UON00246326pp. 495-517 (2002)UON00246329pp. 425-439 (2002)UON00246322pp. 519-551 (2002)UON00246330pp. 553-573 (2002)UON00246333pp. 239-262 (2002)UON00246306pp. 205-215 (2002)UON00246303pp. 217-238 (2002)UON00246305pp. 351-374 (2002)UON00246321pp. 317-335 (2002)UON00246315pp. 189-203 (2002)UON00246302pp. 299-315 (2002)UON00246312pp. 263-278 (2002)UON00246307pp. 279-297 (2002)UON00246310pp. 1-28 (2002)UON00246297pp. 59-85 (2002)UON00246299pp. 113-127 (2002)UON00246301pp. 337-349 (2002)UON00246320pp.29-57 (2002)UON00246298pp. 87-112 (2002)UON00246300pp. 667-690 (2002)UON00246339pp. 619-644 (2002)UON00246336pp. 645-666 (2002)UON00246337pp. 719-731 (2002)UON00246343pp. 525-544 (2001)UON00246275pp. 545-569 (2001)UON00246276pp. 571-590 (2001)UON00246277pp. 503-523 (2001)UON00246274pp. 591-610 (2001)UON00246278pp. 477-502 (2001)UON00246272pp. 433-448 (2001)UON00246271pp. 383-409 (2001)UON00246269pp. 411-432 (2001)UON00246270pp. 335-361 (2001)UON00246266pp. 363-382 (2001)UON00246267pp. 247-269 (2001)UON00246264pp. 221-245 (2001)UON00246263pp. 271-290 (2001)UON00246265pp. 203-220 (2001)UON00246262pp. 171-201 (2001)UON00246261pp. 23-47 (2001)UON00246256pp. 49-68 (2001)UON00246258pp. 1-21 (2001)UON00246255pp. 91-114 (2001)UON00246260pp. 69-89 (2001)UON00246259pp. 441-463 (2000)UON00246251pp. 511-530 (2000)UON00246254pp. 491-510 (2000)UON00246253pp. 465-490 (2000)UON00246252pp. 369-393 (2000)UON00246249pp. 323-344 (2000)UON00246247pp. 395-410 (20009UON00246250pp. 255-275 (2000)UON00246246pp. 197-217 (2000)UON00246242pp. 219-240 (2000)UON00246244pp. 241-254 (2000)UON00246245pp. 3-22 (2000)UON00246235pp. 23-46 (2000)UON00246236pp. 47-69 (2000)UON00246237pp. 97-122 (2000)UON00246239pp. 71-95 (2000)UON00246238pp. 123-153 (2000)UON00246241pp. 345-368 (2000)UON00246248v. 44 (2012); FATTURATO CON REVIEW OF MIDDLE EAST ST.IT-UONSI A Per754 B/2012 (44)Vol. 47IT-UONSI A Per754 B/2015 (47)Fa parte dell'abbonamento a Middle East Studies Association con Review of Middle East Studies.IT-UONSI A Per754 B/2016 (48)package with REVIEW OF MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, vol. 51 - PRINT + ONLINE -IT-UONSI A Per754 B/2017 (49)VOL 12IT-UONSI A Per754 B/1980Fatt. 69008938R 14.9.98IT-UONSI A Per754 B/1999Fatt. del 8.3.00IT-UONSI A Per754 B/2000v. 33IT-UONSI A Per754 B/2001v. 42 (2010); FATTURATO CON MIDDLE EAST ST. ASS.IT-UONSI A Per754 B/2010 (42)FATTURATO CON REVIEW OF MIDDLE EAST ST.IT-UONSI A Per754 B/2011 (43)001UON002662502001 Post-islamism and the religious discourse of 'Abd al-Salam YasinHenri Lauzierev.37,n.2 pp. 241-261 (2005)001UON002662392001 ˆThe ‰rise and fall of Qadi'Abd al-JabbarGabriel Said Reynoldsv.37, n.1 pp. 3-18 (2005)001UON002662452001 Weaving Iran into the tree of nationsCharles Kurzmanv.37, n. 2 pp. 137-166 (2005)001UON002662272001 ˆThe ‰experiment of Sharif Pasha's cabinet (1879)an inquiry into the historiography of Egypt's elite movementAbdelAziz EzzelArabv.36,n.4 pp. 561-589 (2004)001UON002662312001 Israel between East and West, 1948-56Avi Shlaimv.36,n.4 pp. 657-673 (2004)001UON002662282001 ˆThe ‰"new order" and islamic orderthe introduction of the Nizami army in the western maghrib and its legitimation, 1830-73Amira K. Bennisonv.36,n.4 pp. 591-612 (2004)001UON002662162001 Prices in the ottoman empire, 1469-1914Sevket Pamukv.36,n.3 pp. 451-468 (2004)001UON002662352001 Population changes in ottoman Anatolia during the 16th and 17th centuriesthe "demographic crisis" reconsideredOktay Ozelv.36,n.2 pp. 183-205 (2004)001UON002662362001 "Sick man of Europe" or "Japan of the near east"?constructing ottoman modernity in the hamidian and young turk erasRenĂ©e Worringerv.36,n.2 pp. 207-230 (2004)001UON002662002001 Educating muslim girls in mandatory JerusalemEla Greenbergv.36,n.1 pp. 1-19 (2004)001UON002662302001 "Middle-ground" politics and the re-palestinization of places in IsraelEfrat Ben-Ze'ev and Issam Aburaiyav.36, n.4 pp. 639-655 (2004)001UON002662132001 Controlled sufferingmortality and living conditions in 19th-century Egyptian prisonsRudolph Petersv.36, n.3 pp. 387-407 (2004)001UON002662112001 Heterotopia and the wine poem in early islamic cultureYaseen Nooraniv.36, n.3 pp. 345-366 (2004)001UON002662152001 "Jabarti of the 20th century"the national epic of 'Abd al-Rahman al-Rafi'i and other Egyptian historiesYoav Di Capuav.36, n.3 pp. 429-450 (2004)001UON002662042001 Israel's strategy in Africa, 1961-67Zach Leveyv.36, n.1 pp. 71-87 (2004)001UON002463342001 After 1860debating religion, reform, and nationalism in the Ottoman empireUssama Makdisiv.34,n.4 pp. 601-617 (2002)001UON002697492001 Between "beloved Ottomania" and "the land of Israel"the struggle over Ottomanism and Zionism among Palestine's Sephardi Jews, 1908-13Michelle U. Camposv. 37,n.4 pp. 461-483 (2005)001UON002697532001 Deviant dervishesspace, gender, and the construction of antinomiam piety in ottoman AleppoHeghnar Zeitlian Watenpaughv. 37,n.4 pp. 535-565 (2005)001UON002697542001 Efficiency and continuity in public financethe ottoman system of taxationMetin M. Cosgelv. 37,n.4 pp. 567-586 (2005)001UON002697512001 Government withouth espertise? Competence, capacity, and civil-service practice in Gaza, 1917-67Ilana Feldmanv. 37,n.4 pp. 485-507 (2005)001UON002697522001 ˆThe ‰Greek orthodox patriarchate of Jerusalem and its congregationsdissent over real estateItamar Katz and Ruth Karkv. 37,n.4 pp. 509-534 (2005)001UON002662552001 ˆThe ‰metamorphosis of the Egyptian muslim brothersMona El-Ghobashyv. 37,n.3 pp. 373-395 (2005)001UON002662462001 "A sound mind lives in a healthy body"texts and contents in the iranian modernists' scientific discourse of heakth, 1910s-40sCyrus Shayeghv. 37,n.2 pp. 167-188 (2005)001UON002662472001 ˆA ‰"sound mind lives in a healthy body"texts and contexts in the iranian modernists' scientific discourse of health, 1910s-40sCyrus Schayeghv. 37,n.2 pp. 167-188 (2005)001UON002662442001 ˆThe ‰strength of the street meets the strength of the statethe 1972 labor struggle in KarachiKamran Asdar Aliv. 37,n.1 pp. 83-107 (2005)001UON002697552001 Do comparative and regional studies of nationalism intersect?Moshe Beharv. 37, n.4 pp. 587-612 (2005)001UON002662542001 Barren land and fecund bodiesthe emergence of population discourse in interwar EgyptOmnia El Shakryv. 37, n.3 pp. 351-372 (2005)001UON002662522001 Engaging the statepeasants and petitions in Egypt on the eve of colonial ruleJohn Chalcraftv. 37, n.3 pp. 303-325 (2005)001UON002662532001 From peasant to farmera study of agrarian transformation in an iranian village, 1967-2002Amir Ismaili Ajamiv. 37, n.3 pp. 327-349 (2005)001UON002662562001 Writing arabs and africans in Americaadonis and radwa 'Ashour from Harlem to lady libertyMichelle Hartmanv. 37, n.3 pp. 397-420 (2005)001UON002662482001 Becoming urbantown admistrations in transjordanMichael J. Reimerv. 37, n.2 pp. 189-211 (2005)001UON002662492001 ˆThe ‰tribal system in the face of the state-formation processmandatory transjordan, 1921-46Yoav Alonv. 37, n.2 pp. 213-240 (2005)001UON002662432001 Philanthropic activity, ottoman patriotism, and the hamidian regime, 1876-1909Nadir Ozbekv. 37, n.1 pp. 59-81 (2005)001UON002662412001 ˆThe ‰politics of popular religionSufis, Salafis and muslim brothers in 20th-century hamahItzchak Weismannv. 37, n.1 pp. 39-58 (2005)001UON002662402001 What is arab islamic rhetoric? Rethinking the history of muslim oratory art and homileticsPhilip Halldenv. 37, n.1 pp. 19-38 (2005)001UON002662292001 British rule and arab-jewish coalescence of interestthe 1946 civil servants' strike in Palestine David De Vriesv. 36,n.4 pp. 613-638 (2004)001UON002662172001 Neighborhood nuptialsislamic personal law and local customs-marriage records in a mahalle of traditional Istanbul (1864-1907)Cem Beharv. 36,n.4 pp. 537-559 (2004)001UON002662122001 ˆThe ‰Morning aftertravail of sexuality and love in modern IranAfsaneh Najmabadiv. 36,n.3 pp. 367-385 (2004)001UON002662372001 Friends of foes? Diplomatic relations between Italy and Turkey, 1923-36Dilek Barlasv. 36,n.2 pp. 231-252 (2004)001UON002662332001 ˆThe ‰great fire of 1660 and the islamization of christian and jewish space in IstanbulMarc David Baerv. 36,n.2 pp. 159-181 (2004)001UON002662012001 ˆThe ‰Battle for Safad in the war of 1948a revised studyMustafa Abbasiv. 36,n.1 pp. 21-47 (2004)001UON002662052001 Exploiting opportunitiesIraq secures military aid from the west, 1953-56Daniel C. Williamsonv. 36,n.1 pp.89-102 (2004)001UON002662032001 Post-modern armies and the question of peace and warthe israeli defense forces in the "new times"Uri Ben-Eliezerv. 36,n.1 pp. 49-70 (2004)001UON002662142001 ˆThe ‰Many deaths of Dr. Emile Mauchampmedicine, technology, and popular politics in pre-protectorate Morocco, 1877-1912Ellen Amsterv. 36, n.3 pp. 409-428 (2004)001UON002662382001 ˆA ‰tales of two mayorscourts and politics in Iran and TurkeyHootan Shambayativ. 36, n.2 pp. 253-275 (2004)001UON002662062001 Monarchical authoritarismsurvival and political liberalization in a middle eastern regime typeRussell E. Lucasv. 36, n.1 pp. 103-119 (2004)001UON002662082001 Islamism in southern Egypta case study of a radical religious movementJames Tohtv. 35,n.4 pp. 547-572 (2003)001UON002662102001 Post-revolutionary islamic discourses on modernity in Iranexpansion and contraction of human subjectivityFarzin Vadhatv. 35,n.4 pp. 599-631 (2003)001UON002662072001 Sayyid qutb's doctrine of JahiliyyaWilliam E. Shepardv. 35,n.4 pp. 521-545 (2003)001UON002662092001 ˆA ‰secular Islamnation, state and religion in UzbekistanAdeeb Khalidv. 35,n.4 pp. 573-598 (2003)001UON002464182001 ˆA ‰Historical slip of the Tongue, or what can the Arab-Jewish transportation strike teach us about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?Lev Grinbergv. 35,n.3 pp. 371-391 (2003)001UON002464222001 Historical traumas, ideological conflicts, and the process of mythologizing /Tirza Hecherv. 35,n.3 pp. 439-460 (2003)001UON002464192001 Local struggle, national strugglePalestinian responses to the Kafr Qasim massacre and its aftermath, 1956-66Shira Robinsonv. 35,n.3 pp. 393-416 (2003)001UON002464252001 Mandate dazestories of British rule in Palestine, 1917-48Martin Buntonv. 35,n.3 pp. 485-492 (2003)001UON002464212001 Palestinian nationalism has left the fielda shortened history of Arab soccer in IsraelTamir Sorekv. 35,n.3 pp. 417-437 (2003)001UON002464232001 ˆThe ‰Study of war and the military in Israelan empirical investigation and a reflective critiqueZeev Rosenhek, Daniel Maman, and Eyal Ben-Ariv. 35,n.3 pp. 461-484 (2003)001UON002463562001 Middle-class modernity and the persistence of the politics of notables in inter-war SyriaKeith D. Watenpaughv. 35,n.2 pp. 257-286 (2003)001UON002463572001 On the origins of the Mellah of MarrakeshEmily Gottreichv. 35,n.2 pp. 287-305 (2003)001UON002463542001 Street violence and social imagination in late-Mamluk and Ottoman Damascus (ca. 1500-1800)James Grehanv. 35,n.2 pp. 215-236 (2003)001UON002463522001 In the Basha's Housethe organizational culture of Egyptian public-sector enterpriseSamer Shehatav. 35,n.1 pp. 103-132 (2003)001UON002463482001 Pan-Islam or Arab nationalism? The meaning of the 1931 Jerusalem Islamic congress reconsideredWeldon C. Mattewsv. 35,n.1 pp. 1-22 (2003)001UON002463502001 Selling luxurythe rise of the Egyptian cigarette and the transformation of the Egyptian tonacco market, 1850-1914Relli Shechterv. 35,n.1 pp. 51-75 (2003)001UON002463492001 Sunni modernist theories of social contract in contemporary EgyptShahrough Akhaviv. 35,n.1 pp. 23-49 (2003)001UON002463582001 British and Israeli maintenance of the status quo in the holy places of ChristendomMarlen Eordegianv. 35, n.2 pp. 307-328 (2003)001UON002463552001 Contesting the edges of the Ottoman empirerethinking ethnic and secarian boundaries in the Malesore 1878-1912Isa Blumiv. 35, n.2 pp. 237-256 (2003)001UON002463592001 ˆThe ‰State and madness in medieval IslamBoaz Shohanv. 35, n.2 pp. 329-340 (2003)001UON002463512001 ˆThe ‰Cultural uses of consumptionnegotiating class, gender, and nation in the Ottoman urban centers during the 19th centuryHaris Exertzoglouv. 35, n.1 pp. 77-101 (2003)001UON002463532001 Recent writings in late Ottoman history Donald Quataertv. 35, n.1 pp. 133-139 (2003)001UON002463412001 Hidden public expenditures and the economy in IranHadi Salehi Esfahani and Farzad Taheripourv. 34,n.4 pp. 691-718 (2002)001UON002463282001 Abu al-Thana' al-Alusian Alim, Ottoman Mufti, and exegete of the Qur'an /Basheer M. Nafiv. 34,n.3 pp. 465-494 (20029001UON002463262001 Aspects of the creed of Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbala study of anthropomorphism in early Islamic discourseWesley Williamsv. 34,n.3 pp. 441-463 (2002)001UON002463292001 Household formation in 19th-century Central Anatoliathe case study of a Turkish-speaking orthodox christian communityIrini Renieriv. 34,n.3 pp. 495-517 (2002)001UON002463222001 ˆThe ‰Piety of the Hadith folkChristopher Melchertv. 34,n.3 pp. 425-439 (2002)001UON002463302001 Power structure, agency, and family in a Palestinian refugee campMaya Rosenfeldv. 34,n.3 pp. 519-551 (2002)001UON002463332001 Women in the limelightsome recent books on Middle Eastern women's historyNikki R. Keddiev. 34,n.3 pp. 553-573 (2002)001UON002463062001 ˆThe ‰Colonial system of power in TurkistanNadira A. Abdurakhimovav. 34,n.2 pp. 239-262 (2002)001UON002463032001 ˆThe ‰Fragments imagine the nationthe case of IraqSami Zubaidav. 34,n.2 pp. 205-215 (2002)001UON002463052001 From patriotism to matriotisma tropological study of Iranian nationalism, 1870-1909Mohamad Tavakoli-Targhiv. 34,n.2 pp. 217-238 (2002)001UON002463212001 Historiography of post-Soviet KyrgyzstanTyntchtykbek Tchoroevv. 34,n.2 pp. 351-374 (2002)001UON002463152001 Nation-State formationfeatures of social stratification in the late Soviet EraAlisher Ilkhamovv. 34,n.2 pp. 317-335 (2002)001UON002463022001 Nationalism and the colonial legacy in the Middle East and Cental AsiaintroductionJuan R.I. Cole and Deniz Kandiyotiv. 34,n.2 pp. 189-203 (2002)001UON002463122001 Nationalism in AfghanistanAnthony Hymanv. 34,n.2 pp. 299-315 (2002)001UON002463072001 Pilgrimage and performanceUzbek women and the imagining of Uzbekistan in the 1920sMarianne Kampv. 34,n.2 pp. 263-278 (2002)001UON002463102001 Post-colonialism comparedpotentials and limitations in the Middle East and Central AsiaDeniz Kandiyotiv. 34,n.2 pp. 279-297 (2002)001UON002462972001 Activism and social development in the Middle EastAsef Bayatv. 34,n.1 pp. 1-28 (2002)001UON002462992001 ˆThe ‰Armenian question and the wartime fate of the Armenians as documented by the officials of the Ottoman empire's world war I alliesGermany and Austria-HungaryVahakn N. Dadrianv. 34,n.1 pp. 59-85 (2002)001UON002463012001 Din-u Devlet all over again? The politics of military secularism and religious militarism in Turkey following the 1980 coupSam Kaplanv. 34,n.1 pp. 113-127 (2002)001UON002463202001 History textbooks as reflections of the political selfTurkey (1930s and 1990s) and Uzbekistan (1990s)Busra Ersanliv. 34,n.1 pp. 337-349 (2002)001UON002462982001 Metaphors of commercetrans-valuing tribalism in Yemeni audiocassette poetryW. Flagg Millerv. 34,n.1 pp.29-57 (2002)001UON002463002001 Turkish conservative modernismbirth of a nationalist quest for cultural renewalNazim Iremv. 34,n.1 pp. 87-112 (2002)001UON002463392001 Workers, peasants, and peddlersa study of labor stratification in the post-revolutionary IranSohrab Behdad and Farhad Nomaniv. 34,n. 4 pp. 667-690 (2002)001UON002463362001 Intra-communal and inter-communal dimensions of conflict and peace in LebanonOren Barakv. 34, n.4 pp. 619-644 (2002)001UON002463372001 ˆThe ‰Nuzhih plot and Iranian politicsMark J. Gasiorowskiv. 34, n.4 pp. 645-666 (2002)001UON002463432001 ˆThe ‰Reform movement and the debate on modernity and tradition in contemporary IranSaid Amir Arjomandv. 34, n.4 pp. 719-731 (2002)001UON002462752001 Britain and the Ghawr Abi 'Ubayda Waqf controvesy in TransjordanMichael R. Fischbachv. 33,n.4 pp. 525-544 (2001)001UON002462762001 ˆThe ‰Decline of Jordanian political partiesmyth or reality?Ellen M. Lust-Okarv. 33,n.4 pp. 545-569 (2001)001UON002462772001 Development in Wadi Rum? State bureacracy, external funders, and civil societyLaurie A. Brandv. 33,n.4 pp. 571-590 (2001)001UON002462742001 Lebanese women's fictionurban identity and the tyranny of the pastSamira Aghacyv. 33,n.4 pp. 503-523 (2001)001UON002462782001 Of Islamists and ballot boxesrethinking the relationship between Islamismand electoral politicsVickie Langohrv. 33,n.4 pp. 591-610 (2001)001UON002462722001 Resisting silence in Arab women's autobiographiesMagda M. Al-Nowaihiv. 33,n.4 pp. 477-502 (2001)001UON002462712001 Globalization and political Islamthe social based of Turkey's welfare partyHaldun Gulalpv. 33,n.3 pp. 433-448 (2001)001UON002462692001 "Nationalism" and Kurdish notables in the late Ottoman-early republican eraHakan Ozogluv. 33,n.3 pp. 383-409 (2001)001UON002462702001 Object or subject? The paradox of "Youth" in TurkeyLeyla Neyziv. 33,n.3 pp. 411-432 (2001)001UON002462662001 Selling and saving "Mother Iran"gender and the Iranian press in the 1940sCamron Michael Aminv. 33,n.3 pp. 335-361 (2001)001UON002462672001 Tudeh factionalis, and the 1953 coup in IranMaziar Behroozv. 33,n.3 pp. 363-382 (2001)001UON002462642001 "Ever a guest in our house"the emir Abdullah, Shaykh Majid al-Adwa, and the practice of Jordanian House politics, as remembered by Umm Sultan, the widow of MajidAndrew Shryock and Sally Howellv. 33,n.2 pp. 247-269 (2001)001UON002462632001 Rethinking the cold war and decolonizationthe grand strategy of the Algerian war for independenceMatthew Connellyv. 33,n.2 pp. 221-245 (2001)001UON002462652001 Sources for the socio-economic study of rural MoroccoHsain Ilahiane and Thomas K. Parkv. 33,n.2 pp. 271-290 (2001)001UON002462622001 ˆA ‰State of two mindsstate cultures, women, and politics in KuwaitMary Ann Tetreaultv. 33,n.2 pp. 203-220 (2001)001UON002462612001 Woman in Islammen and the "women's press" in turn-of-the-20th-century EgyptMarilyn Boothv. 33,n.2 pp. 171-201 (2001)001UON002462562001 ˆThe ‰Forced conversion of Jewish orphans in YemenBat-Zion Eraqi-Klormanv. 33,n.1 pp. 23-47 (2001)001UON002462582001 From tyranny to despotismthe enlightenment's unenlightened image of the TurksAsli Cirakmanv. 33,n.1 pp. 49-68 (2001)001UON002462552001 Money, religion, and politicsthe Oudh Bequest in Najaf and Karbala, 1850-1930Meir Litvakv. 33,n.1 pp. 1-21 (2001)001UON002462602001 ˆA ‰Patriotic leftist development-strategy proposal in Turkey in the 1930sthe case of the Kadro (Cadre) movementMustafa Turkesv. 33,n.1 pp. 91-114 (2001)001UON002462592001 ˆThe ‰Price revolution in the Ottoman empire reconsideredSevket Pamukv. 33,n.1 pp. 69-89 (2001)001UON002462512001 Civil society, tribal process, and change in Jordanan anthropological viewRichard T. Antounv. 32,n.4 pp. 441-463 (2000)001UON002462542001 Demilitarized, then dispossedthe kirad bedouins of the Hula Valley in the context of Syrian-Israeli relationsDan Rabinowitz and Sliman Khawaldev. 32,n.4 pp. 511-530 (2000)001UON002462532001 Modernity and gender in arab accounts of the 1948 and 1967 defeatsFrancesS. Hassov. 32,n.4 pp. 491-510 (2000)001UON002462522001 Opportunities, organizations, and ideasIslamists and workers in Tunisia and AlgeriaChristopher Alexanderv. 32,n.4 pp. 465-490 (2000)001UON002462492001 Islamic morality in late Ottoman "secular" schoolsBenjamin C. Fortnav. 32,n.3 pp. 369-393 (2000)001UON002462472001 ˆThe ‰Ottoman Algerian elite and its ideologyTal Shuvalv. 32,n.3 pp. 323-344 (2000)001UON002462502001 Rifa'a Rafi' al-Tahtawi and his contribution to the lexical development of modern literary ArabicMohammed Sawaiev. 32,n.3 pp. 395-410 (20009001UON002462462001 Evaluating the process of development in Egypt, 1980-97Richard H. Adams, Jr.v. 32,n.2 pp. 255-275 (2000)001UON002462422001 Islam and Arabs through the eyes of the Encyclopheduethe "other" as a case of French cultural self-criticismRebecca Joubinv. 32,n.2 pp. 197-217 (2000)001UON002462442001 ˆThe ‰Salafi movement in JordanQuintan Wiktorowiczv. 32,n.2 pp. 219-240 (2000)001UON002462452001 Women working in Omanindividual choice and cultural constraintsDawn Chattyv. 32,n.2 pp. 241-254 (2000)001UON002462352001 Conflict and cooperation between the state and religious institutionns in contemporary EgyptTamir Moustafav. 32,n.1 pp. 3-22 (2000)001UON002462362001 Identity and churchEthiopian-Egyptian dialogue, 1924-59Haggai Erlichv. 32,n.1 pp. 23-46 (2000)001UON002462372001 Knights, not pawnsethno-nationalism and regional dynamics in post-colonial BalochistanPaul Titus and Nina Swidlerv. 32,n.1 pp. 47-69 (2000)001UON002462392001 Politics within the late-Pahlavi statethe ministry of economy and industrial policy, 1963-69Vali Nasrv. 32,n.1 pp. 97-122 (2000)001UON002462382001 Popular uprisings and Arab democratizationLarbi Sadikiv. 32,n.1 pp. 71-95 (2000)001UON002462412001 Small landowners and land distribution in Iran, 1962-71Mohammad Gholi Majdv. 32,n.1 pp. 123-153 (2000)001UON002462482001 Safavid Iran's search for silver and goldWillem Floor and Patrick Clawsonv. 32, n.3 pp. 345-368 (2000)UON00353282IJMESRELAZIONI INTERNAZIONALIPeriodiciUONC035872FIGBCambridgeUONL000022956STORIA DEL MEDIO ORIENTE21GBREGNO UNITO - PERIODICIAABBONAMENTIABBONAMENTI - PERIODICIATITOLI ELETTRONICITITOLI ELETTRONICI - PERIODICIAUniversityCambridgeUONV006570Cambridge University PressUONV245943650ITSOL20240220RICAhttps://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/international-journal-of-middle-east-studiesAccesso per utenti con proxy server attivohttps://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/international-journal-of-middle-east-studiesAccesso per utenti con proxy server attivoSIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSI1(1970)-52(2020). - Poi solo onlineA PER 754 B ;UON00002260SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI 1(1970)-52(2020). - Poi solo onlineSI A Per 754 B 2012 (44) SI 109 7 2012 (44) v. 44 (2012); FATTURATO CON REVIEW OF MIDDLE EAST ST.SI A Per 754 B 2013 (45) SI 7490 7 2013 (45) SI A Per 754 B 2014 (46) SI 12224 7 2014 (46) SI A Per 754 B 2015 (47) SI 15051 7 2015 (47) Vol. 47SI A Per 754 B 2016 (48) SI 17981 7 2016 (48) Fa parte dell'abbonamento a Middle East Studies Association con Review of Middle East Studies.SI A Per 754 B 2017 (49) SI 22453 7 2017 (49) package with REVIEW OF MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, vol. 51 - PRINT + ONLINE -SI A Per 754 B 2018 (50) SI 25668 7 2018 (50) SI A Per 754 B 2019 (51) SI 32223 7 2019 (51) SI A Per 754 B 2020 (52) SI 35972 7 2020 (52) SI A Per 754 B 1970 SI SA 17051 7 1970 SI A Per 754 B 1971 SI SA 17052 7 1971 SI A Per 754 B 1972 SI SA 17053 7 1972 SI A Per 754 B 1973 SI SA 17054 7 1973 SI A Per 754 B 1974 SI SA 17055 7 1974 SI A Per 754 B 1975 SI SA 17056 7 1975 SI A Per 754 B 1976 SI SA 17057 7 1976 SI A Per 754 B 1977 SI SA 17058 7 1977 SI SA 111129 7 2004 (36) SI SA 117355 7 2006 (38) SI SA 121338 7 2007 (39) SI SA 124519 7 2008 (40) SI SA 126203 7 2009 (41) SI A Per 754 B 1978 SI SA 17059 7 1978 SI A Per 754 B 1983 SI SA 43530 7 1983 SI A Per 754 B 1984 SI SA 43531 7 1984 SI A Per 754 B 1986 SI SA 50373 7 1986 SI A Per 754 B 1987 SI SA 52992 7 1987 SI A Per 754 B 1988 SI SA 55969 7 1988 SI A Per 754 B 1989 SI SA 61352 7 1989 SI A Per 754 B 1980 SI SA 62649 7 1980 VOL 12SI A Per 754 B 1981 SI SA 62650 7 1981 SI A Per 754 B 1979 SI SA 62834 7 1979 SI A Per 754 B 1980 SI SA 66470 7 1980 SI A Per 754 B 1990 SI SA 66754 7 1990 SI A Per 754 B 1991 SI SA 68637 7 1991 SI A Per 754 B 1992 SI SA 69844 7 1992 SI A Per 754 B 1993 SI SA 72789 7 1993 SI A Per 754 B 1994 SI SA 76388 7 1994 SI A Per 754 B 1995 SI SA 79355 7 1995 SI A Per 754 B 1996 SI SA 82810 7 1996 SI A Per 754 B 1997 SI SA 85895 7 1997 SI A Per 754 B 1998 SI SA 88089 7 1998 SI A Per 754 B 1999 SI SA 91566 7 1999 Fatt. 69008938R 14.9.98SI A Per 754 B 2000 SI SA 93189 7 2000 Fatt. del 8.3.00SI A Per 754 B 2001 SI SA 102353 7 2001 v. 33SI SA 106443 7 2002 SI SA 109376 7 2003 (35) SI SA 113608 7 2005 (37) SI A Per 754 b 1982 SI SA 111621 7 1982 SI A Per 754 b 1985 SI SA 111623 7 1985 SI A Per 754 B 2010 (42) SI SA 127140 7 2010 (42) v. 42 (2010); FATTURATO CON MIDDLE EAST ST. ASS.SI A Per 754 B 2011 (43) SI SA 128981 7 2011 (43) FATTURATO CON REVIEW OF MIDDLE EAST ST.SI RIV B 259 SI SC 8981 5 SI RIV B 259 SI SC 12006 5 SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI2012SA247 0J 20120111v. 44 (2012); FATTURATO CON REVIEW OF MIDDLE EAST ST. SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI2013352 1J 20130527V. 45 2013 l'abbonamento comprende Review of Middle east studies v. 47 2013 (arSIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI201444 1J 20140506Comprende l'abbonamento a Review of Middle East Studies SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI2015636 1J 20150428package with Review of Middle East Studies SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI2016430 1J 20160404package with REVIEW OF MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, vol. 50 SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI2017194 1J 20170323SUBSCRIPTION 2017 v. 49 - package with REVIEW OF MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, vol. 51 - SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI2018101 1J 20180221 SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI2019298 1J 20190510 SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI2020302 1J 20200904Prezzo del pacchetto con Review of Middle East Studies (boundle) SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI20211166 1J 20210526A pacchetto con Review of Middle East Studies SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI2022422 1J 20220518MIDDLE EAST STUDIES ASSOCIATION PACKAGE Comprende: International Journal of MiddSIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI2023427 1J 20230414Middle East Studies Association comprende: International Journal of Middle East International journal of middle East studies893273UNIOR