06535nam0 22011051i 450 UON0000154420231205101851.45720020107d1989 |0itac50 bamulFR|||| 1||||Etudes irano-aryennes offertes à Gilbert Lazardréunies par C.-H. de Fouchécour et Ph. GignouxParisAssociation pour l'Avancement des Etudes Iraniennes1989XVIII, 383, 27 p.26 cmpp. 217-228UON00001573pp. 237-246UON00001576pp. 209-216UON00001572pp. 87-94UON00001561pp, 229-236UON00001574pp. 1-4UON00001552pp. 151-164UON00001568pp. 247-264UON00001577pp. 371-383UON00001589pp. 297-314UON00001583pp. 277-282UON00001579pp. 109-112UON00001565pp. 165-184UON00001569pp. 283-292UON00001580pp. 367-370UON00001588pp. 1-27UON00001549pp. 95-98UON00001562pp. 265-276UON00001578pp. 37-58UON00001558pp. 355-366UON00001587pp. 113-136UON00001566pp. 79-86UON00001560pp. 321-332UON00001585pp. 23-36UON00001556pp. 185-192UON00001570pp. 315-320UON00001584pp. 193-208UON00001571pp. 293-296UON00001581pp. 59-78UON00001559pp. 99-108UON00001564pp. 137-150UON00001567pp. 5-18UON00001553pp. 333-354UON00001586pp. 19-22UON00001554001UON000006742001 Cahiers de Studia Iranica7001UON000015732001 Ahura Mazda n'est pas un dieu créateurJ. Kellenspp. 217-228001UON000015762001 Arménien ari et anariC. De Lamberteriepp. 237-246001UON000015722001 Bactrian kidabo, odabo, kaldabo, malabo/malboH. Humbachpp. 209-216001UON000015612001 BatalJ. Elfenbeinpp. 87-94001UON000015742001 ˆLes ‰belles-mères à Carx-e LogarNotes de dialectologie afghaneC. M. Kiefferpp, 229-236001UON000015522001 Bemerkungen zu einer "neuen" judisch-persischen QohalatubersetzungJ. P. Asmussenpp. 1-4001UON000015682001 ˆUn ‰cas possible de différenciation lexicale entre Dari et FarsiG. Gnolipp. 151-164001UON000015772001 ˆLe ‰classement des langues irano-aryennes occidentalesP. Lecoqpp. 247-264001UON000015892001 ˆThe ‰dialect of Aran and BigdolE. Yarshaterpp. 371-383001UON000015832001 Du pashto standard au wanetsi/kaw l/ ou /kr l/? Note de dialectologie pashto D. Septfondspp. 297-314001UON000015792001 Firdawsi's Shah-namaApproaches to textual criticismM.-N.O. Osmanovpp. 277-282001UON000015652001 ˆAn ‰historical problem in the study of the dialects of FarsR. N. Fryepp. 109-112001UON000015692001 ˆLes ‰Huns dans les documents sogdiens du Mont MughF. Grenetpp. 165-184001UON000015802001 ˆL'‰inferenziale in BaluciA. Rossipp. 283-292001UON000015882001 Iranian notesXrmhA. Tafazzolipp. 367-370001UON000015492001 Ketabsenasi-e ketabha-ye farsi cap sode dar Iran darbare-ye guyesha-ye iraniIraj Afsarpp. 1-27001UON000015622001 ˆA ‰khotanese nightmareR. E. Emmerickpp. 95-98001UON000015782001 Khwarezmian in the law booksD. N. MacKenziepp. 265-276001UON000015582001 ˆLe ‰kurde loriJ. Blaupp. 37-58001UON000015872001 ˆEin ‰manichaischer Bekenntnistext in neupersischer SpracheW. Sundermannpp. 355-366001UON000015662001 Margarites the PearlI. Gershevitichpp. 113-136001UON000015602001 ˆLa ‰musique dans le cielJ. Duchesne-Guilleminpp. 79-86001UON000015852001 ˆA ‰new fragment from the parthian hymn-cycle HuyadagmanN. Sims-Williamspp. 321-332001UON000015562001 ˆLes ‰noms des jours de la semaine planétaire dans les langues turquesL. Bazinpp. 23-36001UON000015702001 Note de glyptique sassanideLes cachets personnels de l'Ohrmazd-MogbedR. Gyselenpp. 185-192001UON000015842001 Notes on the preposition be in Judaeo-PersianS. Shakedpp. 315-320001UON000015712001 ˆLe ‰paragraphe 70 de l'inscription de BisotounC. Herrenschmidtpp. 193-208001UON000015812001 Pers. saugand xurdan, etc. `To take an oath' (not to drink sulphur')M. Schwartzpp. 293-296001UON000015592001 ˆThe ‰poems of the Persian Sibyl and the Zand i Vahman YastM. Boycepp. 59-78001UON000015642001 ˆLes ‰récits d'ascension (me`raj) dans l'oeuvre de NezamiC.-H. de Fouchécourpp. 99-108001UON000015672001 Sur le composé humain du Manichéisme à l'IsmaélismePh. Gignouxpp. 137-150001UON000015532001 ˆLe ‰t‚moignage d'Ebn-e Bazzâz sur la turquisation de l'AzerbaydjanJ. Aubinpp. 5-18001UON000015862001 Verbal ideograms and the imperfect in Middle Persian and ParthianP.O. Skjærvopp. 333-354001UON000015542001 Zoroastrian frast `fortune'H. W. Baileypp. 19-22IRANISTICAUONC003849FIIRA GEN D IIRAN - STUDI IN ONORE DI - GENERALIAAFOUCHECOURCharles-Henry : deUONV001551GIGNOUXPhilippeUONV000323LAZARDGilbertUONV000044DE_FOUCHECOUR, Charles-HenriFOUCHECOUR, Charles-Henry : deUONV001752ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00001544SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI IRA GEN D I 014 SI SA 69668 5 014 Etudes irano-aryennes offertes à Gilbert Lazard1173619UNIOR