03056nam0 22005651i 450 UON0000078820231205101847.4509-17-53613-420020107d1979 |0itac50 baengUS|||| 1||||Studies on Korea in transitionedited by David R. McCann, John Middleton, Edward J. ShultzHonoluluCenter for Korean Studies, University of Hawaii1979245 p.23 cmpp. 43-56UON00000804pp. 57-88UON00000806pp. 102-125UON00000808pp. 126-159UON00000809pp. 5-16UON00000802pp. 200-215UON00000812pp. 17-42UON00000803pp. 174-199UON00000811pp. 89-101UON00000807pp. 160-173UON00000810Coll.: COR I 37 NIT-UONSI CORI/037 N001UON000007902001 Occasional PapersCenter for Korean Studies9001UON000008042001 ArirangThe national folksong of KoreaDavid R. McCannpp. 43-56001UON000008062001 How to do things with ritualThe logic of ancestor worship ond other offerings in rural KoreaGriffin Dixpp. 57-88001UON000008082001 Kinship, communal, and class models of social structure in Rising Sun VillageCharles D. McBrianpp. 102-125001UON000008092001 Korean literature in Japan, a case studyRi kai SeiBeverly Nelsonpp. 126-159001UON000008022001 ˆThe ‰military-civilian conflict of the Koryo DynastyEdward J. Shultzpp. 5-16001UON000008122001 Observations on teaching high school asian studiesPaul T. Mulloypp. 200-215001UON000008032001 ˆThe ‰role of legal reforms in the japanese annexation and rule of Korea, 1905-1919Edward J. Barkerpp. 17-42001UON000008112001 Romanization of KoreanProblems, experiments, suggestionsEdward F. Kleinpp. 174-199001UON000008072001 Spirits in place: The concept of Kohyang and the korean social orderCharles N. Goldbergpp. 89-101001UON000008102001 Technology and transformation in korean educationJohn Middleton, Kuk Bom Shinpp. 160-173COREACULTURA E CIVILTA'UONC000262FICOREASTORIA E CULTURAUONC000282FIUSHonoluluUONL000136COR ICOREA - GENERALIAAMcCANNDavid R.UONV000786MIDDLETONJohnUONV000788SHULTZEdward J.UONV000790ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00000788SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI COR I 037 N SI SA 44765 5 037 N Coll.: COR I 37 NStudies on Korea in transition1173887UNIOR