01412nam0 22003011i 450 UON0000006120231205101842.82502-260-2782-120020107d1984 |0itac50 baengUS|||| 1||||ˆThe ‰shadow of God and the Hidden ImamReligion, political order, and social change in Shi`ite Iran from the beginning to 1890Said Amir ArjomandChicagoThe University of Chicago Press1984xi, 356 p.ill.23 cm001UON000662182001 Publications of the Center for Middle Eastern StudiesRichard L. Chambers, General Editor17SCIISMOIRANRAPPORTI RELIGIONE E POLITICAUONC005703FIUSChicago, Ill.UONL000120IRA VII BEIRAN - FILOSOFIA E RELIGIONE - ISLAMISMO - SHI`AAARJOMANDSaid AmirUONV000067636664The University of Chicago PressUONV246827650SAID Amir ArjomandARJOMAND, Said AmirUONV042375ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00000061SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI IRA VII BE 005 N SI SA 67104 7 005 N Shadow of God and the Hidden Imam1186715UNIOR