04312oam 2200517I 450 991016281820332120230810001841.01-351-97908-61-315-26944-91-351-97909-410.4324/9781315269443 (CKB)3710000001033137(MiAaPQ)EBC4790147(OCoLC)970383835(EXLCZ)99371000000103313720180706d2017 uy 0engurcnu||||||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierDialogues and debates from late antiquity to late Byzantium /edited by Averil Cameron and Niels GaulLondon ;New York :Routledge,2017.1 online resource (297 pages)0-367-18114-2 1-4724-8935-7 Includes bibliographical references and index.1. Plutarch's dialogues : beyond the Platonic example? / Eleni Kechagia-Ovseiko -- 2. Erostrophus, a Syriac dialogue with Socrates on the soul / Alberto Rigolio -- 3. The rhetorical mechanisms of John Chrysostom's On priesthood / Alberto J. Quiroga Puertas -- 4. Literary distance and complexity in late antique and early Byzantine Greek dialogues Adversus Iudaeos / Patrick Andrist -- 5. Prepared for all occasions : the Trophies of Damascus and the Bonwetsch dialogue / Peter Van Nuffelen -- 6. New wine in old wineskin : Byzantine reuses of the Apocryphal Revelation dialogue /PÉTER TÓTH -- 7. Dialogical pedagogy and the structuring of emotions in Liber Asceticus / Yannis Papadogiannakis -- 8. Anselm of Havelberg's controversies with the Greeks : a moment in the scholastic culture of disputation / Alex J. Novikoff --9. A platonizing dialogue from the twelfth century : the Logos of Soterichos Panteugenos / Foteini Spingou -- 10. The six dialogues by Niketas 'of Maroneia' : a contextualising introduction / Alessandra Bucossi -- 11. Theodore Prodromos in the Garden of Epicurus / Eric Cullhed -- 12. 'Let us not obstruct the possible' : dialoguing in medieval Georgia / Nikoloz Aleksidze -- 13. Embedded dialogues and dialogical voices in Palaiologan prose and verse / Niels Gaul -- 14. Nikephoros Gregoras' Philomathes and Phlorentios / Divna Manolova -- 15. Dramatization and narrative in late Byzantine dialogues : Manuel II Palaiologos's On marriage and Mazaris' journey to Hades / Florin Leonte -- 16. Form and content in the dialogues of Gennadios Scholarios / George Karamanolis."Dialogues and Debates from Late Antiquity to Late Byzantium offers the first overall discussion of the literary and philosophical dialogue tradition in Greek from imperial Rome to the end of the Byzantine empire and beyond. Sixteen case studies combine theoretical approaches with in-depth analysis and include comparisons with the neighbouring Syriac, Georgian, Armenian, and Latin traditions. Following an introduction and a discussion of Plutarch as a writer of dialogues, other chapters consider the Erostrophus, a philosophical dialogue in Syriac, John Chrysostom's On Priesthood, issues of literariness and complexity in the Greek Adversus Iudaeos dialogues, the Trophies of Damascus, Maximus Confessor's Liber asceticus, and the middle Byzantine apocryphal revelation dialogues. The volume demonstrates a new frequency in middle and late Byzantium of rhetorical, theological and literary dialogues, concomitant with the increasing rhetoricisation of Byzantine literature, and argues for a move towards new and exciting experiments"--Provided by publisher.Dialogues, GreekHistory and criticismDebates and debatingRomeHistoryDebates and debatingByzantine EmpireHistoryRomeIntellectual lifeByzantine EmpireIntellectual lifeDialogues, GreekHistory and criticism.Debates and debatingHistory.Debates and debatingHistory.880.9/26Cameron Averil157338Gaul Niels479712FlBoTFGFlBoTFGBOOK9910162818203321Dialogues and debates from late antiquity to late Byzantium2037460UNINA03827nas 2201009-a 450 991089125020332120240413013415.02212-3334(DE-599)ZDB2365017-5(CKB)1000000000278782(CONSER)--2007205086(EXLCZ)99100000000027878220060316b20072017 --- -engtxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierRecent patents on endocrine, metabolic & immune drug discoverySharjah, U.A.E. Bentham Science Publishers2007-20171 online resourceRefereed/Peer-reviewedTitle from cover.Print version: Recent patents on endocrine, metabolic & immune drug discovery. 1872-2148 (DLC) 2007205086 (OCoLC)73690001 Recent patents on endocrine, metabolic, and immune drug discoveryEndocrine, metabolic & immune drug discoveryRECENT PATENTS ON ENDOCRINE, METABOLIC AND IMMUNE DRUG DISCOVERYDrug developmentPeriodicalsDrugsPatentsPeriodicalsDrugsDesignPeriodicalsEndocrine glandsDiseasesChemotherapyPatentsPeriodicalsMetabolismDisordersChemotherapyPatentsPeriodicalsImmunologic diseasesChemotherapyPatentsPeriodicalsDrugsDesignTrademarksDrug DesignPatents as TopicEndocrine System Diseasesdrug therapyMetabolic Diseasesdrug therapyImmune System Diseasesdrug therapyMédicamentsDéveloppementPériodiquesMédicamentsBrevets d'inventionPériodiquesMédicamentsConceptionPériodiquesGlandes endocrinesMaladiesChimiothérapieBrevets d'inventionPériodiquesTroubles du métabolismeChimiothérapieBrevets d'inventionPériodiquesMaladies immunologiquesChimiothérapieBrevets d'inventionPériodiquesMédicamentsConceptionMarques de commercetrademarksaatTrademarksfastDrug developmentfastDrugsfastDrugsDesignfastPeriodicalPatentsfastPeriodicalsfastDrug developmentDrugsDrugsDesignEndocrine glandsDiseasesChemotherapyPatentsMetabolismDisordersChemotherapyPatentsImmunologic diseasesChemotherapyPatentsDrugsDesign.Trademarks.Drug DesignPatents as TopicEndocrine System Diseasesdrug therapyMetabolic Diseasesdrug therapyImmune System Diseasesdrug therapyMédicamentsDéveloppementMédicamentsMédicamentsConceptionGlandes endocrinesMaladiesChimiothérapieBrevets d'inventionTroubles du métabolismeChimiothérapieBrevets d'inventionMaladies immunologiquesChimiothérapieBrevets d'inventionMédicamentsConception.Marques de commerce.trademarks.TrademarksDrug developmentDrugsDrugsDesign615.19JOURNAL9910891250203321exl_impl conversionRecent patents on endocrine, metabolic & immune drug discovery4263056UNINA