03573 am 2200781 n 450 9910324030103321201812212-8028-0353-010.4000/books.pusl.6060(CKB)4100000008283962(FrMaCLE)OB-pusl-6060(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/50978(PPN)236710370(EXLCZ)99410000000828396220190528j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierJuifs et chrétiens : Un vis-à-vis permanent /Bernard Dupuy, Gilbert Dahan, Jacques Cazeaux, Gilles Bernheim, Bernard Lauret, Maurice Ruben Hayoun, Guy PetitdemangeBruxelles Presses de l’Université Saint-Louis20181 online resource (190 p.) 2-8028-0054-X Sous des formes diverses, nous assistons à un retour de l’intérêt du chrétien pour le juif, concomitant d’une percée significative de thèmes spécifiques de la pensée juive dans notre conjoncture culturelle. Qualifier le rapport entre les deux traditions de « vis-à-vis permanent », c'est donc, d’abord, par-delà une longue histoire d’oubli ou de négation, enregistrer un fait. C’est aussi promouvoir une mutation du regard théologique tant sur l’identité chrétienne que sur la permanence du fait juif. La session théologique, organisée en 1986 par l’École des sciences philosophiques et religieuses des F.U.S.L., s'inscrit dans cette perspective et apporte une contribution aux efforts de rencontre destinés à préparer le dialogue à venir. Elle offre un réexamen de la problématique séculaire, dans trois dimensions : l’histoire comme défi théologique, la question de la loi et de l’herméneutique reformulée en termes de rapport entre le(s) texte(s) et leurs commentaires, l’interrogation sur le messianisme. De chacun de ces dossiers, deux approches, une juive et une chrétienne, en appellent, par la vigueur de leur prise de position, à un débat fraternel.Juifs et chrétiens Juifs et chrétiens Juifs et chrétiens ReligionchrétienherméneutiquehistoirejuifmessianismereligionmessianismehistoirechrétienherméneutiquejuifreligionReligionchrétienherméneutiquehistoirejuifmessianismereligionDupuy Bernard1304293Dahan Gilbert302097Cazeaux Jacques163260Bernheim Gilles1304294Lauret Bernard1304295Hayoun Maurice Ruben397708Petitdemange Guy155399Bernheim Gilles1304294Castiau Claude1282745Cazeaux Jacques163260Dahan Gilbert302097Dupuy Bernard1304293Hayoun Maurice Ruben397708Lauret Bernard1304295Petitdemange Guy155399FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910324030103321Juifs et chrétiens : Un vis-à-vis permanent3027332UNINA03920nam 22005895 450 991088609890332120240903130500.0981-9751-49-710.1007/978-981-97-5149-5(MiAaPQ)EBC31641973(Au-PeEL)EBL31641973(CKB)34774626700041(DE-He213)978-981-97-5149-5(EXLCZ)993477462670004120240903d2024 u| 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAlloys Based on TiNi in Pre-transition Low-Stability States Structure and Properties /by Alexander I. Potekaev, Anatoly A. Klopotov, Valentina V. Kulagina, Yulia V. Solov'eva, Sergey G. Anikeev1st ed. 2024.Singapore :Springer Nature Singapore :Imprint: Springer,2024.1 online resource (286 pages)Advanced Structured Materials,1869-8441 ;216981-9751-48-9 1. CRYSTALLOGEOMETRIC AND CRYSTALLO-CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF METALLIC COMPOUNDS. SIZE EFFECTS IN METALLIC SYSTEMS -- 2. Pre-transitional weakly stable states and views on the influence of point and planar defects and their complexes on structural-phase transformations in condensed systems -- 3. Pre-transitional Weakly Stable States in TiNi-based Alloys -- 4. Influence of Structural Defects, Weakly Stable Pre-transitional States and Phase-Structural Transformations on Alloy Stability -- 5. Crystallogeometry of structures in Ti-Ni-Me systems.This book presents the results of research on the regularities during thermocyclic impact on changes in structural-phase states of functional alloys with low-stability or instability in the area of structural-phase transformations. Without clarification of the physical regularities of the influence of thermomechanical impact on the properties of alloys, it is impossible to develop technological processes of processing functional materials; therefore, the book widely uses the results of many years of research by the authors of the book. It is known that critical temperatures and stresses for martensitic transformation, for example, B 2↔︎ B 19′, in NiTi are very sensitive to cycling. The study of structural-phase states, corresponding to changes in physical-mechanical properties of intermetallics in the area of transformations, is a necessary aspect of understanding the nature of the influence of thermomechanical cycling on the properties of functional alloys. This book is dedicated to the fundamental physical aspects of stability, the influence of structural defects on properties and structural-phase transformations of FCC alloys. This book is useful for a wide range of specialists—scientific researchers and engineers, working in the field of materials science and physics of condensed systems, as well as teachers, postgraduates and students, specializing in the field of materials science.Advanced Structured Materials,1869-8441 ;216Condensed matterMetalsStructure of Condensed MatterTwo-dimensional MaterialsMetals and AlloysCondensed matter.Metals.Structure of Condensed Matter.Two-dimensional Materials.Metals and Alloys.530.411Potekaev Alexander I1771310Klopotov Anatoly A1771311Kulagina Valentina V1771312Solov'eva Yulia V1771313Anikeev Sergey G1771314MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910886098903321Alloys Based on TiNi in Pre-transition Low-Stability States4258021UNINA