01703oam 2200409zu 450 991087738990332120210807004748.03-433-60072-4(CKB)3580000000001292(SSID)ssj0001378270(PQKBManifestationID)12525410(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001378270(PQKBWorkID)11340776(PQKB)11450807(NjHacI)993580000000001292(EXLCZ)99358000000000129220160829d2007 uy gerur|||||||||||txtccrMauerwerk-Kalender 2008[Place of publication not identified]VCH Imprint20071 online resource (258 pages)Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph3-433-01871-5 The yearbook in its 33. volume with a well-balanced ratio between up-to-date and revised contributions gives consideration to the versatility of masonry as a structural carrying element, wall construction material with building-physical and aesthetical functions, as the medium of innovation in prefabricated structures and for energy-saving buildings. All new developments which require approval will be introduced with the up-to-dateness of a yearbook.Renown civil and structural engineers will give practical advice all around masonry for the design and executional designing of damage-free structures.MasonryMasonry.693.1Jäger WolframPQKBBOOK9910877389903321Mauerwerk-Kalender 20083069255UNINA