00807cam0 2200241 450 E60020003502420210128084403.020080227d1975 |||||ita|0103 baitaIT<<I >>"Sabra" del kibbutzLa socializzazione nel villaggi collettivi israelianiAmedeo TagliacozzoRomaBarulli1975112 p.21 cmTagliacozzo, AmedeoA600200046986070161321ITUNISOB20210128RICAUNISOBUNISOB300137574E600200035024M 102 Monografia moderna SBNM300001315Si137574Acquistopregresso2UNISOBUNISOB20080227134356.020190709101957.0Spinosa"Sabra" del Kibbutz475331UNISOB04671nam 2200721Ia 450 991087709900332120200520144314.01-282-48222-X97866124822290-470-68810-60-470-68811-4(CKB)2550000000007378(EBL)485648(SSID)ssj0000335956(PQKBManifestationID)11285724(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000335956(PQKBWorkID)10277208(PQKB)10596788(MiAaPQ)EBC485648(OCoLC)520990381(EXLCZ)99255000000000737820091113d2010 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrColor management understanding and using ICC profiles /edited by Phil GreenChichester, West Sussex, U.K. Wiley20101 online resource (316 p.)The Wiley-IS&T Series in Imaging Science and Technology ;v.17Description based upon print version of record.0-470-05825-0 Includes bibliographical references and index.COLOR MANAGEMENT: UNDERSTANDING AND USING ICC PROFILES; Contents; About the Editor; Series Editor's Preface; Preface; Part One: General; 1 Introduction; 2 Color Management - A Conceptual Overview; 3 The Role of ICC Profiles in a Color Reproduction System; 4 Common Color Management Workflows and Rendering Intent Usage; 5 Recent Developments in ICC Color Management; 6 Color Management Implementation Classification; 7 ICC Profiles, Color Appearance Modeling, and the Microsoft Windows Color System; 8 Glossary of Terms; Part Two: Version 4; 9 The Reasons for Changing to the v4 ICC Profile Format10 ICC Version 2 and Version 4 Display Profile Differences11 Using the sRGB_v4_ICC_preference.icc Profile; 12 Fundamentals of the Version 4 Perceptual Rendering Intent; 13 Perceptual Rendering Intent Use Case Issues; Part Three: Workflows; 14 Using ICC Profiles with Digital Camera Images; 15 RGB Color-Managed Workflow Example; 16 Issues in CMYK Workflows; 17 Orchestrating Color - Tools and Capabilities; 18 Flexible Color Management for the Graphic Arts; Part Four: Measurement and Viewing Conditions; 19 Standards for Color Measurement and Viewing; 20 ICC Recommendations for Color Measurement21 Fluorescence in Measurement22 Measurement Issues and Color Stability in Inkjet Printing; 23 Viewing Conditions; Part Five: Profile Construction and Evaluation; 24 Overview of ICC Profile Construction; 25 ICC Profile Internal Mechanics; 26 Use of the parametricCurveType; 27 Embedding and Referencing ICC Profiles; 28 LUT-Based Transforms in ICC Profiles; 29 Populating the Matrix Entries in lutAtoBType and lutBtoAType of Version 4 ICC Profiles; 30 Implementation Notes for SampleICC's IccProfLib; 31 Introducing the New multiProcessingElements Tag Type; 32 Inverting ICC Profiles33 Evaluating Color Transforms in ICC Profiles34 Profile Compliance Testing with SampleICC; IndexColor Management serves as a comprehensive guide to the implementation of the ICC (International Color Consortium) profile specification, widely used for maintaining color fidelity across multi-media imaging devices and software. The book draws together many of the White Papers produced by the ICC to promote the use of color management and disseminate good practice; the ICC specification has become widely accepted within the color industry, and these papers have been updated, expanded and edited for this collection. Other chapters comprise material that will go on to form future ICC WhiThe Wiley-IS&T Series in Imaging Science and TechnologyImage processingDigital techniquesStandardsFile organization (Computer science)Color photographyDigital techniquesColorsStandardsInk-jet printingColorimetryPhotography, OrthochromaticImage processingDigital techniquesStandards.File organization (Computer science)Color photographyDigital techniques.ColorsStandards.Ink-jet printing.Colorimetry.Photography, Orthochromatic.621.36/7Green Phil1953-734266MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910877099003321Color management4189092UNINA