05209nam 2200625Ia 450 991087700540332120200520144314.01-282-11849-897866121184943-527-62730-83-527-62731-6(CKB)1000000000774672(EBL)481368(OCoLC)429041122(SSID)ssj0000256590(PQKBManifestationID)11193121(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000256590(PQKBWorkID)10225859(PQKB)10648582(MiAaPQ)EBC481368(EXLCZ)99100000000077467220080130d2009 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrTechnology transfer in biotechnology a global perspective /edited by Prabuddha Ganguli, Rita Khanna, and Ben PrickrilWeinheim Wiley-VCHc20091 online resource (231 p.)Description based upon print version of record.3-527-31645-0 Includes bibliographical references and index.Technology Transfer in Biotechnology; Contents; List of Contributors; 1 Defining the Future: Emerging Issues in Biotechnology, Intellectual Property Rights and Technology Transfer; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Historical Evolution of Intellectual Property Regime in Biotechnology; 1.3 Issue of Patentability of Gene Sequences, Antibodies, Early-Stage Technology/Platform and 'Insufficient Support for Claims'; 1.4 Scope of Patent Claims; 1.5 Institutional Arrangements for Technology Transfer; 1.6 Policy Issues and Challenges; Part I Technology Transfer Policy Considerations and Country/Regional2 Technology Transfers in Europe within the Life Sciences2.1 Biology and the Development of Technology Transfers; 2.2 Involvement of Public Bodies; 2.3 Initial Contacts; 2.4 Non-Disclosure Agreements; 2.5 Preliminaries to Negotiations for a Technical Transfer Agreement; 2.6 Memorandum of Understanding or Letter of Intent; 2.7 Material Transfer Agreements; 2.8 Founder Contracts in Technology Transfers; 2.9 The Technology Transfer Agreement Contract Itself; 2.10 Ownership of the Rights; 2.11 Subject Matter of the Contract; 2.12 Domains; 2.13 Territory; 2.14 Know-How2.15 Financial Considerations2.16 Financial Clauses; 2.17 Improvements; 2.18 Rights of First Refusal; 2.19 Circulation of Contracts; 2.20 Antistacking Clause; 2.21 Various Clauses; 2.22 Conclusions; 3 Technology Transfer at the National Institutes of Health; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Technology Transfer Legislation; 3.3 Impact of Bayh-Dole and Stevenson-Wydler Acts; 3.4 Growth of Technology Transfer in Government and Academic Laboratories; 3.5 NIH Efforts to Transfer Technology Globally; 3.6 International Technology Transfer by Publicly Funded Research Organizations3.7 Patent Harmonization and Access to Medicines3.8 Final Notes on the Global Expansion of Bayh-Dole-Type Intellectual Property Regimes; 4 Current Intellectual Property Management Situation in Japan; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 IP-Related Government Measures and Projects; 4.3 Life Sciences/Biotechnology-Related Projects; 4.4 Medical Patent/Patentability; 4.5 Policies related to University-Industry CollaborationIncorporation of National Universities; 5 Technology Transfer in China; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Overview; 5.2.1 Technology Import; 5.2.2 Importing Sources and Industry Dissemination5.2.3 Biotechnology5.2.4 Technology Export; 5.2.5 Government Policy; 5.3 Legal Protection of Technology in China; 5.3.1 Patent Protection; Patent Filing and Prosecution; Patent Enforcement; Patent Enforcement Data; Strategic Considerations; 5.3.2 Trade Secret Protection; Contractual Protection; Protection under the Anti-Unfair Competition Law; Criminal Sanctions; Strategic Considerations; 5.3.3 Other Forms of Protection; 5.4 Technology Transfer in China; 5.4.1 Technology Import and Export; Contract Law5.4.1.2 Import and Export RegulationsHere, the world's top experts impart their knowledge and experience, many in print for the first time. By considering developing country markets, this book is the first truly global guide to technology transfer, helping companies all around the world to avoid costly mistakes in product development and to recover investments quickly. Individual sections treat trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights, technology transfer in health and healthcare as well as in agriculture and the environment.BiotechnologyTechnology transferIntellectual propertyBiotechnologyTechnology transfer.Intellectual property.660.6Ganguli Prabuddha1761596Khanna RitaPh. D.1326259Prickril Ben1761597MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910877005403321Technology transfer in biotechnology4201157UNINA