04357nam 2200745 450 991045967650332120200520144314.01-4983-6289-31-4983-1271-3(CKB)3710000000370423(EBL)1969177(SSID)ssj0001467547(PQKBManifestationID)11890101(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001467547(PQKBWorkID)11535840(PQKB)11040943(MiAaPQ)EBC1969177(Au-PeEL)EBL1969177(CaPaEBR)ebr11023472(OCoLC)904407908(EXLCZ)99371000000037042320150302h20152015 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtccrCosta Rica selected issues and analytical notesWashington, District of Columbia :International Monetary Fund,2015.©20151 online resource (101 p.)IMF Country Report ;Number 15/30Description based upon print version of record.1-4755-2702-0 Includes bibliographical references.Cover; CONTENTS; I. SELECTED REAL SECTOR ISSUES; A. Potential Output Estimates; TABLE; 1. Potential Output Growth and Output Gap Estimates; B. Estimating the Impact of Intel Exit; C. Labor Markets and Inequality; D. Electricity sector; BOX; 1. Methodologies for Potential Output Estimates; References; II. CROSS-BORDER LINKAGES AND SPILLOVERS; A. Trade Linkages; B. Real Growth Spillovers; C. Fiscal Spillovers; D. Financial Spillovers; E. Monetary Policy Spillovers (the Effect of U.S. Monetary Policy Normalization); TABLE; 1. Vulnerability Indicators; FIGURES; 1. Trade Linkages2. Costa Rica and Selected Trading Partners-full title 3. United States: Three Scenarios of Tapering Off (FSGM simulations); 4. The Impact of U.S. Tapering Off (FSGM simulations); References; III. ASSESSING FISCAL VULNERABILITY AND MEDIUM-TERM SUSTAINABILITY; FIGURE; 1. Long-Term Fiscal Sustainability; References; IV. THE CENTRAL BANK NET'S WORTH; A. Introduction; B. Baseline Simulation Results; C. Sensitivity Analysis; FIGURE; 1. Central Bank of Costa Rica: Sensitivity Analysis; BOX; 1. Balance Sheet Equations; References; V. MONETARY POLICY AND INFLATION; A. Monetary Policy StanceB. Pass-through from Exchange Rate Depreciation to Inflation References; VI. TRANSITION TO A FLEXIBLE EXCHANGE RATE: LESSONS FROM PAST EXPERIENCE; A. Background; B. Dangers of Exchange Rate Inflexibility and the Advantages of Flexibility; C. Moving Toward Exchange Rate Flexibility: Experiences and Lessons from Other Countries; D. Assessing Costa Rica's Preparedness to Float; TABLE; 1. Extent of Preparedness for Transitioning to Greater Flexibility: Before the Full Float; FIGURE; 1. Historical Experiences with Transitions to Exchange Rate Flexibility; References; VII. FINANCIAL SECTOR ISSUESA. Strengthening Bank Capital and Liquidity in Central America: The Road to Basel III B. Balance Sheet Analysis; FIGURE; 1. Gross Financial Assets and Liabilities of Economic Sectors; TABLES; 1. External and Foreign Currency Positions; 2. Net Foreign Currency Debt Position and Exchange Rate Shocks; ANNEXES; I. Net Intersectoral Asset and Liability Positions; II. Bank Heat Maps; ReferencesIMF country report ;Number 15/30.Financial services industryCosta RicaBanks and banking, CentralCosta RicaMonetary policyCosta RicaForeign exchange ratesCosta RicaCapital movementsCosta RicaEconomic developmentCosta RicaLabor marketCosta RicaElectric powerCosta RicaElectronic books.Financial services industryBanks and banking, CentralMonetary policyForeign exchange ratesCapital movementsEconomic developmentLabor marketElectric power332.152MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910459676503321Costa Rica1922659UNINA03359nam 2200649Ia 450 991087674470332120200520144314.01-282-11268-697866121126830-470-38160-40-470-38159-010.1002/9780470381601(CKB)1000000000719497(EBL)427650(SSID)ssj0000272586(PQKBManifestationID)11205610(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000272586(PQKBWorkID)10309175(PQKB)10052988(MiAaPQ)EBC427650(CaBNVSL)mat05361015(IDAMS)0b00006481178813(IEEE)5361015(OCoLC)352834877(PPN)254922686(EXLCZ)99100000000071949720080624d2008 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrWireless broadband conflict and convergence /Vern Fotheringham, Chetan SharmaHoboken, N.J. Wiley ;Piscataway, NJ IEEE Pressc20081 online resource (277 p.)IEEE series on mobile & digital communicationDescription based upon print version of record.0-470-22762-1 Includes bibliographical references and index.Foreword -- Acknowledgments -- List of Figures -- INTRODUCTION -- 1 WHERE WE ARE--WIRELESS MEETS THE BROADBAND INTERNET -- 2 BROADBAND AND THE INFORMATION SOCIETY -- 3 GLOBAL WIRELESS MARKET ANALYSIS -- 4 THE VIRTUAL DISPLACES THE PHYSICAL -- 5 CONVERGENCE FINALLY ARRIVES -- 6 DRIVERS OF BROADBAND CONSUMPTION -- 7 THE EMERGING INFLUENCE OF THE COMPUTER INDUSTRY -- 8 ALWAYS BEST CONNECTED -- 9 BROADBAND IP CORE NETWORKS -- 10 WIDEBAND 3G TO BROADBAND 4G--COLLISION AND CONVERGENCE OF STANDARDS -- 11 RADIO TECHNOLOGY--MOVING THE GOAL POSTS -- 12 CONTENTION AND CONFLICT--REGULATORY, POLITICAL, FINANCIAL, AND STANDARDS BATTLES -- 13 CONCLUSION -- A WIRELESS BROADBAND GLOSSARY -- B A SCENARIO OF A BROADBAND WIRELESS CUSTOMER,CIRCA 2012 -- C SPECTRUM TABLES--WIRELESS BROADBAND -- About the Authors.Wireless Broadband utilizes a reader-friendly approach to clearly explain the business, regulatory, and technology issues of the future market for wireless services. It covers broadband and the information society; drivers of broadband consumption; global wireless market analysis; broadband IP core networks; convergence; and contention and conflict. Complemented with more than eighty illustrations, this book provides unparalleled insight into the emerging technologies, service delivery options, applications, and digital content that will influence and shape the next phase of the wireless revolution.IEEE series on mobile & digital communication.Broadband communication systemsWireless communication systemsBroadband communication systems.Wireless communication systems.384.5621.384Fotheringham Vern1608325Sharma Chetan1608326MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910876744703321Wireless broadband3935003UNINA00917nam0-2200301 --450 991088599770332120240918114945.0978-88-7043-226-820240918d2023----kmuy0itay5050 baitaIT 001yyCesare Musatti intellettuale del Novecentoa cura di Mauro Antonelli, Aurelio Molaroprefazione di Dario VarinMilanoLibreria Cortina2023343 p.ill.24 cmSegue: Appendice iconograficaMusatti, Cesare L.150.195209223Antonelli,MauroVarin,DarioMolaro,AurelioITUNINAREICATUNIMARCBK9910885997703321192.2 ANTM 012023/6576FLFBCFLFBCCesare Musatti intellettuale del Novecento4256900UNINA