02665oam 2200337z- 450 9910729732403321(CKB)5580000000553696(VLeBooks)9781800083912(EXLCZ)99558000000055369620230719c2023uuuu -u- -engChandragupta Maurya: The Creation of a National Hero in IndiaUCL Press1 online resource (240 p.)1-80008-390-4 1-80008-391-2 We take it for granted that some historical figures become heroes, and others do not. Chandragupta Maurya evolved from obscure ruler to contemporary national icon. The key moment in the making of this Indian hero was a meeting by the banks of the River Indus between Chandragupta and Seleucus, founder of the Seleucid empire and one of Alexander the Great's generals, in c .305-3 BC. This significant event was a moment of peace-making at the end of conflict. But no reliable account exists in early sources, and it is not even clear which ruler was victorious in battle. This uncertainty enabled British and Indian historians of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries to interpret the sources in radically different ways. With Chandragupta representing India and Seleucus standing in for Britain, British scholars argued that Seleucus defeated Chandragupta, while Indian academics contended the opposite. The writing and reception of history fundamentally influences how we engage with the past, and the evolving colonial and post-colonial relationship between Britain and India is crucial here. In India, the image of Chandragupta as an idealised hero who vanquished the foreign invader has prevailed and found expression in contemporary popular culture. In plays, films, television series, comic books and historical novels, Chandragupta is the powerful and virtuous Hindu ruler par excellence . The path to this elevated standing is charted in this book. <strong>Praise for Chandragupta Maurya </strong> 'This is an absorbing tale and Jansari does well to carry the reader from ancient Greek texts to present-day Indian films and comics and to engage critically with visual as well as textual material.' Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History EmperorsHeroesHistoryImperialismEmperorsHeroesHistoryImperialism934.04092Jansari Sushma1744338BOOK9910729732403321Chandragupta Maurya: The Creation of a National Hero in India4174273UNINA01358oam 2200373zu 450 991087269320332120241212215241.0(CKB)1000000000021932(SSID)ssj0000395843(PQKBManifestationID)12135502(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000395843(PQKBWorkID)10454375(PQKB)10918947(EXLCZ)99100000000002193220160829d2004 uy engtxtccr2004 International Workshop on Hot Topics in Peer-to-Peer Systems : proceedings : October 8th, 2004, Volendam, The Netherlands[Place of publication not identified]IEEE Computer Society2004Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph9780769522692 0769522696 Peer-to-peer architecture (Computer networks)CongressesPeer-to-peer architecture (Computer networks)IEEE Computer SocietyItalian FIRBInternational Workshop on Hot Topics in Peer-to-Peer SystemsPQKBPROCEEDING99108726932033212004 International Workshop on Hot Topics in Peer-to-Peer Systems : proceedings : October 8th, 2004, Volendam, The Netherlands2310743UNINA