01893oam 2200469zu 450 991087250880332120241212214926.0(CKB)111026746728414(SSID)ssj0000395077(PQKBManifestationID)12164192(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000395077(PQKBWorkID)10445184(PQKB)11412890(EXLCZ)9911102674672841420160829d2000 uy engtxtccrProceedings of the IEEE Conference 2000 on High Performance Switching and Routing : joint IEEE ATM Workshop 2000 and 3rd International Conference on ATM (ICATM '2000) : June 26-29, 2000, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Heidelberg, Germany[Place of publication not identified]IEEE2000Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph9780780358843 0780358848 Asynchronous transfer modeCongressesElectrical & Computer EngineeringHILCCEngineering & Applied SciencesHILCCTelecommunicationsHILCCAsynchronous transfer modeElectrical & Computer EngineeringEngineering & Applied SciencesTelecommunications621.382/16Stüttgen Heinrich JStèuttgen Heinrich JInstitute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersIEEE Conference 2000 on High Performance Switching and RoutingPQKBPROCEEDING9910872508803321Proceedings of the IEEE Conference 2000 on High Performance Switching and Routing : joint IEEE ATM Workshop 2000 and 3rd International Conference on ATM (ICATM '2000) : June 26-29, 2000, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Heidelberg, Germany2508021UNINA