01181nam0 22003011i 450 VAN002728820091201120000.020041104d1987 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||Architetti italiani del NovecentoCesare De SetaRomaBariLaterza1987VII, 366 p.ill.24 cm.001VAN00122142001 Grandi opere210 RomaBariLaterza.ArchitetturaItaliaSec. 20.VANC012197FIArchitetti italianiSec. 20.VANC012198FIBariVANL000009RomaVANL000360720.2321De SetaCesareVANV0069234479Laterza <editore>VANV107871650ITSOL20230616RICABIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI ARCHITETTURA E DISEGNO INDUSTRIALEIT-CE0107VAN01VAN0027288BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI ARCHITETTURA E DISEGNO INDUSTRIALE01PREST IBa20 01 1838 20050627 Architetti italiani del Novecento323592UNICAMPANIA04383nam 22007335 450 991086917370332120240627125248.0981-9733-69-310.1007/978-981-97-3369-9(MiAaPQ)EBC31506022(Au-PeEL)EBL31506022(CKB)32575382400041(DE-He213)978-981-97-3369-9(EXLCZ)993257538240004120240627d2024 u| 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAntenna Systems for Modern Wireless Devices /by Shiban K. Koul, S. Swapna, G. S. Karthikeya1st ed. 2024.Singapore :Springer Nature Singapore :Imprint: Springer,2024.1 online resource (344 pages)Signals and Communication Technology,1860-4870981-9733-68-5 -- Introduction to WLAN. -- Pattern Diversity in WLAN Antennas. -- Beam Scanning Antennas. -- Antenna Gain Enhancement Techniques. -- Gain Enhancement Architectures with Pattern Diversity for WLAN. -- Two-port/ Three-port antennas for WLAN. -- Additively Manufactured Antennas for WLAN. -- Multi-port Antennas for WLAN. -- Wideband Antennas for WLAN.This book presents up-to-date information about WLAN antenna designs for students, researchers, and professionals who want to design radiating systems to be deployed for practical coverage. The book primarily focuses on pattern diversity antennas. Pattern diversity antennas are very vital in wireless communication. High correlation between multiple signals can result in low data throughput which can be solved by using antennas with pattern diversity. Beam scanning antennas and their variants are also described in detail. Pattern diversity antenna systems with multiport feeds are also comprehensively discussed in this book. For a multiport system to maintain a reasonable link budget, equal antenna gains are preferred for the required antenna coverage. The book further describes the latest techniques to enhance and equalize the antenna gain within a compact radiating system. With increasing demand for faster connectivity with minimum path loss, the demand for high-gain antennas is rapidly increasing. Thereby a detailed discussion on gain enhancement with the latest high-gain antenna designs is requisite while describing WLAN antennas. Some antenna designs discussed in the book are based on additive manufacturing for their design and fabrication. Additive manufacturing is a much sought-after technology today that allows rapid development of antennas at an affordable cost. Many recent WLAN antennas make use of this technology to develop versatile antenna designs. Finally, the book includes a section on wide-band antenna designs. Antenna designs that reduce the scanning loss are also discussed. .Signals and Communication Technology,1860-4870PhysicsWireless communication systemsMobile communication systemsMicrotechnologyMicroelectromechanical systemsTelecommunicationSignal processingApplied and Technical PhysicsWireless and Mobile CommunicationMicrosystems and MEMSMicrowaves, RF Engineering and Optical CommunicationsSignal, Speech and Image ProcessingPhysics.Wireless communication systems.Mobile communication systems.Microtechnology.Microelectromechanical systems.Telecommunication.Signal processing.Applied and Technical Physics.Wireless and Mobile Communication.Microsystems and MEMS.Microwaves, RF Engineering and Optical Communications.Signal, Speech and Image Processing.621Koul Shiban K726856Swapna S1743586Karthikeya G. S1743587MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910869173703321Antenna Systems for Modern Wireless Devices4171734UNINA