04290oam 2200721 c 450 991086639440332120240912161137.0(CKB)5600000000854073(PH05)9782807611269(MiAaPQ)EBC31554464(EXLCZ)99560000000085407320240619d2024 uy 0engurnnunnnannuutxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierEnvironmental Democracy Facing UncertaintyMarc Mormont, Cécilia Claeys, Marie Jacqué1st, New ed.BrusselsPH0520241 online resource (185 p.), EB00EcoPolis16P.I.E-Peter Lang S.A., Éditions Scientifiques Internationales90-5201-855-3 Contents: Cécilia Claeys/Marie Jacqué: Introduction - Hilary Tovey: «Collective» and «Personal» Environmentalism. Implications for Democracy of the Greening of Citizenship - Luigi Pellizzoni: Mistaking Publics. A Challenge for Environmental Governance - Raymond Murphy: Partial Knowledge in the Knowledge Society. A Case Study of an Extreme Weather Disaster and the Mitigation of Climate Change - Martina Schäfer/Tina Boeckmann: Integration of Popular Knowledge in Sustainability Research - Audrey Richard-Ferroudji/Olivier Barreteau: Assembling Different Forms of Knowledge for Participative Water Management. Insights from the Concert'eau Game - Maria Tysiachniouk/Errol Meidinger: Importing Democracy. Promoting Participatory Decision Making in Russian Forest Communities - Angela Duarte Damasceno Ferreira/Alfio Brandenburg/Almir Sandro Rodrigues/Catherine Dumora/Eduardo Brito Santos/Gustavo Pinheiro/Osvaldo Heller da Silva: Empowerment among Family Farmers in Southern Brazil. The Social Construction of Durability as a Model for Agriculture, Rural Areas and Society - Pieter Leroy: Participatory Approaches in Policy-relevant Knowledge Production.This collective work provides a reflexive reading of environmental democracy as a new method of governance of the contemporary ecological issues that declining biodiversity, climate change and sustainable development present. The authors examine the links between the environment and democracy by questioning the status of actors, the manner of their involvement, the various ways of mobilising knowledge and the mechanisms of dialogue and decision-making based on study cases observed in different national contexts (Italy, France, Ireland, Germany, the Netherlands, Russia, Canada and Brazil). This international approach sheds light on the means of appropriation of environmental democracy on a local level and its ability to promote universal characteristics or to standardise the connection to the environment and politics. The originality of this work comes, among other things, from its transversality, associating texts with differing theoretical outlooks and methodology in an innovative way. Through this perspective on-going processes of redefining environmental problems are revealed via the prisms of risks and uncertainty, thus assigning them a new role in aiding decision-making in a sociology that is in turn critical and committed.biodiversityCéciliaClaeysclimate changeDemocracyEnvironmentalFacinggovernanceJacquéMarcMarieMormontsustainable developmentUncertaintybiodiversityCéciliaClaeysclimate changeDemocracyEnvironmentalFacinggovernanceJacquéMarcMarieMormontsustainable developmentUncertaintyMormont MarcedtClaeys CéciliaedtJacqué MarieedtPH05PH05BOOK9910866394403321Environmental Democracy Facing Uncertainty4175483UNINA