02198oam 2200649zu 450 991037584400332120221206093257.0(CKB)3170000000002214(SSID)ssj0000753059(PQKBManifestationID)11441060(OCoLC)55667375(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000753059(PQKBWorkID)10800772(PQKB)11637564(PQKBManifestationID)16120973(PQKB)24263706(PPN)079562442(Association for Computing Machinery)10.1145/977091(EXLCZ)99317000000000221420160829d2004 uy enguocg|||||||||txtcco2004 Computing Frontier Conference April 14-16, 2004, Ischia, ItalyNew York NYACM Press20041 online resource (522 p.;) ACM ConferencesBibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph1-58113-741-9 Contains 36 papers presented at the first conference, the keynote address, and 3 special sessions on NOMADS (Networks of Mobile Adaptive Dependable Systems.)ACM ConferencesCF '04Computer scienceCongressesInformation technologyCongressesComputer networksCongressesEngineering & Applied SciencesHILCCComputer ScienceHILCCComputer scienceInformation technologyComputer networksEngineering & Applied SciencesComputer Science004Vassiliadis Stamatis882255Piuri VincenzoVassiliadis StamatisGaudiot Jean-LucGaudiot Jean-LucACM Special Interest Group on Microarchitectural Research and ProcessingComputer Frontiers ConferencePQKBBOOK99103758440033212004 Computing Frontier Conference April 14-16, 2004, Ischia, Italy1970606UNINA05164nam 22007455 450 991086524050332120240617125234.03-031-60053-310.1007/978-3-031-60053-1(MiAaPQ)EBC31498841(Au-PeEL)EBL31498841(CKB)32322839700041(DE-He213)978-3-031-60053-1(EXLCZ)993232283970004120240617d2024 u| 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierArea-Based Management of Shipping Canadian and Comparative Perspectives /edited by Aldo Chircop, Floris Goerlandt, Ronald Pelot, Claudio Aporta1st ed. 2024.Cham :Springer Nature Switzerland :Imprint: Springer,2024.1 online resource (373 pages)3-031-60052-5 Chapter 1. Introduction -- Part I: Principles and frameworks -- Chapter 2. Understanding Area-Based Management in Shipping -- Chapter 3. Addressing the Cumulative Effects of Marine Shipping through Area-Based Management Approaches -- Chapter 4. The International Legal Framework for Area-Based Marine Management Tools -- Chapter 5. The Canadian Regulatory Framework for Area-Based Marine Management of Shipping -- Chapter 6. Canadian Arctic Shipping Governance: Incorporating Indigenous Knowledge in Area-Based Management Frameworks and Tools -- Part II. Vessel Traffic Management -- Chapter 7. Risk Analysis for Vessel Accident Prevention in Marine Areas: An Accident-Theoretic Perspective on Spatial Aspects of Risk -- Chapter 8. Vessel Traffic Management in the Era of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships and Digitalization: Experiences in European Waters -- Part III. Marine Spatial and Environmental Planning -- Chapter 9. Area-Based Management for Arctic Shipping Governance: An Exploratory Study -- Chapter 10. Exploring Risk Governance Deficits for Marine Oil Spill Preparedness and Response in Canada -- Chapter 11. Ports and Harbours as Special Management Areas -- Part IV. Managing Human Safety in Remote Areas -- Chapter 12. Making Sense of Marine-Based Search and Rescue Response Time Using Network Analysis -- Chapter 13. The Impact of COVID-19 on Arctic Shipping: An Area-Based Public/Occupational Health Perspective -- Chapter 14. Conclusion.This open access book fills a gap in the literature on shipping in a number of cross-cutting fields (including marine transportation law and policy, law of the sea, Indigenous rights, marine environmental management, and risk and safety studies). Moreover, the book includes a focus on the consideration of Indigenous rights in shipping, a topic of emerging importance. There are, to our knowledge, no directly competing titles with the same interdisciplinary approach to conceptualize, understand, and describe best practices for area-based management approaches. There are, however, related titles which cover some aspects of area-based management, usually from narrow disciplinary perspectives. Area-based management in the governance of shipping has become a useful and effective approach to promote maritime safety, maritime security, and pollution prevention and to mitigate the adverse impacts of shipping on the marine environment and coastal communities. Based on the results of a research project and a major workshop convened at Dalhousie University in Canada, this book consists of multidisciplinary studies and analyses of major issues pertaining to area-based management in shipping from a comparative perspective, but with the principal focus on Canada. The book contains both theoretical and empirical contributions.Transportation engineeringTraffic engineeringSocial justiceEnvironmental managementLaw of the seaInternational lawAeronauticsLaw and legislationEnvironmental LawTransportation Technology and Traffic EngineeringSocial JusticeEnvironmental ManagementLaw of the Sea, Air and Outer SpaceEnvironmental LawTransportation engineering.Traffic engineering.Social justice.Environmental management.Law of the sea.International law.AeronauticsLaw and legislation.Environmental Law.Transportation Technology and Traffic Engineering.Social Justice.Environmental Management.Law of the Sea, Air and Outer Space.Environmental Law.629.04Chircop Aldo1355888Goerlandt Floris1742702Pelot Ronald1742703Aporta Claudio1742704MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910865240503321Area-Based Management of Shipping4169404UNINA