02837 am 2200661 n 450 991051040040332120211122979-1-03-658996-610.4000/books.etnograficapress.7497(CKB)4100000012155490(FrMaCLE)OB-etnograficapress-7497(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/85359(PPN)259393029(EXLCZ)99410000001215549020211130j|||||||| ||| 0poruu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierFindas Linhas: Circulações e Confinamentos pelos Subterrâneos de São Paulo /Fábio MallartLisboa Etnográfica Press20211 online resource (408 p.) Etnográfica BooksCorpos retorcidos. Ambientes fétidos, úmidos e escuros. Diagnósticos, pílulas, injetáveis, baba. Chapas de aço, buracos, cheiros. Torturas. Quase vidas, quase mortes. Findas Linhas é o resultado de densa e longa pesquisa etnográfica, realizada em distintos espaços institucionais, bem como em algumas zonas urbanas da cidade de São Paulo. Ao explorar as circulações-confinamentos às quais são submetidas determinadas populações da cidade, Fábio Mallart, lado a lado com as linhas de vida de seus interlocutores, nos conduz a diversas instituições: prisões, manicômios judiciários, unidades de internação para adolescentes, Centros de Atenção Psicossocial, entre outros tantos aparatos estatais que delineiam um continuum entre punição, repressão e controle; saúde, assistência e cuidado. É nesse arquipélago carcerário-assistencial que se entrevê alguns dos fragmentos cortantes mencionados acima, os quais espelham a política do definhamento.Findas LinhasUrban StudiesAnthropologyanthropologycriminalitydrugsprisonantropologiacriminalidadedrogaprisãoanthropologycriminalitydrugsprisonUrban StudiesAnthropologyanthropologycriminalitydrugsprisonantropologiacriminalidadedrogaprisãoMallart Fábio1302643Cunha Manuela Ivone1295136Vianna Adriana1302644FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910510400403321Findas Linhas: Circulações e Confinamentos pelos Subterrâneos de São Paulo3026422UNINA01465aam 2200433I 450 991070992700332120160620103603.0GOVPUB-C13-fea0fb74b7feef287c01f7d640d38f0c(CKB)5470000002474999(OCoLC)951907156(EXLCZ)99547000000247499920160620d1987 ua 0engrdacontentrdamediardacarrierFire toxicity scaling /Emil Braun; Barbara C. Levin; Maya Paabo; Joshua Gurman; Trudi Holt; J. Samuel SteelGaithersburg, MD :U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology,1987.1 online resourceNBSIR ;87-35101987.Contributed record: Metadata reviewed, not verified. Some fields updated by batch processes.Title from PDF title page.Includes bibliographical references.Braun Emil206732Braun Emil206732Gurman Joshua1389859Holt Trudi1407766Levin Barbara C1388756Paabo Maya1388758Steel J. Samuel1407767United States.National Bureau of Standards.NBSNBSGPOBOOK9910709927003321Fire toxicity scaling3490042UNINA04662nam 22007453 450 991086088200332120230719080228.01-63742-462-0(MiAaPQ)EBC30379253(Au-PeEL)EBL30379253(OCoLC)1390923237(OCoLC-P)1390923237(CaSebORM)9781637424629(CKB)27601184000041(OCoLC)1391516406(OCoLC-P)1391516406(EXLCZ)992760118400004120230719d2023 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierStriding with Economic Giants Business and Public Policy Lessons from Nobel Laureates1st ed.New York :Business Expert Press,2023.©2023.1 online resource (280 pages)Economics and public policy collectionDescription based upon print version of record.1-63742-461-2 Cover -- Halftitle -- Title -- Copyright -- Description -- Contents -- Testimonials -- Preface -- Chapter 1: Introduction -- Chapter 2: In the Laboratory -- Chapter 3: Small-Scale Economics -- Chapter 4: Finance Theory -- Chapter 5: Role of Government -- Chapter 6: Human Capital -- Chapter 7: Domestic Big Picture -- Chapter 8: Modernization -- Chapter 9: International Economics -- Chapter 10: Social Justice -- References -- About the Author -- Index -- Adpage -- Backcover.Striding explores the modernization process by outlining the economics of agriculture, growth theories of economic development, and problems with growth. During the last century, policy makers and the public acquired a considerable interest in economics. As a result, this heightened awareness enhanced the well-being of society. In 1969, the Nobel Foundation initiated the new prize category of economic sciences and started awarding the prize annually. At the forefront of their field, prize winners have introduced many innovative ideas. Moreover, an evaluation of their ideas reveals valuable nuggets to enrich the professional lives of non-economists. Drawing on publications written by the Laureates, Striding with Economic Giants presents the essence of their thoughts in easy-to-understand concepts for the business and academic communities. This book is perfect for business executives, public policy makers, and economics students. It describes logic and experimental frameworks in mathematics, econometrics, behavior modeling, and game theory. Next, Striding presents microeconomic contributions, including production theory, theory of institutions, fundamental ideas of markets, and consumerism. Then, it reviews financial theory in capital markets, portfolio choice, and asset pricing. The book spotlights contributions to the rule of law, public administration, and political science. It also highlights a growing understanding of human capital by tracing demographic trends and describing health, education, minority, and labor economics. Enhancements to macroeconomic theory are featured in economic mechanisms and cycles, managing the economy, and policy making. Striding explores the modernization process by outlining the economics of agriculture, growth theories of economic development, and problems with growth. It illustrates contributions to international economics in trade, finance, and global public policy. Finally, the book showcases contributions to social justice in social equality, income redistribution, and climate change.Economics and public policy collection.EconomicsNobel Prize winnersNobel laureates of economic sciences.Public policy.Macroeconomics.Microeconomics.Human capital.Game theory.Social justice.Technology.The rule of law.The role of government.Behavioral economics.Modernization.Growth theory.Institutional theory.Financial theory.International trade.Econometrics.Business cycles.Economics.Nobel Prize winners.330Simpson David156064MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910860882003321Striding with Economic Giants4165990UNINA