01944nas 2200481- 450 991085439680332120241003213015.02653-5122(OCoLC)1343188641(CKB)5590000000947767(CONSER)--2024237556(DE-599)ZDB3134688-1(EXLCZ)99559000000094776720220826a20229999 --- aengurun|---munuutxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAustralian journal of law & religionDarling Heights, QLD :Australian Journal of Law and Religion,2022-1 online resource ( volumes)2653-5114 "The Australian journal of law and religion is the first double-blind peer-reviewed, scholarly journal in the antipodes to focus on the interactions of faith and the legal system. Every issue features articles, short essays, and book reviews from a diverse array of scholars from across the spectrum of religions and ideologies. It is published with the support of the Law, Religion, and Heritage Research Program Team of the University of Southern Queensland"--About page.AJLRAustralian journal of law and religionReligion and lawAustraliaPeriodicalsReligion and stateAustraliaPeriodicalsReligion and lawPeriodicalsReligion and statePeriodicalsDroitAustraliePériodiquesPeriodicals.fastPeriodicals.lcgftReligion and lawReligion and stateReligion and lawReligion and stateDroitUniversity of Southern Queensland,JOURNAL9910854396803321Australian journal of law & religion4243100UNINA