03003nam 2200613Ia 450 991084090450332120230721023108.00-470-57030-X1-119-20535-21-282-36205-497866123620570-470-57028-8(CKB)1000000000807571(EBL)469090(OCoLC)496961305(SSID)ssj0000299348(PQKBManifestationID)12098381(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000299348(PQKBWorkID)10238499(PQKB)11515910(MiAaPQ)EBC469090(EXLCZ)99100000000080757120090625d2009 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrImmigrant, Inc[electronic resource] why immigrant entrepreneurs are driving the new economy (and how they will save the American worker) /Richard T. Herman, Robert L. SmithHoboken, N.J. John Wiley & Sons20091 online resource (259 p.)Includes index.0-470-45571-3 Immigrant, Inc.: Why Immigrant Entrepreneurs Are Driving the New Economy (and how they will save the American Worker); Contents; Preface: My Immigrant Experience; Acknowledgments; Introduction: Welcome to Immigrant, Inc.; Chapter 1: A Mighty New Idea; Chapter 2: The Mounting Evidence; Chapter 3: A Land of Opportunity, Still; Chapter 4: Restless Dreamers; Chapter 5: Earth's Best and Brightest; Chapter 6: Cowboys of a New Frontier; Chapter 7: Desperate Achievers: Prequel to Google; Chapter 8: Importing Solutions; Chapter 9: The Stimulus We Need; Chapter 10: Thinking Like an Immigrant; AppendixAbout the AuthorsIndexA provocative look at the remarkable contributions of high-skill immigrant entrepreneurs in America Both a revelation and a call-to-action, Immigrant, Inc. explores the uncommon skill and drive of America's new immigrants and their knack for innovation and entrepreneurship. From the techies who created icons of the new economy-Intel, Google, eBay and Sun Microsystems-to the young engineers tinkering with solar power and next-generation car batteries, immigrants have proven themselves to be America's competitive advantage. With a focus on legal immigrants and their odyssey froEntrepreneurshipUnited StatesImmigrantsUnited StatesJob creationUnited StatesUnited StatesEmigration and immigrationEconomic aspectsEntrepreneurshipImmigrantsJob creation338338.04086912Herman Richard T.1964-1728398Smith Robert L.1959-1728399MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910840904503321Immigrant, Inc4136934UNINA