03608nam 2200601Ia 450 991084052320332120170815170443.01-282-68663-197866126866340-470-66146-10-470-66145-3(CKB)2520000000006785(EBL)496054(OCoLC)605032096(SSID)ssj0000361617(PQKBManifestationID)11262491(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000361617(PQKBWorkID)10351922(PQKB)11225628(MiAaPQ)EBC496054(PPN)160401976(EXLCZ)99252000000000678520100111d2010 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrInformation processing biases and anxiety[electronic resource] a developmental perspective /edited by Julie A. Hadwin and Andy FieldChichester, West Sussex ;Malden, MA Wiley-Blackwell20101 online resource (345 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-470-99819-9 Includes bibliographical references and index.Information Processing Biases and Anxiety; Contents; List of Contributors; Preface; 1. An Introduction to the Study of Information Processing Biases in Childhood Anxiety: Theoretical and Methodological Issues; Theoretical and Research Issues; 2. Anxiety-Related Reasoning Biases in Children and Adolescents; 3. The Emotional Stroop Task in Anxious Children; 4. Selective Attention to Threat in Childhood Anxiety: Evidence from Visual Probe Paradigms; 5. The Use of Visual Search Paradigms to Understand Attentional Biases in Childhood Anxiety6. Using Eye Tracking Methodology in Children with Anxiety Disorders7. The Assessment of Fear-Related Automatic Associations in Children and Adolescents; 8. Application of Cognitive Neuroscience Techniques to the Study of Anxiety-Related Processing Biases in Children; The Origin and Treatment of Information Processing Biases in Child Anxiety; 9. Genetics; 10. Temperamental Factors Associated with the Acquisition of Information Processing Biases and Anxiety; 11. Learning of Information Processing Biases in Anxious Children and Adolescents12. Intergenerational Transmission of Anxious Information Processing Biases13. Attentional Biases in Children: Implications for Treatment; IndexWith contributions from a global team of experts this book provides a comprehensive overview of information processing biases in children and adolescents.The first book to provide readers with an understanding of anxiety and the role of information processing biases more broadly in the context of developmental psychopathologyDemonstrates how researchers have explored diverse aspects of information processing in anxious children and adolescentsDraws on the microparadigms used in the study of development and psychopathology to consider issues related to heritability, temperament,Anxiety in childrenHuman information processing in childrenAnxiety in children.Human information processing in children.155.4/1246618.928522Hadwin Julie A869783Field Andy P118284MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910840523203321Information processing biases and anxiety4137006UNINA