04411nam 22006133 450 991083835590332120230629214424.00-309-49956-90-309-49892-9(MiAaPQ)EBC6843020(Au-PeEL)EBL6843020(CKB)20462119600041(EXLCZ)992046211960004120220110d2022 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierNecessary DoD Range Capabilities to Ensure Operational Superiority of U. S. Defense Systems Testing for the Future FightWashington, D.C. :National Academies Press,2022.©2021.1 online resource (151 pages)Print version: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Necessary DoD Range Capabilities to Ensure Operational Superiority of U. S. Defense Systems Washington, D.C. : National Academies Press,c2022 9780309498579 An Envisioned Future of Operational Test and Evaluation -- Testing for Future Combat : Multi-Domain Operations, Connected Concurrent Kill Chains, and Mitigating Encroachment -- Digital Infrastructure Needs for Operational Testing -- Speed-to-Field : Restructuring the Requirements and Resources Processes for DoD Test Ranges -- Conclusion and Summary of Recommendations by Actor."Rigorous operational testing (OT) of weapon systems procured by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) is fundamental to ensuring that these sophisticated systems not only meet their stated requirements, but also perform under realistic operational conditions when faced by determined adversaries employing their own highly capable offensive and defensive weaponry. DoD's test and training range enterprise provides the geography, infrastructure, technology, expertise, processes, and management that make safe, secure, and comprehensive OT possible. The challenges facing the nation's range infrastructure are both increasing and accelerating. Limited test capacity in physical resources and workforce, the age of test infrastructure, the capability to test advanced technologies, and encroachment impact the ability to inform system performance, integrated system performance and the overall pace of testing. Necessary DoD Range Capabilities to Ensure Operational Superiority of U.S. Defense Systems assesses the physical and technical suitability of DoD test and evaluation ranges, infrastructure, and tools for determining the operational effectiveness, suitability, survivability, and lethality of military systems. This report explores modernization, sustainment, operations, and resource challenges for test and evaluation ranges, and makes recommendations to put the DoD range enterprise on a modernization trajectory to meet the needs of OT in the years ahead."--Publisher's website.Military planningUnited StatesMethodologyMilitary art and scienceUnited StatesNational securityUnited StatesPlanification militaireÉtats-UnisMéthodologieArt et science militairesÉtats-UnisMilitary art and sciencefast(OCoLC)fst01020874Military planningMethodologyfast(OCoLC)fst01021382National securityfast(OCoLC)fst01033711United StatesfastMilitary planningMethodology.Military art and scienceNational securityPlanification militaireMéthodologie.Art et science militairesMilitary art and science.Military planningMethodology.National security.National Academies of Sciences Engineering, and Medicine1596851Sciences Division on Engineering and Physical1651736Development Board on Army Research and1731718Infrastructure Committee on Assessing the Physical and Technical Suitability of DoD Test and Evaluation Ranges and1731719MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910838355903321Necessary DoD Range Capabilities to Ensure Operational Superiority of U. S. Defense Systems4144818UNINA