04279nam 2200601 a 450 991083103500332120170814181434.01-282-12348-397866121234810-470-74411-10-470-74412-X(CKB)1000000000719692(EBL)427937(SSID)ssj0000354776(PQKBManifestationID)11259202(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000354776(PQKBWorkID)10316059(PQKB)11157047(MiAaPQ)EBC427937(PPN)171076702(OCoLC)352840132(EXLCZ)99100000000071969220090203d2009 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrStatistical and methodological aspects of oral health research[electronic resource] /edited by Emmanuel Lesaffre ... [et al.]Chichester, West Sussex ;Hoboken John Wiley & Sons20091 online resource (410 p.)Statistics in practiceDescription based upon print version of record.0-470-51792-1 Includes bibliographical references and index.Do we need to improve oral health research? / Dominique Declerck and Emmanuel Lesaffre -- Grading evidence with a focus on etiology, surrogates, and clinical devices / Philippe Hujoel -- The effective use of research data for evidence-based oral health care / Ian Needleman and Helen Worthington -- Planning a research project / Timothy A. DeRouen and Donald E. Mercante -- How to carry out successful clinical studies : lessons from project management / Jocelyne S. Feine, Stephanie D. Wollin, and Faahim Rashid -- Design and analysis of randomized clinical trials in oral health / Brian Leroux and Emmanuel Lesaffre -- Epidemiological oral health studies : aspects of design and analysis / Jimmy Steele and Mark Pearce -- Qualitative research / Christophe Bedos ... [et al.] -- Data validity and quality / Finbarr Allen and Jimmy Steele --Start with the basics / Manal A. Awad, Nico Nagelkerke, and Emmanuel Lesaffre -- Statistical methods for studying associations between variables / Brian G. Leroux -- Assessing accuracy of oral health diagnostic tests / Todd A. Alonzo and J.Peter Giannini -- Analysis of correlated responses / Melissa D. Begg -- Missing data and informative cluster sizes / Stuart A. Gansky -- Failure time analysis / Thomas A Gerds ... [et al.] -- Misclassification and measurement error in oral health / Helmut Küchenhoff -- Statistical genetics / Amy D. Anderson -- The Bayesian approach / Emmanuel Lesaffre, Arnošt Komárek, and Alejandro Jara -- Examples from oral health epidemiology : the signal tandmobiel and smile for life studies / Dominique Declerck ... [et al.] -- Subantimicrobial-dose doxycycline effects on alveolar bone loss in postmenopausal women : example of a randomized controlled clinical trial / Julie A. Stoner and Jeffrey B. Payne.Statistical and Methodological Aspects of Oral Health Research provides oral health researchers with an overview of the methodological aspects that are important in planning, conducting and analyzing their research projects whilst also providing biostatisticians with an idea of the statistical problems that arise when tackling oral health research questions. This collection presents critical reflections on oral health research and offers advice on practical aspects of setting up research whilst introducing the reader to basic as well as advanced statistical methodology. FeaturStatistics in practice.Dental public healthResearchStatistical methodsDentistryResearchStatistical methodsDental public healthResearchStatistical methods.DentistryResearchStatistical methods.362.197/60072617.5220015195Lesaffre Emmanuel1628639MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910831035003321Statistical and methodological aspects of oral health research3965876UNINA