03358nam 2200577Ia 450 991083092150332120230422045626.01-282-11765-397866121176571-4443-1143-31-4443-1144-1(CKB)1000000000719749(EBL)428027(SSID)ssj0000354523(PQKBManifestationID)11212588(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000354523(PQKBWorkID)10314482(PQKB)10820636(MiAaPQ)EBC428027(OCoLC)352834029(EXLCZ)99100000000071974920000211d1999 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrMycobacteria[electronic resource] molecular biology and virulence /edited by Colin Ratledge and Jeremy DaleOxford ;Malden, MA Blackwell Science19991 online resource (420 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-632-05304-6 Includes bibliographical references and index.Mycobacteria Molecular Biology and Virulence; Contents; List of contributors; Preface; Chapter 1: Recombination; Chapter 2: Mobile genetic elements and plasmids: tools for genetic studies; Chapter 3: Mycobacteriophages; Chapter 4: Gene expression and regulation; Chapter 5: Genomics of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium leprae; color plates; Chapter 6: Molecular epidemiology: human tuberculosis; Chapter 7: Molecular epidemiology: Mycobacterium bovis; Chapter 8: Molecular epidemiology: other mycobacteria; Chapter 9: Molecular diagnosticsChapter 10: Immunodiagnosis of mycobacterial infectionChapter 11: Mycobacterial growth and dormancy; Chapter 12: Cell wall: physical structure and permeability; Chapter 13: The cell-wall core of Mycobacterium: structure, biogenesis and genetics; Chapter 14: Iron metabolism; Chapter 15: Antibiotics* and antibiotic resistance in mycobacteria; Chapter 16: Immunotherapy for mycobacterial diseases; Chapter 17: Vaccines; Chapter 18: Mycobacterial antigens; Chapter 19: Mycobacterium and the seduction of the macrophage; Chapter 20: Cytokines in immunity to tuberculosis; IndexTuberculosis continues to kills more people than any other single infective agent. The resurgence of the disease in many countries has produced a heightened awareness of the threat posed by mycobacterial infections. At the same time, there has been an explosion of knowledge of the fundamental properties of mycobacteria, most notably the determination of the complete genome sequence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This book provides an up-to-date account of these developments in the molecular biology and immunology of mycobacteria, coupled with allied advances of a more applied nature, such aMycobacteriaGeneticsMolecular biologyMycobacteriaGenetics.Molecular biology.579.3/74579.374Ratledge Colin91994Dale Jeremy324172MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910830921503321Mycobacteria2002592UNINA