03324nam 2200601Ia 450 991083085920332120230207213434.01-282-55115-997866125511541-4443-2276-11-4443-2277-X(CKB)2670000000014745(EBL)514412(OCoLC)609862835(SSID)ssj0000366081(PQKBManifestationID)11290376(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000366081(PQKBWorkID)10414507(PQKB)10108662(MiAaPQ)EBC514412(EXLCZ)99267000000001474520091218d2010 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrSpaces of environmental justice[electronic resource] /edited by Ryan Holifield, Michael Porter and Gordon WalkerMalden, Mass. Wiley-Blackwellc20101 online resource (272 p.)Antipode book seriesDescription based upon print version of record.1-4443-3245-7 Includes bibliographical references and index.Spaces of Environmental Justice; Contents; Notes on Contributors; Introduction: Spaces of Environmental Justice-Frameworks for Critical Engagement; Part I: Frameworks for Critical Environmental Justice Research; 1 Beyond Distribution and Proximity: Exploring the Multiple Spatialities of Environmental Justice; 2 Actor-network Theory as a Critical Approach to Environmental Justice: A Case against Synthesis with Urban Political Ecology; 3 Gendered Geographies of Environmental Injustice; 4 Acknowledging the Racial State: An Agenda for Environmental Justice ResearchPart II: Spaces for Critical Environmental Justice Research5 Digging Deep for Justice: A Radical Re-imagination of the Artisanal Gold Mining Sector in Ghana; 6 Benevolent and Benign? Using Environmental Justice to Investigate Waste-related Impacts of Ecotourism in Destination Communities; 7 Assembling Justice Spaces: The Scalar Politics of Environmental Justice in North-east England; 8 Defining and Contesting Environmental Justice: Socio-natures and the Politics of Scale in the Delta; IndexIn this cutting-edge volume, leading scholars examine a diverse range of environmental inequalities from around the world.Shows how far the field has moved beyond its original focus on uneven distributions of pollution in the USA Considers the influence of critical geographical and social theory on environmental justice studiesExamines a range of possibilities for future research directionsExplores the challenges of investigating and pursuing environmental justice at a time of rapid economic and environmental change Antipode book series.Environmental justiceSocial justiceEnvironmental justice.Social justice.363.7Holifield Ryan1680900Porter Michael5334Walker Gordon1944-1680901MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910830859203321Spaces of environmental justice4049940UNINA