05278nam 2200625Ia 450 991083071120332120170815112906.01-280-73988-697866107398820-470-05762-90-470-05763-7(CKB)1000000000357395(EBL)284467(OCoLC)476034566(SSID)ssj0000097624(PQKBManifestationID)11121663(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000097624(PQKBWorkID)10115968(PQKB)10275148(MiAaPQ)EBC284467(PPN)116874597(EXLCZ)99100000000035739520060111d2007 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAdvanced cellular network planning and optimisation[electronic resource] 2G/2.5G/3G - evolution to 4G /edited by Ajay R. MishraChichester John Wileyc20071 online resource (543 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-470-01471-7 Includes bibliographical references and index.Advanced Cellular Network Planning and Optimisation; Contents; Forewords; Acknowledgements; Introduction; 1 Cellular Networks; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 First Generation Cellular Networks; 1.2.1 NMT (Nordic Mobile Telephony); 1.2.2 AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone System); 1.3 Second Generation Cellular Networks; 1.3.1 D-AMPS (Digital Advanced Mobile Phone System); 1.3.2 CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access); 1.3.3 GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication); 1.3.4 GPRS (General Packet Radio Service); 1.3.5 EDGE (Enhanced Data Rate for GSM Evolution); 1.4 Third Generation Cellular Networks1.4.1 CDMA20001.4.2 UMTS; 1.4.3 HSDPA in UMTS; 2 Radio Network Planning and Optimisation; 2.1 Radio Network Planning Process; 2.1.1 Network Planning Projects; 2.1.2 Network Planning Project Organisation; 2.1.3 Network Planning Criteria and Targets; 2.1.4 Network Planning Process Steps; 2.2 Preplanning in a GSM Radio Network; 2.2.1 GSM Network Planning Criteria; 2.2.2 Introducing GPRS in the GSM Network; 2.2.3 Introducing EGPRS in the GSM Network; 2.2.4 WCDMA in UMTS; 2.3 Radio Network Dimensioning; 2.3.1 Link Budget Calculations; 2.3.2 Dimensioning in the EGPRS Network2.3.3 Dimensioning in the WCDMA Radio Network2.4 Radio Wave Propagation; 2.4.1 Okumura-Hata Model; 2.4.2 Walfish-Ikegami Model; 2.4.3 Ray Tracing Model; 2.4.4 Model Tuning; 2.5 Coverage Planning; 2.5.1 Coverage Planning in GSM Networks; 2.5.2 Coverage Planning in EGPRS; 2.5.3 Coverage Planning in WCDMA Networks; 2.6 Capacity Planning; 2.6.1 Capacity Planning in GSM Networks; 2.6.2 EGPRS Capacity Planning; 2.6.3 Capacity Planning in WCDMA Networks; 2.7 Frequency Planning; 2.7.1 Power Control; 2.7.2 Discontinuous Transmission; 2.7.3 Frequency Hopping; 2.7.4 Interference Analysis2.8 Parameter Planning2.8.1 Parameter Planning in the GSM Network; 2.8.2 Parameter Planning in the EGPRS Network; 2.8.3 Parameter Planning in the WCDMA Network; 2.9 Radio Network Optimisation; 2.9.1 GSM Radio Network Optimisation Process; 2.9.2 Optimisation in the EGPRS Network; 2.9.3 Optimisation in the WCDMA Network; 3 Transmission Network Planning and Optimisation; 3.1 Access Transmission Network Planning Process; 3.1.1 Master Planning; 3.1.2 Detail Planning; 3.2 Fundamentals of Transmission; 3.2.1 Modulations; 3.2.2 Multiple Access Schemes; 3.3 Digital Hierarchies - PDH and SDH3.3.1 Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (PDH)3.3.2 Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH); 3.3.3 Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM); 3.4 Microwave Link Planning; 3.4.1 Microwave Link; 3.4.2 Microwave Tower; 3.4.3 Microwave Link Design; 3.4.4 LOS Check; 3.4.5 Link Budget Calculation; 3.4.6 Repeaters; 3.5 Microwave Propagation; 3.5.1 Slow Fading; 3.5.2 Fast Fading; 3.5.3 Overcoming Fading; 3.6 Interface Planning; 3.6.1 Abis Planning; 3.6.2 Dynamic Abis; 3.6.3 Interface Planning in the UMTS Access Transmission Network; 3.7 Topology Planning; 3.8 Frequency Planning and Interference3.8.1 Loop ProtectionA highly practical guide rooted in theory to include the necessary background for taking the reader through the planning, implementation and management stages for each type of cellular network. Present day cellular networks are a mixture of the technologies like GSM, EGPRS and WCDMA. They even contain features of the technologies that will lead us to the fourth generation networks. Designing and optimising these complex networks requires much deeper understanding. Advanced Cellular Network Planning and Optimisation presents radio, transmission and core network planning and optimisatioCell phone systemsCell phone systemsPlanningCell phone systems.Cell phone systemsPlanning.621.3845621.38456Mishra Ajay R876476MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910830711203321Advanced cellular network planning and optimisation3932671UNINA