00901nam0 2200301 450 991037505990332120200302120943.0978-88-255-2602-820200302d2019----km y0itay50 baitaIT 001yyAgricoltura sostenibilesviluppo locale e sfide globaliStefano Biagiotti ... [et al.]prefazione di Stefano MaggiCanteranoAracne2019195 p.ill.24 cmInvenis8Contiene bibl. (pp. 183-195)Agricoltura sostenibile630.251523itaBiagiotti,StefanoMaggi,StefanoITUNINAREICATUNIMARCBK9910375059903321COLLEZ. 2524 (8)943/2020FSPBCFSPBCAgricoltura sostenibile727138UNINA03554nam 22006254a 450 991083042520332120170809162023.01-280-64906-297866106490680-470-05217-10-470-05215-5(CKB)1000000000354776(EBL)272151(SSID)ssj0000163985(PQKBManifestationID)11163742(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000163985(PQKBWorkID)10140299(PQKB)11785210(MiAaPQ)EBC272151(OCoLC)85784708(EXLCZ)99100000000035477620060302d2006 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrGlycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3) and its inhibitors[electronic resource] drug discovery and development /edited by Ana Martinez, Ana Castro, Miguel MedinaHoboken, N.J. Wiley-Intersciencec20061 online resource (388 p.)Wiley series in drug discovery and developmentDescription based upon print version of record.0-471-77001-9 Includes bibliographical references and index.Glycogen synthase kinase 3: an introductory synopsis -- Glycogen synthase kinase-3[beta] (GSK-3[beta]) a key signaling enzyme: a developmental neurobiological perspective -- Role of GSK-3/Shaggy in neuronal cell biology -- The crystal structures of glycogen synthase kinase 3 -- Kinase-kinase and site-site interactions in the phosphorylation of tau by GSK-3 -- GSK-3, a key player in Alzheimer's disease -- Glycogen synthase kinase 3 : a target for novel mood disorder treatments -- GSK-3 and stem cells -- Glycogen synthase kinase 3 : role in neurodegeneration and neuroprotection --Protein kinase assays for drug discovery -- Animal models with modified expression of GSK-3 for the study of its physiology and of its implications in human pathologies -- Lithium, the seminal GSK-3 inhibitor -- Inhibition of GSK-3 as therapeutic strategy in disease : efficacy of AR-A014418 -- TDZD's: selective and ATP noncompetitive glycogen synthase kinase 3 inhibitors -- 3-amino pyrazoles as potent and selective glycogen kinase synthase (GSK-3) inhibitors -- Marine compounds as a new source for glycogen synthase kinase 3 inhibitors.Many researchers believe that GSK-3 and its inhibitors could lead to effective treatments for neurogenerative disorders, type II diabetes, depression and bipolar disorder, and some forms of cancer. This book provides a thorough introduction to GSK-3, presents up-to-date information, and mentions the birth of several chemical families of GSK-3 inhibitors with varying selectivity. It's a great reference for researchers in drug design and development.Wiley series in drug discovery and development.Glycogen synthase kinase-3Glycogen synthase kinase-3InhibitorsGlycogen synthase kinase-3.Glycogen synthase kinase-3Inhibitors.547.12572.567572/.567Martínez Ana1961-1659284Castro Ana1659285Medina Miguel1959-1659286MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910830425203321Glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3) and its inhibitors4013863UNINA