05607nam 2200745 450 991083013490332120221021141047.01-119-51346-41-118-55179-610.1002/9781119513469(CKB)2670000000269723(EBL)1051443(SSID)ssj0000754603(PQKBManifestationID)12278998(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000754603(PQKBWorkID)10716544(PQKB)10871782(MiAaPQ)EBC1051443(PPN)263076598(OCoLC)1080520317(EXLCZ)99267000000026972320110322h20112011 uy| 0engurbn#||||||||txtccrApplied longitudinal analysis /Garrett M. Fitzmaurice, Nan M. Laird, James H. Ware2nd ed.Hoboken, New Jersey :Wiley,[2011]©20111 online resource (1309 p.)Wiley series in probability and statisticsDescription based upon print version of record.0-470-38027-6 Includes bibliographical references (pages 671-693) and index.Cover; Half Title page; Title page; Copyright page; Dedication; Preface; Preface to First Edition; Acknowledgments; Part I: Introduction to Longitudinal and Clustered Data; Chapter 1: Longitudinal and Clustered Data; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Longitudinal and Clustered Data; 1.3 Examples; 1.4 Regression Models for Correlated Responses; 1.5 Organization of the Book; 1.6 Further Reading; Chapter 2: Longitudinal Data: Basic Concepts; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Objectives of Longitudinal Analysis; 2.3 Defining Features of Longitudinal Data; 2.4 Example: Treatment of Lead-Exposed Children Trial2.5 Sources of Correlation in Longitudinal Data2.6 Further Reading; Part II: Linear Models for Longitudinal Continuous Data; Chapter 3: Overview of Linear Models for Longitudinal Data; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Notation and Distributional Assumptions; 3.3 Simple Descriptive Methods of Analysis; 3.4 Modeling the Mean; 3.5 Modeling the Covariance; 3.6 Historical Approaches; 3.7 Further Reading; Chapter 4: Estimation and Statistical Inference; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Estimation: Maximum Likelihood; 4.3 Missing Data Issues; 4.4 Statistical Inference; 4.5 Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) Estimation4.6 Further ReadingChapter 5: Modeling the Mean: Analyzing Response Profiles; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Hypotheses Concerning Response Profiles; 5.3 General Linear Model Formulation; 5.4 Case Study; 5.5 One-Degree-of-Freedom Tests for Group by Time Interaction; 5.6 Adjustment for Baseline Response; 5.7 Alternative Methods of Adjusting for Baseline Response; 5.8 Strengths and Weaknesses of Analyzing Response Profiles; 5.9 Computing: Analyzing Response Profiles Using PROC MIXED in SAS; 5.10 Further Reading; Chapter 6: Modeling the Mean: Parametric Curves; 6.1 Introduction6.2 Polynomial Trends in Time6.3 Linear Splines; 6.4 General Linear Model Formulation; 6.5 Case Studies; 6.6 Computing: Fitting Parametric Curves Using PROC MIXED in SAS; 6.7 Further Reading; Chapter 7: Modeling the Covariance; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Implications of Correlation among Longitudinal Data; 7.3 Unstructured Covariance; 7.4 Covariance Pattern Models; 7.5 Choice among Covariance Pattern Models; 7.6 Case Study; 7.7 Discussion: Strengths and Weaknesses of Covariance Pattern Models; 7.8 Computing: Fitting Covariance Pattern Models Using PROC MIXED in SAS; 7.9 Further ReadingChapter 8: Linear Mixed Effects Models8.1 Introduction; 8.2 Linear Mixed Effects Models; 8.3 Random Effects Covariance Structure; 8.4 Two-Stage Random Effects Formulation; 8.5 Choice among Random Effects Covariance Models; 8.6 Prediction of Random Effects; 8.7 Prediction and Shrinkage; 8.8 Case Studies; 8.9 Computing: Fitting Linear Mixed Effects Models Using PROC MIXED in SAS; 8.10 Further Reading; Chapter 9: Fixed Effects versus Random Effects Models; 9.1 Introduction; 9.2 Linear Fixed Effects Models; 9.3 Fixed Effects versus Random Effects: Bias-Variance Trade-off9.4 Resolving the Dilemma of Choosing Between Fixed and Random Effects Models"Since the publication of the first edition, the authors have solicited feedback from both the instructors who use the book as a text for their courses as well as the researchers who use the book as a resource for their research. Thus, the improved Second Edition of Applied Longitudinal Analysis features many additions and revisions based on the feedback of readers, making it the go-to reference for applied use in public health, epidemiology, and pharmaceutical sciences"--Provided by publisher.Wiley series in probability and statistics.Longitudinal methodRegression analysisMultivariate analysisMedical statisticsLongitudinal method.Regression analysis.Multivariate analysis.Medical statistics.519.5/3519.53MAT029000bisacshFitzmaurice Garrett M.1962-1689685Laird Nan M.1943-Ware James H.1941-MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910830134903321Applied longitudinal analysis4064922UNINA