03362nam 2200673Ia 450 991083006940332120230707172208.01-119-95725-71-282-77708-497866127770800-470-66978-00-470-66977-2(CKB)2670000000047912(EBL)589184(OCoLC)671395330(SSID)ssj0000411438(PQKBManifestationID)11271676(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000411438(PQKBWorkID)10356651(PQKB)10959129(MiAaPQ)EBC589184(EXLCZ)99267000000004791220100617d2010 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAge estimation in the living the practitioners guide /Sue Black, Anil Aggrawal and Jason Payne-JamesHoboken, NJ John Wiley & Sons Inc.c20101 online resource (322 p.)Includes index.0-470-51967-3 Age Estimation in the Living; Contents; Foreword; Preface; Glossary of Abbreviations; 1 An Introduction to the History of Age Estimation in the Living; 2 Immigration, Asylum Seekers and Undocumented Identity; 3 Clinical and Legal Requirements for Age Determination in the Living; 4 Legal Implications of Age Determination: Consent and Other Issues; 5 The Challenges of Psychological Assessments of Maturity; 6 Principles of Physical Age Estimation; 7 Growth, Maturation and Age; 8 Practical Imaging Techniques for Age Evaluation; 9 External Soft Tissue Indicators of Age from Birth to Adulthood10 Age Evaluation and Odontology in the Living11 Age Evaluation from the Skeleton; 12 Age Evaluation after Growth Cessation; 13 The Presentation of Results and Statistics for Legal Purposes; 14 Key Practical Elements for Age Estimation in the Living; Index; Color PlateThis book summarizes and explains the main approaches to age estimation in the living, defining when a parameter may be of use and raising awareness of its limitations. This text ensures that practitioners recognize when an assessment is beyond their area of expertise or beyond verification depending upon the clinical data available. Each key approach to age evaluation has been allotted a single chapter, written by an international leader in the particular field. The book also includes summary chapters that relay readily accessible data for use by the practitioner, and includes important "ageiPhysical anthropologyAnthropometryHuman growthHuman bodyCompositionAge factorsForensic anthropologyDental anthropologyPhysical anthropology.Anthropometry.Human growth.Human bodyCompositionAge factors.Forensic anthropology.Dental anthropology.599.9Black Sue M1623003Aggrawal Anil887443Payne-James Jason1622979MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910830069403321Age estimation in the living4010248UNINA