06407nam 2201261 450 991083000480332120240219135633.01-280-55705-297866105570590-471-72295-20-471-72296-010.1002/0471722960(CKB)1000000000013736(CaBNVSL)mat05237251(IDAMS)0b000064810954d9(IEEE)5237251(SSID)ssj0000299254(PQKBManifestationID)12114394(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000299254(PQKBWorkID)10240656(PQKB)11131928(MiAaPQ)EBC4957915(Au-PeEL)EBL4957915(CaONFJC)MIL55705(OCoLC)85820259(PPN)272291366(EXLCZ)99100000000001373620151221d2005 uy engur|n|||||||||rdacontentisbdmediardacarrierIdentification of nonlinear physiological systems /David T. Westwick, Robert E. Kearney[Piscataway, New Jersey?] :IEEE Press,c2003.[Piscataqay, New Jersey] :IEEE Xplore,[2005]1 PDF (xii, 261 pages) illustrationsIEEE Press series on biomedical engineering ;17"IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Sponsor."0-471-27456-9 Includes bibliographical references (p. 251-257) and index.Preface. -- 1. Introduction. -- 1.1 Signals. -- 1.2 Systems and Models. -- 1.3 System Modeling. -- 1.4 System Identification. -- 1.5 How Common are Nonlinear Systems? -- 2. Background. -- 2.1 Vectors and Matrices. -- 2.2 Gaussian Random Variables. -- 2.3 Correlation Functions. -- 2.4 Mean-Square Parameter Estimation. -- 2.5 Polynomials. -- 2.6 Notes and References. -- 2.7 Problems. -- 2.8 Computer Exercises. -- 3. Models of Linear Systems. -- 3.1 Linear Systems. -- 3.2 Nonparametric Models. -- 3.3 Parametric Models. -- 3.4 State-Space Models. -- 3.5 Notes and References. -- 3.6 Theoretical Problems. -- 3.7 Computer Exercises. -- 4. Models of Nonlinear Systems. -- 4.1 The Volterra Series. -- 4.2 The Wiener Series. -- 4.3 Simple Block Structures. -- 4.4 Parallel Cascades. -- 4.5 The Wiener-Bose Model. -- 4.6 Notes and References. -- 4.7 Theoretical Problems. -- 4.8 Computer Exercises. -- 5. Identification of Linear Systems. -- 5.1 Introduction. -- 5.2 Nonparametric Time-Domain Models. -- 5.3 Frequency Response Estimation. -- 5.4 Parametric Methods. -- 5.5 Notesand References. -- 5.6 Computer Exercises. -- 6. Correlation-Based Methods. -- 6.1 Methods for Functional Expansions. -- 6.2 Block Structured Models. -- 6.3 Problems. -- 6.4 Computer Exercises. -- 7. Explicit Least-Squares Methods. -- 7.1 Introduction. -- 7.2 The Orthogonal Algorithms. -- 7.3 Expansion Bases. -- 7.4 Principal Dynamic Modes. -- 7.5 Problems. -- 7.6 Computer Exercises. -- 8. Iterative Least-Squares Methods. -- 8.1 Optimization Methods. -- 8.2 Parallel Cascade Methods. -- 8.3 Application: Visual Processing in the Light Adapted Fly Retina. -- 8.4 Problems -- 8.5 Computer Exercises. -- References. -- Index. -- IEEE Press Series in Biomedical Engineering. Significant advances have been made in the field since the previous classic texts were written. This text brings the available knowledge up to date. * Enables the reader to use a wide variety of nonlinear system identification techniques. * Offers a thorough treatment of the underlying theory. * Provides a MATLAB toolbox containing implementation of the latest identification methods together with an extensive set of problems using realistic data sets.IEEE Press series on biomedical engineering ;17PhysiologyMathematical modelsNonlinear systemsStatistics as TopicNonlinear DynamicsComputer SimulationModels, BiologicalPhysiological PhenomenaHealth Care Evaluation MechanismsComputing MethodologiesModels, TheoreticalPhenomena and ProcessesEpidemiologic MethodsMathematicsInvestigative TechniquesNatural Science DisciplinesPublic HealthInformation ScienceQuality of Health CareDisciplines and OccupationsAnalytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and EquipmentHealth Care Quality, Access, and EvaluationEnvironment and Public HealthHealth CarePhysiologyHILCCHuman Anatomy & PhysiologyHILCCHealth & Biological SciencesHILCCSystems Engineering.PhysiologyMathematical models.Nonlinear systems.Statistics as TopicNonlinear DynamicsComputer SimulationModels, BiologicalPhysiological PhenomenaHealth Care Evaluation MechanismsComputing MethodologiesModels, TheoreticalPhenomena and ProcessesEpidemiologic MethodsMathematicsInvestigative TechniquesNatural Science DisciplinesPublic HealthInformation ScienceQuality of Health CareDisciplines and OccupationsAnalytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and EquipmentHealth Care Quality, Access, and EvaluationEnvironment and Public HealthHealth CarePhysiologyHuman Anatomy & PhysiologyHealth & Biological Sciences612/.01/5118Westwick David T.845502Kearney Robert E.1947-845503IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.CaBNVSLCaBNVSLCaBNVSLBOOK9910830004803321Identification of nonlinear physiological systems1887668UNINA01379nam0-2200325 --450 991084620060332120240422102024.020240422d kmuy0itay5050 baengIT 001yyCodex alimentariusCodex alimentarius commissionRomeFood and agriculture organization of the United NationsWorld health organizationv.30 cm.Joint FAO/WHO food standards programme[1].: Organically produced foods[2].: Food labelling complete texts (revised 1999)[3].: Food labelling complete texts (revised 2001)[4].: Food import and export inspection and certification system combined texts[5].: Sistemas de inspecciòn y certificaciòn de importaciones y exportaciones de alimentos. recopilacion de textos (2. ed.)AlimentiIgieneCongressi197866423itaJoint FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission301079ITUNINAREICATUNIMARCBK9910846200603321A MIC 374 a6756/2024FAGBCA MIC 374 b6757/2024FAGBCA MIC 374 c6758/2024FAGBCA MIC 374 d6759/2024FAGBCA MIC 374 e6760/2024FAGBCFAGBCCodex alimentarius365447UNINA