01313nam0 22003253i 450 VAN010164020150519103110.9188-14-18535-2978-88-14-18535-920150519d2013 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||La Cassazione penalefatto, diritto e motivazioneFrancesco Mauro IacovielloMilano : Giuffrè2013XXXVIII940 p. ; 25 cmIn copertina: In+ clicca e sfoglia.ItaliaCorte di cassazioneGiudizioVANC030808SGMilanoVANL000284345.4507721IacovielloFrancesco M.VANV079435240305Giuffrè <editore>VANV109181650Iacoviello, Francesco MauroIacoviello, Francesco M.VANV080238ITSOL20230616RICAhttps://www.giuffre.it/199282/INDICE_247757.pdfhttps://www.giuffre.it/199282/INDICE_247757.pdfBIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI GIURISPRUDENZAIT-CE0105VAN00VAN0101640BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI GIURISPRUDENZA00CONS XIV.Ez.43 00UBG807 20150721 Cassazione penale836139UNICAMPANIA05361nam 2200661 450 991082887990332120230807210236.01-118-94766-51-118-94765-7(CKB)2670000000610021(EBL)1895787(SSID)ssj0001458728(PQKBManifestationID)12550322(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001458728(PQKBWorkID)11451093(PQKB)10829431(MiAaPQ)EBC1895787(DLC) 2015009430(Au-PeEL)EBL1895787(CaPaEBR)ebr11048198(CaONFJC)MIL770253(OCoLC)908080375(EXLCZ)99267000000061002120150508h20152015 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtccrThe food industry innovation school how to drive innovation through complex organizations /Helmut TraitlerChichester, England :Wiley Blackwell,2015.©20151 online resource (279 p.)Includes index.1-118-94763-0 1-118-94768-1 Cover; Title Page; Copyright; Contents; Forewords; Acknowledgements; Part 1 Your company and the outside world; Chapter 1 Your world; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 The workspace: heaven or hell?; 1.3 The outside world: is there someone?; 1.3.1 Peers inside your company; 1.3.2 Peers outside your company; 1.3.3 The bosses; 1.3.4 Media and the web, retailers and consumers, shareholders and analysts; 1.3.5 The ""outer shell"": family, friends, politics, public perception, macroeconomics; 1.4 The main players in your organization: hierarchies, attitudes, and platitudes1.5 How to generate attention for your work, for your project 1.6 Summary; 1.7 Topics for further in-depth discussion; add your own experience; Chapter 2 Projects and partners; 2.1 Everything's a project; 2.2 The eternal strategy; 2.3 The valuation of projects; 2.4 Aligning partners and sponsors; 2.5 Aligning with the strategy of the company; 2.6 What is a project?; 2.7 Summary; 2.8 Topics for further in-depth discussions; add your own experience; Chapter 3 What makes them tick?; 3.1 Why do you need ""them"" to tick?; 3.2 It's a tough world out there: The Dragon's Den3.3 How to sell in the most promising ways? 3.4 The optimal project mix; 3.5 Measuring success: a first glimpse; 3.6 Why success stories make them tick; 3.7 Summary; 3.8 Topics for further in-depth discussion; add your own experience; Chapter 4 Keys to success; 4.1 The medium is the message; 4.2 Look beyond to the outside; 4.3 Taking risks, the right risks; 4.4 Building bridges; 4.5 Become street-smart and live it; 4.6 Summary; 4.7 Topics for further in-depth discussions; add your own experience; Part 2 How to drive innovation into the marketplace and into the consumers' homesChapter 5 Innovation revisited 5.1 What do you mean by ""innovation""?; 5.2 Innovation in the food industry; 5.3 Creativity: the harbinger of innovation and invention; 5.4 How does innovative thinking travel across your company?; 5.5 Summary; 5.6 Topics for further in-depth discussions; add your own experience; Chapter 6 How to become short-termishly long term; 6.1 The importance of sustainability in innovation; 6.2 Some term-inology; 6.3 Clever perseverance; 6.4 The short-term-long-term balance in the food industry; 6.5 Summary; 6.6 Topics for further in-depth discussionsadd your own experience Chapter 7 Success measured; 7.1 Success Metrics 101; 7.2 The consumer in the equation; 7.3 The success rate: rate the success; 7.4 Success and you; 7.5 Summary; 7.6 Topics for further in-depth discussions; add your own experience; Chapter 8 The value of success stories; 8.1 What counts is the well-packaged result; 8.2 The role of the success story: storytelling; 8.3 How to make your story; 8.4 Stories become contagious; 8.5 Summary; 8.6 Topics for further in-depth discussions; add your own experiencePart 3 Most important key success factors for successful execution of innovationInnovation and new product development are increasingly perceived as drivers of profits in the food industry. Companies are dedicating a large amount of resources to these areas and it is crucial that individuals understand how to be part of this new strategy. The Food Industry Innovation School focuses on key skills needed to drive new ideas from initial concepts through to successful products on the shelf. The author argues that any individual can learn how to lead innovation within complex organizations utilizing companies' commercial and financial resources. The book focuses on theFood industry and tradeManagementOrganizational effectivenessFoodTechnological innovationsFood industry and tradeManagement.Organizational effectiveness.FoodTechnological innovations.664.0068/4Traitler Helmut864028MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910828879903321The food industry innovation school3982288UNINA