03991nam 2200913z- 450 991059507070332120231214133158.0(CKB)5680000000080823(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/92166(EXLCZ)99568000000008082320202209d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierValue of Mineralogical Monitoring for the Mining and Minerals Industry In memory of Prof. Dr. Herbert PöllmannBaselMDPI Books20221 electronic resource (164 p.)3-0365-4893-9 3-0365-4894-7 This Special Issue, focusing on the value of mineralogical monitoring for the mining and minerals industry, should include detailed investigations and characterizations of minerals and ores of the following fields for ore and process control: Lithium ores—determination of lithium contents by XRD methods; Copper ores and their different mineralogy; Nickel lateritic ores; Iron ores and sinter; Bauxite and bauxite overburden; Heavy mineral sands. The value of quantitative mineralogical analysis, mainly by XRD methods, combined with other techniques for the evaluation of typical metal ores and other important minerals, will be shown and demonstrated for different minerals. The different steps of mineral processing and metal contents bound to different minerals will be included. Additionally, some processing steps, mineral enrichments, and optimization of mineral determinations using XRD will be demonstrated. Statistical methods for the treatment of a large set of XRD patterns of ores and mineral concentrates, as well as their value for the characterization of mineral concentrates and ores, will be demonstrated. Determinations of metal concentrations in minerals by different methods will be included, as well as the direct prediction of process parameters from raw XRD data.Technology: general issuesbicsscHistory of engineering & technologybicsscMining technology & engineeringbicsscbaritemineralogyindustrial applicationbeneficiationspecific gravitybauxite overburdenBelterra Claymineralogical quantificationRietveld analysismachine learningartificial intelligenceminingmineralogical analysisbauxiteavailable aluminareactive silicaXRDPLSRlithiumquantificationclusteringRietveldcluster analysisspodumenepetalitelepidolitetriphylitezinnwalditeamblygonitechalcopyriteore blendingcopper flotationnickel lateriteore sortingframboidal pyritesulfide mineralsflotationprocess mineralogyheavy mineralsilmenitetitania slagrietveldMagneli phasesTechnology: general issuesHistory of engineering & technologyMining technology & engineeringPöllmann Herbertedt1311309König UweedtPöllmann HerbertothKönig UweothBOOK9910595070703321Value of Mineralogical Monitoring for the Mining and Minerals Industry In memory of Prof. Dr. Herbert Pöllmann3030227UNINA03860nam 2200577Ia 450 991078061270332120230422050307.01-280-44523-897866104452330-19-154249-0(CKB)2460000000006012(StDuBDS)AH25159680(SSID)ssj0000302819(PQKBManifestationID)12115221(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000302819(PQKBWorkID)10274705(PQKB)11201469(MiAaPQ)EBC3055283(Au-PeEL)EBL3055283(CaPaEBR)ebr10695410(CaONFJC)MIL44523(OCoLC)922971941(EXLCZ)99246000000000601220010622d2000 uy 0engur|||||||||||txtccrThe measure of multitude[electronic resource] population in medieval thought /Peter BillerOxford ;New York Oxford University Press20001 online resource (600p., [8]p. of plates ) illBibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph0-19-820632-1 Includes bibliographical references (p. [421]-452) and indexes.1. Introduction to medieval demographic thought; PART 1: THE CHURCH AND GENERATION; 2. Marriage and the Church's texts; 3. William of Auvergne; 4. An equal or unequal number of men and women; 5. The precept of marriage and sufficient multiplication; 6. Avoidance of offspring (i): the general picture; 7. Avoidance of offspring (ii): Canon law and Sentences commentaries; 8. Avoidance of offspring (iii): the pastoral picture; PART 2: THE MAP OF THE WORLD; 9. Inhabitation of the world; PART 3: ARISTOTLE AND MULTITUDE; 10. Animals and the life-span; 11. The Politics (i): reception; 12. The Politics (ii): age at marriage; 13. The Politics (iii): multitude; THE LIGHT OF THE COMMON DAY; 14. The Bulging circuit of Florence; Epigraph: The Climate of Thought; Bibliography; Index of Manuscripts; General IndexChallenging the view that medieval thought was abstract, this text shows that by 1300, society was beginning to measure multitude, counting, for example, numbers of boys and girls being baptised.Peter Biller's innovative study challenges the view that medieval thought was fundamentally abstract. He shows how, by 1300, medieval men and women were beginning to measure multitude, counting, for example, numbers of boys and girls being baptized. Their mental capacity to grapple with population, to get its measure, was developing, and the author describes how medieval people thought about population through both the texts which contained their thought and the medieval realities which shaped it. He asserts that they found many topics - such as the history of population and variations between polygamy, monogamy and virginity-through theology, and that crusade and travel literature supplied the themes of Muslim polygamy, military numbers, the colonization of the Holy Land, and the populations of Mongolia and China. Translations of Aristotle provided not only new themes but also a new vocabulary with which to think about population. The Measure of Multitude sets academic discussions of population alongside the medieval facts of 'birth, and copulation, and death' to provide a challenging new approach to the study of medieval demographic thought.PopulationHistoryDemographyHistoryPopulationHistory.DemographyHistory.304.6/0902Biller Peter20935MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910780612703321The measure of multitude3681140UNINA