04760nam 2200997Ia 450 991082830840332120200520144314.00-520-94226-410.1525/9780520942264(CKB)2550000001039305(EBL)1991743(OCoLC)905993000(SSID)ssj0000835727(PQKBManifestationID)11437741(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000835727(PQKBWorkID)10996300(PQKB)10089062(DE-B1597)519968(OCoLC)1110709134(DE-B1597)9780520942264(Au-PeEL)EBL1991743(CaPaEBR)ebr10675811(MiAaPQ)EBC1991743(EXLCZ)99255000000103930520080707d2008 ub 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrMary Austin and the American West[electronic resource] /Susan Goodman, Carl DawsonBerkeley University of California Pressc20081 online resource (369 p.)"Simpson, imprint in humanities".0-520-24635-7 Includes bibliographical references (p. 273-311) and index.Frontmatter -- Contents -- Preface -- Chronology of Mary Austin's life and work -- 1. Desert Places 1868-1892 -- 2. Owens Valley: 1892-1900 -- 3. Independence: 1900-1905 -- 4. Carmel: 1904-1907 -- 5. In Italy and England: 1907-1910 -- 6. New York: 1911-1914 -- 7. The Village: 1914-1920 -- 8. The Call of the West: 1920-1924 -- 9. Santa Fe: 1924-1929 -- 10. Indian Detours and Spanish Arts -- 11. Last Years: 1929-1934 -- 12. The Accounting -- Notes -- IndexMary Austin (1868-1934)-eccentric, independent, and unstoppable-was twenty years old when her mother moved the family west. Austin's first look at her new home, glimpsed from California's Tejon Pass, reset the course of her life, "changed her horizons and marked the beginning of her understanding, not only about who she was, but where she needed to be." At a time when Frederick Jackson Turner had announced the closing of the frontier, Mary Austin became the voice of the American West. In 1903, she published her first book, The Land of Little Rain, a wholly original look at the West's desert and its ethnically diverse peoples. Defined in a sense by the places she lived, Austin also defined the places themselves, whether Bishop, in the Sierra Nevada, Carmel, with its itinerant community of western writers, or Santa Fe, where she lived the last ten years of her life. By the time of her death in 1934, Austin had published over thirty books and counted as friends the leading literary and artistic lights of her day. In this rich new biography, Susan Goodman and Carl Dawson explore Austin's life and achievement with unprecedented resonance, depth, and understanding. By focusing on one extraordinary woman's life, Mary Austin and the American West tells the larger story of the emerging importance of California and the Southwest to the American consciousness.Authors, American20th centuryBiographyWomen and literatureWest (U.S.)History20th centuryWestern storiesHistory and criticismWest (U.S.)In literature1903.american consciousness.american frontier.american history.american west.art and literature.biography autobiography.california.desert landscape.discussion books.engaging.ethnic diversity.frontier life.individual history.lifetime.literary influence.mary austin.men and women.move west.nonfiction.old west.regional history.retrospective.santa fe.sierra nevada.southwest.tejon pass.united states.western writers.wild west.Authors, AmericanWomen and literatureHistoryWestern storiesHistory and criticism.818/.5209BGoodman Susan1951-1636621Dawson Carl185163MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910828308403321Mary Austin and the American West4100748UNINA