04995nam 2200901 450 991082675510332120230125222546.01-78684-357-91-60649-985-8(CKB)2550000001290740(EBL)1685396(SSID)ssj0001540045(PQKBManifestationID)11859912(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001540045(PQKBWorkID)11533398(PQKB)10052344(OCoLC)880626294(CaBNVSL)swl00403406(Au-PeEL)EBL1685396(CaPaEBR)ebr10873421(CaONFJC)MIL604985(CaSebORM)9781606499849(MiAaPQ)EBC1685396(EXLCZ)99255000000129074020140525d2014 fy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrA professional and practitioner's guide to public relations research, measurement, and evaluation /David Michaelson and Don W. StacksSecond edition.New York, New York (222 East 46th Street, New York, NY 10017) :Business Expert Press,2014.1 online resource (288 p.)Public relations collection,2157-3476Part of: 2014 digital library.1-60649-984-X 1-306-73734-6 Includes bibliographical references (pages 259-264) and index.Part I. Introduction to public relations research, measurement, and evaluation -- 1. Introduction to research and evaluations in public relations -- 2. The move toward standardization -- 3. The business of public relations -- 4. Measuring public relations outcomes -- Part II. Qualitative methods for effective public relations research, measurement, and evaluation -- 5. Secondary research -- 6. Qualitative research methodologies -- 7. Content analysis -- Part III. Quantitative methods for effective public relations research, measurement, and evaluation -- 8. Survey methodology -- 9. Statistical reasoning -- 10. Sampling -- Part IV. Wrapping up -- 11. The application of standards and best practices in research and evaluation for public relations -- Appendix. Dictionary of public relations measurement and research -- References -- Index.Contemporary public relations practice has developed over the last several decades from the weak third sister in marketing, advertising, and public relations mix to a full player. To help you keep up to speed with the exciting changes and developments of publications, this book will provide you with the necessary understanding of the problems and promises of public relations research, measurement, and evaluation. As a public relations professional, this book will act as a guide to effective use of methods, measures, and evaluation in providing grounded evidence of the success (or failure) of public relations campaigns. This outstanding contribution takes a best practices approach--one that focuses on taking the appropriate method and rigorously applying that method to collect the data that best answers the objectives of the research. It also presents an approach to public relations that focuses on establishing the profession's impact on the client's return on investment in the public relations function, whether that function be aimed at internal or external audiences using standardized measures. By the end of the book, you will understand why and how research is conducted and will be able to apply best practice standards to any research done by supply-side vendors or internal research departments.2014 digital library.Public relations collection.2157-3476Public relationsEvaluationPublic relationsResearchpublic relationsnonfinancial indicatorsmedia analysismeasurementinterviewinggoals and objectivesfocus groupsexperimentationevaluationcontent analysissurvey and poll researchstatistical analysisstandardized measurementsecondary researchsamplingreturn on investment (ROI)return on expectation (ROE)researchresearch methodsqualitative researchquantitative researchPublic relationsEvaluation.Public relationsResearch.659.2Michaelson David.868995Stacks Don W.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910826755103321A professional and practitioner's guide to public relations research, measurement, and evaluation1940022UNINA