05370nam 2201237Ia 450 991078331680332120210618031229.00-520-93090-897866123574281-282-35742-51-59875-788-110.1525/9780520930902(CKB)1000000000030742(EBL)239444(OCoLC)475950695(SSID)ssj0000284821(PQKBManifestationID)11230237(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000284821(PQKBWorkID)10261889(PQKB)11492265(StDuBDS)EDZ0000055899(MiAaPQ)EBC239444(OCoLC)191946920(MdBmJHUP)muse30735(DE-B1597)520825(DE-B1597)9780520930902(Au-PeEL)EBL239444(CaPaEBR)ebr10089245(CaONFJC)MIL235742(dli)HEB07955(MiU)MIU01000000000000009613199(EXLCZ)99100000000003074220050630d2005 fy 0engurnn#---|u||utxtccrThere is no crime for those who have Christ[electronic resource] religious violence in the Christian Roman Empire /Michael GaddisBerkeley, Calif. ;London University of California Press20051 online resource (415 p.)The transformation of the classical heritage ;39"A Joan Palevsky Book in Classical Literature".0-520-28624-3 0-520-24104-5 Includes bibliographical references and index.Front matter --Contents --Preface and Acknowledgments --Abbreviations --Introduction --1. "What Has the Emperor to Do with the Church?" --2. "The God of the Martyrs Refuses You" --3. An Eye for an Eye --4. Temperata Severitas --5. "There Is No Crime for Those Who Have Christ" --6. "The Monks Commit Many Crimes" --7. "Sanctify Thy Hand by the Blow" --8. Non Iudicium sed Latrocinium --Conclusion --Bibliography --Index"There is no crime for those who have Christ," claimed a fifth-century zealot, neatly expressing the belief of religious extremists that righteous zeal for God trumps worldly law. This book provides an in-depth and penetrating look at religious violence and the attitudes that drove it in the Christian Roman Empire of the fourth and fifth centuries, a unique period shaped by the marriage of Christian ideology and Roman imperial power. Drawing together materials spanning a wide chronological and geographical range, Gaddis asks what religious conflict meant to those involved, both perpetrators and victims, and how violence was experienced, represented, justified, or contested. His innovative analysis reveals how various groups employed the language of religious violence to construct their own identities, to undermine the legitimacy of their rivals, and to advance themselves in the competitive and high-stakes process of Christianizing the Roman Empire. Gaddis pursues case studies and themes including martyrdom and persecution, the Donatist controversy and other sectarian conflicts, zealous monks' assaults on pagan temples, the tyrannical behavior of powerful bishops, and the intrigues of church councils. In addition to illuminating a core issue of late antiquity, this book also sheds light on thematic and comparative dimensions of religious violence in other times, including our own.Transformation of the classical heritage ;39.PersecutionViolenceReligious aspectsChristianityChurch history4th centuryChurch history5th centuryMartyrdomancient history.ancient rome.ancient world.antiquity.archaeology.bishop.christian roman empire.christian sects.christianity.church councils.cloister.conversion.crusade.donatist controversy.early church.empire.holy war.imperialism.inquisition.law.martyr.massacres.missionary.monks.nonfiction.pagan temples.pagans.parrhesia.persecution.religion.religious conflict.religious extremism.religious violence.religious war.saint.temples.violence.zealots.Persecution.ViolenceReligious aspectsChristianity.Church historyChurch historyMartyrdom.270.2Gaddis Michael1970-295299MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910783316803321There is no crime for those who have Christ724600UNINA01242nam 2200421 450 991082644600332120230124191528.02-296-82133-22-296-46802-0(CKB)3230000000227398(MiAaPQ)EBC6669034(Au-PeEL)EBL6669034(OCoLC)1260345045(EXLCZ)99323000000022739820220702d2011 uy 0freurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAgir pour créer un rapport de force savoir, savoir agir et agir /sous la direction de Pierre TripierParis :L'Harmattan,[2011]©20111 online resource (128 pages)Questions contemporaines2-296-56178-0 Collection Questions contemporaines.Political sciencePhilosophyPolitical sciencePhilosophy.320.01Tripier PierreMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910826446003321Agir pour créer un rapport de force4083272UNINA