04006nam 2200529 450 991082633800332120230125192635.01-60650-719-2(CKB)3810000000019719(EBL)3017302(OCoLC)901045865(CaBNvSL)swl00404646(MiAaPQ)EBC3017302(Au-PeEL)EBL3017302(CaPaEBR)ebr11011858(OCoLC)923539541(EXLCZ)99381000000001971920190124d2015 uy 0engur|n|---|||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierPrinciples of electromagnetics5Wave applications /Arlon T. Adams, Jay K. Lee[Place of publication not identified] :Cognella Academic Publishing :Momentum Press Engineering,[2015]©20151 online resource (109 p.)Electrical power collectionIncludes index.1. Introduction to reflection and transmission of electromagnetic waves -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 Normal incidence at a dielectric boundary -- 1.3 Oblique incidence at a dielectric boundary -- 1.3.1 Perpendicular polarization -- 1.3.2 Parallel polarization -- 1.4 Total internal reflection -- 1.5 Brewster angle effect -- 1.6 Reflection from perfect conductor - standing wave -- 1.6.1 Standing waves -- 1.6.2 Normal incidence -- 2. Basics of waveguides, resonators and transmission lines -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Solution methods for uniform waveguides -- 2.3 Parallel-plate waveguide -- 2.3.1 TM mode solutions -- 2.3.2 TE mode solutions -- 2.3.3 Additional notes on solution method -- 2.4 Rectangular waveguide -- 2.4.1 General field solutions -- 2.4.2 TM mode solutions -- 2.4.3 TE mode solutions -- 2.5 Rectangular cavity resonator -- 2.5.1 TM mode solutions -- 2.5.2 TE mode solutions -- 2.5.3 Quality factor of the cavity resonator -- 2.6. Coaxial cable -- 2.6.1 TEM mode solution -- 2.7. Transmission lines -- 2.7.1 The transmission-line equations, lumped-circuit model -- 2.7.2 The transmission-line equations from field theory -- 2.7.3 Transmission-line circuit parameters -- 2.7.4 Finite transmission line with load.Electromagnetics is not an easy subject for students. The subject presents a number of challenges, such as: new math, new physics, new geometry, new insights and difficult problems. As a result, every aspect needs to be presented to students carefully, with thorough mathematics and strong physical insights and even alternative ways of viewing and formulating the subject. The theoretician James Clerk Maxwell and the experimentalist Michael Faraday, both shown on the cover, had high respect for physical insights. This book is written primarily as a text for an undergraduate course in electromagnetics, taken by junior and senior engineering and physics students. The book can also serve as a text for beginning graduate courses by including advanced subjects and problems. The book has been thoroughly class-tested for many years for a two-semester Electromagnetics course at Syracuse University for electrical engineering and physics students. It could also be used for a one-semester course, covering up through Chapter 8 and perhaps skipping Chapter 4 and some other parts. For a one-semester course with more emphasis on waves, the instructor could briefly cover basic materials from statics (mainly Chapters 2 and 6) and then cover Chapters 8 through 12.Electrical power collection.ElectromagnetismElectromagnetic wavesElectromagnetism.Electromagnetic waves.537Adams Arlon T.1619036Lee Jay K.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910826338003321Principles of electromagnetics3951079UNINA