01866nam 22003613a 450 991076575150332120231101185746.097814780915781478091576(CKB)5490000000052500(ScCtBLL)e1d2a580-e8ac-4b1d-b48e-54509750cc22(EXLCZ)99549000000005250020211214i20122019 uu enguru||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAll in the Family On Community and Incommensurability /Kennan FergusonDurham, NC :Duke University Press,2012.1 online resource (215 p.)Western political philosophers since Plato have used the family as a model for harmonious political and social relations. Yet, far from being an uncontentious domain for shared interests and common values, the family is often the scene of intense interpersonal conflict and disagreement. In All in the Family, the political theorist Kennan Ferguson reconsiders the family, in its varied forms, as an exemplar of democratic politics and suggests how real rather than idealized family dynamics can help us to better understand and navigate political conflict. By closely observing the attachments that arise in families despite profound disagreements and incommensurabilities, Ferguson argues, we can imagine a political engagement that accommodates radical differences without sacrificing community.Political Science / History & TheorybisacshPolitical sciencePolitical Science / History & TheoryPolitical science.Ferguson Kennan1452222ScCtBLLScCtBLLBOOK9910765751503321All in the Family3653487UNINA