03784nam 2200709Ia 450 991082543370332120130228224912.01-78190-538-X1-299-05041-7(CKB)2550000001003960(EBL)1123226(OCoLC)828299209(SSID)ssj0000906512(PQKBManifestationID)11507970(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000906512(PQKBWorkID)10843831(PQKB)10798153(MiAaPQ)EBC1123226(Au-PeEL)EBL1123226(CaPaEBR)ebr10654604(CaONFJC)MIL436291(OCoLC)828709720(UtOrBLW)bslw09019794(PPN)187305315(EXLCZ)99255000000100396020130228d2013 uy 0engurun|||||||||txtccrClass and stratification analysis[electronic resource] /edited by Gunn Elisabeth Birkelund1st ed.Bingley Emerald20131 online resource (400 p.)Comparative social research,0195-6310 ;v. 30Description based upon print version of record.1-78190-537-1 Includes bibliographical references.Introduction / Gunn Elisabeth Birkelund -- Class, occupation, wages, and skills : the iron law of labor market inequality / Carl le Grand, Michael TÃ¥hlin -- Educational choices and social interactions : a formal model and a computational test / Gianluca Manzo -- Occupational standing and occupational stratification by cognitive ability / Min-Hsiung Huang -- Analysing intergenerational transmissions : from social mobility to social reproduction / Steffen Hillmert -- Inching up : the labour market position of the second-generation immigrants in Britain and the United States (1990-2000) / Yaojun Li -- Lifestyles and social stratification : an explorative study of France and Norway / Gunn Elisabeth Birkelund, Yannick Lemel -- From abstract to concrete : the practical relevance of parents' economic and cultural capital for persistence in higher education / Liza Reisel -- Completion of upper secondary education : what mechanisms are at stake? / Martin D. Munk -- Identifying and explaining hidden disadvantage within the non-manual group in higher education access / Delma Byrne, Selina McCoy -- Measuring social inequality in educational attainment / Ottar Hellevik -- Reproduction of economic inequalities : are the figures for the United States and United Kingdom too high? / Gary N. Marks -- The international standard classification of education 2011 / Silke L. Schneider.This volume of Comparative Social Research emphasizes unsolved issues and new developments within class and stratification analysis, discussing both theoretical and methodological innovations and revisions.Comparative social research ;v. 30.Social ScienceResearchbisacshSocial ScienceGeneralbisacshSocial classesbicsscSocial research & statisticsbicsscSocial classesResearchSocial stratificationResearchSocial ScienceResearch.Social ScienceGeneral.Social classes.Social research & statistics.Social classesResearch.Social stratificationResearch.305.5Birkelund Gunn Elisabeth1683802UtOrBLWUtOrBLWBOOK9910825433703321Class and stratification analysis4054874UNINA