02844nam 2200577 450 991082519100332120230803032934.03-8428-3914-6(CKB)2670000000523534(EBL)1594191(OCoLC)867931092(SSID)ssj0001188658(PQKBManifestationID)11799363(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001188658(PQKBWorkID)11141113(PQKB)10169760(MiAaPQ)EBC1594191(Au-PeEL)EBL1594191(CaPaEBR)ebr10850886(EXLCZ)99267000000052353420140408h20132013 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrShareholder activism by hedge funds motivations and market's perceptions of hedge fund interventions /Mihaela ButuHamburg, Germany :Diplomica Verlag GmbH,2013.©20131 online resource (58 p.)Reihe Alternative Investments ;Band 5Description based upon print version of record.3-8428-8914-3 Includes bibliographical references.Shareholder Activismby Hedge Funds; Table of contents; List of figures; List of tables; 1 Introduction; 2 Shareholder Activism; 2.1 Activism by traditional institutions; 2.2 Activism by hedge funds; 3 Data and overview of types of activism; 3.1 The sample; 3.2 Classification of events by type of activism; 3.3 Examples of activist events; 4 Stock returns on hedge fund activism; 4.1 Methodology; 4.2 Empirical results; 5 Summary and conclusion; Appendix: Two examples of activist events - Schedule 13D; ReferencesIn recent years, hedge funds' successful interventions in some large public companies have revealed their critical role in the corporate governance landscape in the United States and Europe. Due to public opinion, this new form of shareholder activism is accompanied by much polemic. This study examines the nature of hedge fund activism, the types of them, and the market's perception of interventions in the United States. Starting with a distinction between shareholder activism by traditional institutions, and activism performed by hedge funds, the study elucidates why the latter may be more efCorporationsInvestor relationsGermanyStockholdersGermanyHedge fundsGermanyCorporationsInvestor relationsStockholdersHedge funds659.285Butu Mihaela1721590MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910825191003321Shareholder activism by hedge funds4121316UNINA