03694nam 2200625 a 450 991082488000332120230124190327.01-283-44542-597866134454211-84540-305-3(CKB)2670000000133840(EBL)831733(OCoLC)769344440(SSID)ssj0000637747(PQKBManifestationID)12311403(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000637747(PQKBWorkID)10707342(PQKB)10404290(MiAaPQ)EBC831733(Au-PeEL)EBL831733(CaPaEBR)ebr10528067(CaONFJC)MIL344542(EXLCZ)99267000000013384020040617h20112006 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrLectures in the history of political thought[electronic resource] /Michael Oakeshott ; edited by Terry Nardin and Luke O'Sullivan[England] Andrews UK2011, c20061 online resource (563 p.)Selected writings / Michael Oakeshott ;v. 2Originally published in the U.K. by Imprint Academic.Originally published in the U.S.A. by Imprint Academic.1-84540-093-3 Includes bibliographical references.Cover; Contents; Front Matter; Title Page; Publisher Information; Preface; Editors' Introduction; Body Matter; Introduction; The Political Experience of the Ancient Greeks; The Greek Image of the World; The Political Thought of the Ancient Greeks (1); The Political Thought of the Ancient Greeks (2); Aristotle (1); Aristotle (2); Plato (1); Plato (2); Stoics and Epicureans; The Political Experience of the Ancient Romans (1); The Political Experience of the Ancient Romans (2); Roman Political Thought (1); Roman Political Thought (2); Roman Political Thought (3); Medieval Political ExperienceMedieval GovernmentThe Medieval Theory of Empire; Medieval Law; Medieval Parliaments; Medieval Political Philosophy (1): Augustine; Medieval Political Philosophy (2): Aquinas; The Character of a Modern European State; The Generation of a Modern State; Modern European Political Thought; Interpretations of the Modern European State (1); Interpretations of the Modern European State (2); The Authority of Governments and the Obligations of Subjects (1); The Authority of Governments and the Obligations of Subjects (2); The Authority of Governments and the Obligations of Subjects (3)The Office of Government (1)The Office of Government (2); Back Matter; Also AvailableOakeshott's memorable lectures on the history of political thought, delivered each year at the London School of Economics, will now be available in print for the first time as Volume II of his Selected Writings. Based on manuscripts in the LSE archive for 1966-67, the last year of Oakeshott's tenure as Professor of Political Science, these thirty lectures deal with Greek, Roman, mediaeval, and modern European political thought in a uniquely accessible manner. Scholars familiar with Oakeshott...Michael Oakeshott Selected Writings, 1Political scienceHistoryPolitical scienceHistory.320.01Oakeshott Michael1901-1990.120291Nardin Terry1942-282505O'Sullivan Luke1602222MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910824880003321Lectures in the history of political thought4049027UNINA