04911 am 2201045 n 450 9910632701703321202210012-8028-0262-310.4000/books.pusl.27782(CKB)4100000012898283(FrMaCLE)OB-pusl-27782(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/95315(PPN)267246579(EXLCZ)99410000001289828320221201j|||||||| ||| 0enguu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierCognition and Contrast Festschrift for / für Prof. Dr. Sabine De Knop /Bruxelles Presses de l’Université Saint-Louis20221 online resource (340 p.)Collection générale2-8028-0260-7 Since the beginning of her career, Professor Sabine De Knop has been doing research within the frameworks of Cognitive and Contrastive Linguistics and has mainly distinguished herself in three research areas: Language & Cognition, Construction Grammar and Applied linguistics. This volume brings together a range of contributions which open up new perspectives on these three topics, either within one language or from a contrastive perspective. They are written by linguists who have worked with Professor Sabine De Knop at some point in her career. The papers propose new theoretical and empirical insights as well as innovative pedagogical practices in the fields of language and proficiency. Professorin Sabine De Knop arbeitet seit Beginn ihrer Karriere im Bereich der kognitiven und kontrastiven Linguistik und zeichnet sich vor allem in drei Forschungsbereichen aus: Sprache & Kognition, Konstruktionsgrammatik und Angewandte Linguistik & Fremdsprachendidaktik. Diese Festschrift besteht aus einer Reihe von Beiträgen, die sich mit einer oder mehreren Sprachen befassen und ein neues Licht auf diese drei Themen werfen. Die Beiträge stammen von SprachwissenschaftlerInnen, die im Laufe ihrer Karriere mit Professorin Sabine De Knop zusammengearbeitet haben, und diskutieren sowohl theoretische und empirische Erkenntnisse als auch innovative pädagogische Ansätze in der Fremdsprachendidaktik.Language & LinguisticsLinguistique cognitiveLinguistique contrastiveGrammaire de constructionDidactique des langues étrangèresCognitive LinguisticsContrastive LinguisticsConstruction GrammarForeign Language TeachingKognitive LinguistikKontrastive LinguistikKonstuktionsgrammatikFremdsprachendidaktikCognitive LinguisticsContrastive LinguisticsConstruction GrammarForeign Language TeachingLanguage & LinguisticsLinguistique cognitiveLinguistique contrastiveGrammaire de constructionDidactique des langues étrangèresCognitive LinguisticsContrastive LinguisticsConstruction GrammarForeign Language TeachingKognitive LinguistikKontrastive LinguistikKonstuktionsgrammatikFremdsprachendidaktikBagli Marco1231698Baicchi Annalisa1224774Boas Hans C1341554Bouveret Myriam1177108Broccias Cristiano624739Engelberg Stefan301758Gallez Françoise1341555Gauthier Justine1341556Gilquin Gaëtanelle608495Habermann Mechthild317894Herbst Thomas636864Hermann Manon1341557Laporte Samantha842991Mellado Blanco Carmen1341558Meunier Fanny1113605Mollica Fabio732364Muñoz Ferran Suñer1341559Perrez Julien1341560Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez Francisco José1341561Sambre Paul1341562Schafroth Elmar184607Temmerman Tanja1341563Thewissen Jennifer1341564Van Keirsbilck Pascale1341565Vincent Arnaud1341566Wermuth Cornelia1341567Ziem Alexander764013Gallez Françoise1341555Hermann Manon1341557FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910632701703321Cognition and Contrast3064173UNINA03190nam 2200565 450 991082430350332120230717151321.01-283-00692-897866130069291-58948-303-0(CKB)3390000000011236(SSID)ssj0000543181(PQKBManifestationID)12195941(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000543181(PQKBWorkID)10530450(PQKB)10623293(MiAaPQ)EBC3238270(Au-PeEL)EBL3238270(CaPaEBR)ebr10931732(CaONFJC)MIL300692(OCoLC)923762389(EXLCZ)99339000000001123620080519d2008 uy| 0engurcnu||||||||txtccrBuilding a GIS system architecture design strategies for managers /Dave PetersFirst edition.Redlands, California :ESRI Press,2008.1 online resource (347 pages) color illustrations, color mapsIncludes index.1-58948-307-3 1-58948-159-3 I: Understanding the GIS software technology -- System design process -- GIS software technology -- Software performance -- GIS data administration -- II: Understanding the IT infrastructure -- Network communications -- GIS product architecture -- Platform performance -- Information security -- III: Putting it all together -- Performance fundamentals -- Capacity planning tool -- City of Rome case study -- System implementation."Building a GIS, second edition, describes and updates a time-tested approach to system architecture design. Using the Capacity Planning Tool (on the book's DVD), GIS managers and technical architects can try out various system configurations in theory before committing their resources. The book promotes successful GIS operations and is intended for IT experts adopting the technology, GIS professionals new to system design, and executives who need to manage change. This second edition has been thoroughly revised and restructured. Graphics have been updated and numerous illustrations added. Exercises and video presentations on the DVD are designed to help students of system architecture design focus on the most important concepts and hone their expertise. The DVD included with this book contains the Capacity Planning Tool, hardware specifications information, and instructional exercises and videos. You need Microsoft Excel 2003 or higher to use the Capacity Planning Tool, and Adobe Reader to view exercise content and a new segment on training guidelines. QuickTimeʼ media player is needed to view the videos"--Provided by publisher.Geographic information systemsDesignGeographic information systemsDesign.910.285TEC036000bisacshST 630rvkPeters Dave1948-1614311MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910824303503321Building a GIS3944087UNINA