02986nam0 2200409 450 00001982320220616134646.07.n, n.of t.by aiwa (3) 1785 (R)feiUNIPARTHENOPE (Vol. 1)eI*A 03ba a-ce Iomo (3) 1785 (R)feiUNIPARTHENOPE (Vol. 2)I.it keng X.d. evth (3) 1785 (R)feiUNIPARTHENOPE (Vol. 3)20081124d1785----km-y0itay50------baengGBa---j---ega------yyybb1001--bf-u0dd-UNIPARTHENOPE--------------------------------------------------------------<<A >>voyage to the Pacific Ocean Undertaken by the command of His Majesty, for making discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere ... in the years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, and 1780... by Captain James Cook ... In three volumes. Vol. 1. and 2. written by Captain James Cook, vol. 3. by Captain James King, ...The second editionLondonPrinted by H. Hughes, for G. Nicol and T. Cadell17853 v.ill., pls. fold. mapsfol.Segn. vol. 1: [pigreco]2 a-m/4 A-3H/4. - La c. 3H/4 biancaSegn. vol. 2: [pigreco]2 A/4 a/2 B-3Z/4 4A/2Segn. vol. 3: [pigreco]2 A/4 a/2 B-4B/4 4C/2Vol. 1-3: Legature in quarto di pelle su piatti di cartone ricoperti di c. dec. (31x24 cm.); dorsi con A., tit., indicazione del vol. e fregi impressi in oro; ivi, inoltre, etichette con antica segnature; imbrunimento delle carte; carte scuciteUNIPARTHENOPEVol. 1-3: Sulle controguardie ant. antiche segnature mss.: 81 i 2 [n.i.]; 8-C [n.i.]; Classe XI N.° 188 Ingresso n° 4188 del Registro inventario della Regia Marina Biblioteca dipartimentale di Napoli; sul r. della c. di g. ant. antiche segnature mss.: 2L-II-7 [n.i.]; E-V-3 [n.i.]; class. dewey dell'IUN: 910.45; Timbro B della Reale Biblioteca di Marina; errore di legatura nel vol. 1: il fasc. A rilegato erroneamente prima dei fasc. a-m/4UNIPARTHENOPEVol. 1: [4], xcvi, 421, [3] p., [7] c. di tav.Vol. 2: [4], 548 p., [11] c. di tav.Vol. 3: [16], 556 p., [7] c. di tav.Gran BretagnaLondra910.4521Narrazioni di viaggi e avventure di mareCook,James<1728-1779>070328913King,James,<1750-1784>0701231700Nicol,George<1769-1829>650Cadell,Thomas650Due Sicilie : Ministero della guerra e della marina390ITUNIPARTHENOPE20081124RICAUNIMARC000019823BORB-M-11/I-III4188 (3)FB2008Voyage to the Pacific Ocean Undertaken by the command of His Majesty, for making discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere ... in the years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, and 1780... by Captain James Cook ... In three volumes. Vol. 1. and 2. written by Captain James Cook, vol. 3. by Captain James King, ..2860007UNIPARTHENOPE02222oam 2200685 450 991071699100332120220118111504.0(CKB)5470000002526282(OCoLC)777159342(OCoLC)995470000002526282(EXLCZ)99547000000252628220120213j197605 ua 0engur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierInvestigation of two bifurcated-duct inlet systems from Mach 0 to 2.0 over a wide range of angles of attack /Eldon A. LathamMoffett Field, California :Ames Research Center,May 1976.1 online resource (79 pages) illustrationsNASA TM ;X-73118"May 1976."Includes appendix.Includes bibliographical references (page 22).Supersonic inletsnasatAerodynamicsnasatMach numbernasatAerodynamicsJet enginesAir intakesAirplanesAir ductsAir ductsAerodynamicsAerodynamicsfastAir ductsAerodynamicsfastAirplanesAir ductsfastJet enginesAir intakesfastSupersonic inlets.Aerodynamics.Mach number.Aerodynamics.Jet enginesAir intakes.AirplanesAir ducts.Air ductsAerodynamics.Aerodynamics.Air ductsAerodynamics.AirplanesAir ducts.Jet enginesAir intakes.Latham Eldon A.1413751Ames Research Center,United States.National Aeronautics and Space Administration,OCLCEOCLCEOCLCQOCLCFOCLCOOCLCQGPOBOOK9910716991003321Investigation of two bifurcated-duct inlet systems from Mach 0 to 2.0 over a wide range of angles of attack3510961UNINA