02440nam 22004573u 450 991082416850332120230617041233.01-280-40303-90-203-39811-41-134-30558-31-134-30559-1(CKB)2460000000006240(EBL)198441(OCoLC)252823210(MiAaPQ)EBC198441(EXLCZ)99246000000000624020130418d2005|||| u|| |engur|n|---|||||Management in Transitional Economies[electronic resource] From the Berlin Wall to the Great Wall of ChinaHoboken Taylor and Francis20051 online resource (221 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-415-33194-3 Book Cover; Title; Contents; List of figures; List of tables; Notes on contributors; Preface; List of abbreviations; System change; Introduction: from plan to market; Country and regional studies; Central Europe 1: successful transformation; Central Europe 2: 'Valleys of Tears'; Russia: the hard road from perestroika; China: 'crossing the river by feeling the stones'; Vietnam: a pragmatic hybrid model; Synthesis and conclusions; Conclusions: process and outcomes; Statistical appendix; References; IndexBased on extensive research, this comparative study examines the past, present and future of management in the transitional economies of East and Central Europe, Russia, the People's Republic of China, and Vietnam. It discusses the nature of the transition process, identifying different transition paths, highlighting common features and outlining useful theoretical approaches. Each chapter covers a wide range of aspects of management in the countries covered, including details of the historical and cultural background, the transition process, and both external and internal factors, and the macManagementManagement.330.9171/7Edwards Vincent1947-460662Polonsky Gennadij1701358Pucko Danijel1701359Warner Malcolm116531Zhu Ying711931AU-PeELAU-PeELAU-PeELBOOK9910824168503321Management in Transitional Economies4085029UNINA