02577nam 22004453u 450 991082372310332120230422044323.00-203-22087-01-280-11098-81-135-80271-80-203-29637-01-135-80270-X(CKB)1000000000255733(EBL)171779(OCoLC)277681723(MiAaPQ)EBC171779(EXLCZ)99100000000025573320130418d1999|||| u|| |engTransport Investment and Economic Development[electronic resource]Hoboken Taylor and Francis19991 online resource (383 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-419-25590-7 0-419-25600-8 Book Cover; Title; Contents; List of figures; Acknowledgements; Objectives and scope; Background and objectives; Scope of analysis: definitions, approach and methodological framework; Contemporary issues; Transport infrastructure investment; The evolving economy; Social, spatial and environmental effects; Methodology: analytical approaches and modelling; Modelling the growth effects of transport capital investments: a macro level analysis; Economic evaluation of transportation projects; A model of transport infrastructure development and local economic growth; Empirical case studiesThe economic impacts of roads The economic impacts of rail; The economic impacts of airports; Interpretation of impacts and policy conclusions; References; IndexA major concern of all decision makers has been to ensure that there are clear benefits from transport investment proposals. The travel time savings are clear, but the wider economic developments have presented enormous difficulty in terms of both theoretical arguments and empirical evidence. This book reviews the history of the debate and argues that the agenda has changed.These issues are presented together with a major analytical investigation of macroeconomic models, evaluation in transport and microeconomic approaches. The final part of the book presents a series of case studies for rTransportationTransportation.388.0490941Banister David128819Berechman Joseph480177AU-PeELAU-PeELAU-PeELBOOK9910823723103321Transport Investment and Economic Development4015255UNINA