03405nam 22006734a 450 991082361640332120080627093253.01-282-92060-X97866129206080-8223-8459-010.1515/9780822384595(CKB)1000000000757791(EBL)1167874(OCoLC)850217883(SSID)ssj0000391776(PQKBManifestationID)12146355(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000391776(PQKBWorkID)10346730(PQKB)10143702(OCoLC)232657381(MiAaPQ)EBC1167874(OCoLC)1143296790(MdBmJHUP)muse79769232657381(DE-B1597)551910(DE-B1597)9780822384595(OCoLC)1058399211(EXLCZ)99100000000075779120080627d2003 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrClose reading[electronic resource] the reader /edited by Frank Lentricchia and Andrew DuBoisDurham [N.C.] Duke University Press20031 online resource (405 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-8223-3039-3 0-8223-3026-1 Includes bibliographical references and index.Close reading : an introduction /Andrew Dubois --Poetry : a note on ontology /John Crowe Ransom --Keats's Sylvan historian : history without footnotes /Cleanth Brooks --Symbolic action in a poem by Keats /Kenneth Burke --The Ekphrastic principle and the still movement of poetry; or Laokoon revisited /Murray Krieger --Examples of Wallace Stevens /R.P. Blackmur --How to do things with Wallace Stevens /Frank Lentricchia --Stevens and Keat's "To autumn" /Helen Vendler --"Lycidas" : a poem finally anonymous /Stanley Fish --Literary history and literary modernity /Paul de Man --Acts of cultural criticism /Roland Barthes --Nostalgia for the present /Fredric Jameson --The Mousetrap /Catherine Gallagher,Stephen Greenblatt --Jane Austen's cover story (and its secret agents) /Sandra Gilbert,Susan Gubar --Jane Austen and the masturbating girl /Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick --Ulysses and the twentieth century /Franco Moretti --To move without moving : an analysis of creativity and commerce in Ralph Ellison's Trueblood episode /Houston A. Baker, Jr. --The world and the home /Homi Bhabha.A reader intended for courses, presenting the continuity of close reading from New Criticism through poststructuralism.e-Duke books scholarly collection.English literatureHistory and criticismTheory, etcAmerican literatureHistory and criticismTheory, etcBooks and readingEnglish-speaking countriesEnglish literatureHistory and criticismTheory, etc.American literatureHistory and criticismTheory, etc.Books and reading820.9Lentricchia Frank220708DuBois Andrew(Andrew Lee)1615714NcDNcDBOOK9910823616403321Close reading3946033UNINA