03529nam 2200601 450 991082358830332120200520144314.00-252-09735-1(CKB)3710000000465798(EBL)3440685(SSID)ssj0001546484(PQKBManifestationID)16141240(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001546484(PQKBWorkID)14796346(PQKB)11725964(MiAaPQ)EBC3440685(OCoLC)919002338(MdBmJHUP)muse49055(Au-PeEL)EBL3440685(CaPaEBR)ebr11092110(CaONFJC)MIL823957(EXLCZ)99371000000046579820150901h20151992 uy| 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrBrazil and the dialectic of colonization /Alfredo Bosi ; translated by Robert Patrick NewcombUrbana :University of Illinois Press,[2015]©19921 online resource (393 p.)Translation of Dialetica da colonização.0-252-08084-X 0-252-03930-0 Includes bibliographical references and index.Author's note to the North American edition -- 1. Colony, cult, and culture -- 2. Anchieta, or the crossed arrows of the sacred -- 3. From our former state to the mercantile machine -- 4. Vieira, or the cross of inequality -- 5. Antonil, or the tears of trade goods -- 6. A sacrificial myth: Alencar's Indianism -- 7. Slavery between two liberalisms -- 8. Under the sign of ham -- 9. The archeology of the welfare state -- 10. Brazilian culture and Brazilian cultures -- Postscript to "Brazilian culture and Brazilian cultures" (1992) -- A retrospective glance -- Epilogue (2001).A classic of Brazilian literary criticism and historiography, Brazil and the Dialectic of Colonization explores the unique character of Brazil from its colonial beginnings to its emergence as a modern nation. This translation presents the thought of Alfredo Bosi, one of contemporary Brazil's leading intellectuals, to an English-speaking audience. Portugal extracted wealth from its Brazilian colony. Slaves--first indigenous peoples, later Africans--mined its ore and cut its sugarcane. From the customs of the colonists and the aspirations of the enslaved rose Brazil. Bosi scrutinizes signal points in the creation of Brazilian culture--the plays and poetry, the sermons of missionaries and Jesuit priests, the Indian novels of Jose de Alencar and the Voices of Africa of poet Castro Alves. His portrait of the country's response to the pressures of colonial conformity offers a groundbreaking appraisal of Brazilian culture as it emerged from the tensions between imposed colonial control and the African and Amerindian cults--including the Catholic-influenced ones--that resisted it.National characteristics, Brazilian, in literatureBrazilian literatureHistory and criticismBrazilColonial influenceNational characteristics, Brazilian, in literature.Brazilian literatureHistory and criticism.981Bosi Alfredo174081Newcomb Robert PatrickMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910823588303321Brazil and the dialectic of colonization4041475UNINA